• Project

I-90 Soderman Creek/SR 202 Unnamed Tributary to Patterson Creek - Fish Passage

Project overview

Several blocked culverts below Interstate 90 and State Route 202 in east King County are a barrier to fish migration and will be replaced with new, larger culverts beginning in 2025. Contractor crews working for WSDOT will replace three culverts under I-90 in Preston and one culvert under SR 202 between Fall City and Redmond. Replacing these blocked passages will reopen miles of fish habitat and improve each area for other wildlife.

Fall 2021 – Fall 2030
Project status
$27.3 million

What to expect

Construction is expected to begin in 2028. The traffic management plan is still being developed, but travelers should expect to use a temporary bypass as work occurs on either direction of I-90. This traffic shift will keep vehicles moving while crews work on one direction of I-90 at a time. Lane closures may also be needed. A section of Upper Preston Road Southeast between 312th Way Southeast and Preston-Fall City Road will also close as part of the work.

Crews will need a full closure of SR 202 near East Main Street in order to install the new structure. WSDOT is still determining the closure duration and detour.

This project will focus on two culvert locations: I-90 near Preston and SR 202 between Fall City and Redmond.