Traffic change coming to southbound SR 3 exit to Chico Way near Bremerton

Fish barrier removal project moves into new phase of construction as soon as April 8

BREMERTON – As soon as Friday evening, April 8, southbound State Route 3 travelers exiting to Chico Way Northwest must turn right, or south toward Bremerton. Drivers will not be allowed to turn left, or north to Silverdale. This traffic change will be in place through fall 2023.

Contractor crews from Guy F. Atkinson Construction will create a new work zone on Chico Way Northwest at the SR 3 interchange. The change is related to a major fish barrier removal project that will enter a new phase of construction.

"We know this will be an inconvenience for some travelers, however we'll be able keep both lanes of Chico Way open during this phase of work," said Project Engineer Lone Moody.

What is happening?

A tributary to Chico Creek flows under Chico Way Northwest at the SR 3 interchange. The existing culvert under the road is a barrier to fish. To remove this barrier, crews will build a new 50-foot-long bridge over Chico Creek.

Crews will keep people moving on Chico Way Northwest by keeping one open lane in each direction. The lanes will be shifted and narrowed approaching the SR 3 interchange. Pedestrians and bicyclists will be able use Chico Way Northwest at the SR 3 interchange without restrictions.

Once complete, the bridge will carry Chico Way Northwest over a new improved streambed that will help create and expand habitat for fish.

Real-time travel information on state highways in Kitsap County is available online. Travelers are encouraged to sign up for email alerts and download the WSDOT mobile app.

Slow down on ice and snow.

It's easier to skid or lose control traveling at higher speeds. Give yourself more time to stop.

Carry chains, practice installing them.

Winter conditions could mean chains are required on your route. Practice putting them on your vehicle ahead of time.

Pack your winter car kit.

Carry extra supplies like warm clothing, ice scraper and brush, jumper cables and other emergency items.