WSDOT opens new Good To Go! system with updated online features ahead of schedule

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Chris Foster, communications

Customers asked to be patient asnew system comes online

SEATTLE – The Washington State Department of Transportation launched the new Good To Go! today, July 12, following a 10-day closure while the department worked to transition to the new system. The transition work – which was expected to take up to two weeks – was completed ahead of schedule, allowing WSDOT to move up rollout the new system.

Along with a redesigned, the new system includes a suite of features requested by customers during the past 10 years. And while WSDOT is excited to share the new system, customers are encouraged to be patient when returning to the website and contacting the Good To Go! call center.

“While the transition work is complete, this is just the start of major adjustment period for our customers as they get used to the new system,” said WSDOT Toll Division Director Edward Barry. “It will take a while to settle into a new normal for both our customers and our new call center.”

To help customers learn how to use the new self-service features, WSDOT created a series of videos showing how to accomplish common tasks online. WSDOT hopes that providing these resources will help customers navigate the new system and minimize confusion, in addition to helping them avoid potentially long wait times at the call center.

WSDOT has begun to post trips to Good To Go! accounts and customers may see charges to their credit card or bank account if their Good To Go! account replenishes. It will take a while for WSDOT to process all trips which occurred during the closure.

No rush to complete toll tasks
Given the complexity of the transition, WSDOT and its vendors will be carefully monitoring the system. WSDOT is also asking customers to wait a while before visiting the new site or calling customer service if their question is not urgent. With the launch of the new system, customers with unpaid tolls will have at least two extra weeks to pay. WSDOT hopes this additional time will help ease the rush of activity following the reopening.

“We want to thank our customers for their continued patience throughout this process,” Barry said. “While there will be an initial learning curve, in the long-term these changes should make it easier for them to manage their accounts.”

For updates, and to learn more about the new system, customers can visit the transition webpage, and follow Good To Go! on social media.

Background on new Good To Go! system
The previous Good To Go! system was designed 10 years ago. Both technology and customer needs have changed significantly in that time. WSDOT awarded the contract to design and implement the new system to ETAN and the new contract to operate the call center to Shimmick. These updates will improve the customer experience by offering new payment options, new ways to manage accounts, more self-service features, improved notifications and improvements to

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