Vancouver region State Route 500 - Commute times
On this page:
Commute times for SR 500 in the Vancouver region
Commute times
This page displays average (mean) and reliable (95th percentile) morning and evening peak commute times for weekday trips on 5 miles of SR 500 between I-5 and the I-205 interchange. It also reports the average and reliable travel times for weekday trips from I-5 to the I-205 interchange.
The average peak commute times indicate how long it took, on average, to make these trips during the worst part of the morning (or evening) commute in a given year. The reliable peak commute time shows how much time someone traveling during the worst part of the morning or evening commute would have to allow for their trip in order to arrive at their destination on time on 19 out of 20 days. For details on methodology to calculate commute times, refer to WSDOT's
Handbook for Corridor Capacity Evaluation (PDF 5.9MB).
Sources: WSDOT Transportation Safety and Systems Analysis Division and WSDOT TRACFLOW (
Note: Transit commute travel times were collected for the first time in 2019. Travel times at posted speed are different in some years for some commutes due to the change in the trip length caused by changes in data collection device locations. Commute times are rounded to the nearest minute.
Performance highlights
In 2023, the average and reliable evening peak travel times improved for SR 500 compared to 2022 for both the I-205 to I-5 interchange and the I-5 interchange to I-205 interchange commutes.
The 5-mile trip from the I-5 interchange to the I-205 interchange on SR 500 during the peak evening commute took an average of three minutes—one minute less than in 2022.
The reliable travel time for this commute had no change at four minutes.
Making the trip from the I-205 interchange to I-5 interchange on SR 500 during the peak morning commute took an average of three minutes—the same as in 2022.
In 2022, the average and reliable evening peak travel times for SR 500 was same as 2021 for both the I-205 to I-5 interchange and the I-5 interchange to I-205 interchange commutes. The 5-mile trip from I-5 interchange to the I-205 interchange on SR 500 during the peak evening commute took an average of four minutes—same as 2021. The reliable 95th percentile travel time for this commute had no change of four minutes.
Making the trip from the I-205 interchange to I-5 interchangeon SR 500 during the peak morning commute took an average of four minutes—the same as in 2021.
In 2021 the average and reliable evening peak travel times for SR 500 was same as 2020 for both the I-205 to I-5 interchange and the I-5 interchange to I-205 interchange commutes. The 5-mile trip from I-5 interchange to the I-205 interchange on SR 500 during the peak evening commute took an average of four minutes—same as 2020. The reliable 95th percentile travel time for this commute had no change of four minutes.
Making the trip from the I-205 interchange to I-5 interchangeon SR 500 during the peak morning commute took an average of four minutes—the same as in 2020.
In 2020, the average and reliable evening peak travel times for SR 500 was same as 2019 for both the I-205 to I-5 interchange and the I-5 interchange to I-205 interchange commutes. The 5-mile trip from I-5 interchange to the I-205 interchange on SR 500 during the peak evening commute took an average of four minutes—same as 2019. The reliable 95th percentile travel time for this commute had no change at four minutes.
Making the trip from the I-205 interchange to I-5 interchangeon SR 500 during the peak morning commute took an average of four minutes—the same as in 2019.
In 2019, the 5-mile trip of SR 500 from I-5 interchange to the I-205 interchange on SR 500 during the peak evening commute took an average of four minutes. The reliable 95th percentile travel time for this commute was four minutes.
Making the trip from the I-205 interchange to I-5 interchangeon SR 500 during the peak morning commute took an average of four minutes.