• Project

SR 103 - US 101 to Stackpole Road - Chip Seal - Complete September 2021

Project overview

In summer of 2020 and 2021, WSDOT's contractor, Doolittle Construction, LLC. worked to repair and resurface a nearly 20-mile stretch of highway along State Route 103 and a short section of US 101 through Seaview, Long Beach, Ocean Side, Ocean Park and Oysterville, in Pacific County. Doing this work improved the driving surface and extended the useful life of the highway for many years to come.

April 2020 - Summer 2021
Project status
$1.7 million

What to expect

Final construction for this project ended in fall 2021.

In summer of 2020 and 2021, WSDOT's contractor, Doolittle Construction, LLC. worked to repair and resurface a nearly 20-mile stretch of highway along State Route 103 and a short section of US 101 through Seaview, Long Beach, Ocean Side, Ocean Park and Oysterville, in Pacific County.