Aviation - Master record reviews
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Master record reviews
Airport Master Record reviews, also known as 5010 inspections, verify the physical and operational features of civil public-use airports. They also ensure airports meet minimum safety standards, comply with regulations, and follow Federal Aviation Administration recommendations. Inspectors review items such as runways, taxiways, ramps, fuel types, repairs, radio frequencies, wind indicators, other services available at the airport, and gather information regarding the types of aircraft serviced (such as single engine, multi-engine, jet, helicopter, gliders, military, and ultra-light). WSDOT rotates 5010 inspection locations annually to ensure each airport in the state is inspected every three years per FAA recommendation.
Source: WSDOT Aviation Office.
Notes: One airport inspected in 2024 had more than one runway. The condition of runways and runway markings were assessed at 29 of the 41 inspected airports because runways at the other 12 locations were turf, gravel, sand or water surfaces; one paved runway did not have any markings (marking condition is "none" for these locations).
Performance analysis
WSDOT monitors asset conditions through Master Record Reviews
WSDOT completed Airport Master Record Reviews, also known as 5010 Inspections, for 41 airports in 2024. The inspections verify the physical and operational features of civil public-use airports while ensuring they meet minimum safety standards, comply with regulations, and follow FAA recommendations. Inspections review items such as runways, taxiways, ramps, radio frequencies, wind indicators, available fuel types and repair services at each airport. The inspections also gather information regarding the types of aircraft serviced such as single engine, multi-engine, jet, helicopter, gliders, military, and ultra-light.
During the inspections, WSDOT determined that 60% of runway pavement at 29 airports (12 airports had turf, gravel, or water runways) was in excellent or good condition. The inspections determined that of the 30 runways at the 29 airports (one had more than one runway) approximately 77% had markings that were in good or fair condition.
WSDOT Aviation completes asset management plan in 2024
WSDOT Aviation completed its first asset management plan in 2024 to communicate the processes and framework it uses to manage the division's assets, which largely consists of the state-managed airports.
This plan documents asset inventory, asset needs and expenditures, performance gap analysis, lifecycle planning, risk management, and trade-off analysis and demonstrates how current asset management practices are applied to achieve a desired state of Good Repair at the optimal cost.
Aviation's asset management plan aligns with WSDOT's strategic approach to prioritize projects, incorporate asset performance scenarios and trade-off analysis throughout the agency. WSDOT incorporates asset management plans from different programs and modes into the agency-wide, comprehensive Statewide Transportation Asset Management Plan.
Master record reviews
In 2023, WSDOT determined that 87% of runway pavement at 30 airports (11 airports had turf, gravel, or water runways) was in excellent or good condition. The inspector found that of the 33 runways at the 30 airports (some have more than one runway and one runway had no markings) approximately 88% had markings in good or fair condition.
WSDOT manages 15 general aviation airports statewide
WSDOT Aviation manages 15 general aviation airports in Washington state. Methow Valley Airport is the only federally-funded facility designated in the Federal Aviation Administration's National Plan of Integrated Airport System (NPIAS). The primary functions of the state-managed airports include supporting emergency management and forest firefighting activities, providing transportation access to remote communities, emergency medical operations staging areas, access to recreational areas, and enhancing the overall level of safety for the state aviation system particularly for emergency landings.