Minimum bid
Zoning information
Neighborhood Park, Whatcom County, 360-778-6200
Zoning description
The parcel is zoned Neighborhood Park by Whatcom County
Tax parcel number
#3703170903900000, Address: Old Samish Rd. Bellingham, WA
Location and size
A 3.85+/- acre irregular shaped parcel that is located on the north side of I-5, just south of Bellingham in Lake Padden Park.
Abbreviated legal and acquisitions information
Ptn. SW 1/4 NW 1/4, Sec 17, T 37 N, R 3 E, W.M. The parcel was acquired by Warranty Deed recorded under Whatcom Auditor File Number 915992
Topography and cover
The subject site is fairly level with some brush and trees abutting I-5 and is covered in gravelly sandy silt soil. There are noted active rock fall areas in the area of this site.
No utilities on site. All standard utilities are available in the area but will need to be extended to parcel when land is developed.
Special conditions
For land usage requirements/restrictions, contact the local jurisdiction. Parcel does not have direct access to I-5’s limited access and due to abutting park area
Greg Snelson