• Project

I-90, SR 202, SR 203 & SR 900 – Adaptive Management

Project overview

The project has four locations: Interstate 90 at Issaquah Creek and tributaries, State Route 202 at Little Bear Creek, SR 203 at Thayer Creek, and SR 900 at Green Creek. Each project will enhance fish habitat and allow for fish passage by adding meander bars, modifying stream bed material, installing aquatards (material such as shale, clay and silt that does not easily allow water to pass through it) and moving woody material.

Summer 2025 - Summer 2026
Project status
$1.23 million

What to expect

Travelers can expect single-lane closures with flaggers in place for the adaptive management projects on I-90 at Issaquah Creek and tributary, SR 202 at Little Bear Creek, SR 203 at Thayer Creek and SR 900 at Green Creek.

Four sites will improve fish habitat: I-90 at Issaquah Creek and tributary, SR 202 at Little Bear Creek, SR 203 at Thayer Creek and SR 900 at Green Creek.