Vancouver region Interstate 205 - Commute times

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Commute times for I-205 in the Vancouver region

Commute times

This page displays average (mean) and reliable (95th percentile) morning and evening peak commute times for weekday trips on I-205 between the I-5/I-205 interchange and the I-205 Glenn Jackson Bridge.

The average peak commute times indicate how long it took, on average, to make these trips during the worst part of the morning (or evening) commute in a given year. The reliable peak commute time shows how much time someone traveling during the worst part of the morning or evening commute would have to allow for their trip in order to arrive at their destination on time on 19 out of 20 days. For details on methodology to calculate commute times, refer to WSDOT's Handbook for Corridor Capacity Evaluation (PDF 5.9MB).

Sources: WSDOT Transportation Safety and Systems Analysis Division and WSDOT TRACFLOW (
Note:Travel times at posted speed are different in some years for some commutes due to the change in the trip length caused by changes in data collection device locations. Commute times are rounded to the nearest minute. GP and HOV commutes include only the freeway section, while transit includes the freeway section and city surface streets. In addition, the transit commute time is influenced by the number of scheduled stop and their times.

Performance highlights

The eight-mile commute between the I-5 interchange and the Glenn Jackson Bridge on I-205 during the morning peak took an average of 14 minutes, which was two minutes more than the 12 minutes in 2022, and nine minutes below the reliable travel time of 23 minutes.

The average travel time on I-205 from the Glenn Jackson Bridge to the I-5/I-205 interchange during the peak evening commute took 11 minutes, which was the same 11 minutes as in 2022, and four minutes below the reliable travel time of 15 minutes.

In 2022, the travel times were similar to 2021, except for one location. Commute travel times between the I-5 interchange and the Glenn Jackson Bridge on I-205 during the morning peak took an average of 12 minutes. This was two minutes more than the 10 minutes in 2021. The reliable travel time for this trip was 19 minutes.

The average travel time for the eight-mile trip on I-205 from the Glenn Jackson Bridge to the I-5/I-205 interchange during the peak evening commute took 11 minutes—the same as in 2021. The reliable travel time for this trip decreased three minutes, from 17 minutes in 2021 to 14 minutes in 2022.

In 2021, despite higher traffic volumes compared to 2020, both average and reliable peak southbound travel times were better or stayed the same compared to 2020. Making the eight-mile trip from the I-5/I-205 interchange to the Glenn Jackson Bridge on I-205 during the peak morning commute took an average of 10 minutes, the same as in 2020. The reliable travel time for this trip was 14 minutes, also the same as 2020.

The average travel time for the eight-mile trip on I-205 from the Glenn Jackson Bridge to the I-5/I-205 interchange during the peak evening commute took 11 minutes—one minute more than in 2020. The reliable travel time for this trip increased four minutes in 2021, from 13 minutes to 17 minutes.

In 2020, due to the statewide response to COVID-19, there was a significant decrease in commute times compared to the previous year. Making the eight-mile trip from the I-5/I-205 interchange to the Glenn Jackson Bridge on I-205 during the peak morning commute took an average of 10 minutes—seven minutes less than the 17 minutes it took in 2019. The reliable travel time on this trip went from 31 minutes in 2019 to 14 minutes in 2020.

Similarly, making the eight-mile trip from the I-205 Glenn Jackson Bridge to the I-5/I-205 interchange on I-205 during the peak evening commute took an average of 10 minutes—one minute less than in 2019. The reliable travel time on this trip decreased from 15 minutes in 2019 to 13 minutes in 2020.

In 2019, making the eight-mile trip from the I-5/I-205 interchange to the Glenn Jackson Bridge on I-205 during the peak morning commute took an average of 17 minutes—nine minutes more than the eight minutes it would have taken to travel the same route at the posted speed limit, but 14 minutes less than the reliable travel time of 31 minutes.

Similarly, making the eight-mile trip from the Glenn Jackson Bridge to the I-5/I-205 interchange on I-205 during the peak evening commute took an average of 11 minutes—three minutes more than the eight minutes it would have taken to travel the same route at the posted speed limit, and four minutes less than the reliable travel time of 15 minutes.

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