Freight rail - FRAP and FRIB projects
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Freight rail - FRAP and FRIB projects
Source: WSDOT Rail, Freight, and Ports Division.
Note: Operationally complete projects are a subset of projects in the construction phase
Performance analysis
Freight Rail Assistance Program funds 12 projects underway in 2022
A total of 12 projects funded through the Freight Rail Assistance Program were underway as of December 31, 2022. Eight of these were new projects awarded for the 2021-2023 biennium for a total of $6.6 million.
These projects include rail and tie replacements, rail safety improvements, bridge replacements, new sidings (short segments of track that allow a train to pull off the main line so another train can pass), crossing improvements, tunnel repairs, noise abatement and preservation. Of these 12 FRAP projects, four were in closeout as of December 31, 2022.
Freight Rail Investment Bank loan program assists six projects in 2022
Six projects financed using state Freight Rail Investment Bank loans were underway in 2022. Four of the loans active in 2021 were for Tacoma Rail projects; with one each to the Port of Everett and the Port of Benton. Four of these projects are currently in construction, with the remaining two in the design stage.
The Legislature funds the FRIB loan program to help deliver projects that improve the state's long-term economic vitality by improving freight movement. Past loan repayments have all been made on time, with 40 loans currently being repaid under 10-year or 15-year terms.
State funds 12 additional freight rail projects underway in 2022
Twelve freight rail capital projects received state funding through specifically designated line items in the Transportation Budget. These are administered by WSDOT and include work on the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad, Spokane Airport Transload Facility, as well as bridge replacements, grade separations, and track improvements across the state.
Freight Rail Assistance Program funds 17 projects underway in 2021
A total of 17 projects funded through the Freight Rail Assistance Program were underway as of December 31, 2021. Eight of these were new projects awarded for the 2021-2023 biennium for a total of $6.6 million. This made up approximately 64% of the projects' total budgets of $11.7 million.
These projects include rail and tie replacements, rail safety improvements, bridge replacements, new sidings (short segments of track that allow a train to pull off the main line so another train can pass), crossing improvements, tunnel repairs, noise abatement and preservation. Of these 17 FRAP projects, six were in closeout as of December 31, 2021.
Freight Rail Investment Bank loan program assists four projects in 2021
Four projects financed using state Freight Rail Investment Bank loans were underway in 2021. All four of the loans active in 2021 were for Tacoma Rail projects. WSDOT awarded one of these loans during the 2019-2021 biennium and the project is currently in closeout. The other three loans, totaling $1.6 million, were awarded for the 2021-2023 biennium. This made up approximately 34% of the projects' total budgets of $4.8 million.
The Legislature funds the FRIB loan program to help deliver projects that improve the state's long-term economic vitality by improving freight movement. Past loan repayments have all been made on time, with 40 loans currently being repaid under 10-year or 15-year terms.
State funds 10 additional freight rail projects underway in 2021
Ten freight rail capital projects received state funding through specifically designated line items in the Transportation Budget in 2021. These are administered by WSDOT and include work on the Chelatchie Prairie Railroad, Spokane Airport Transload Facility, as well as bridge replacements, grade separations, and track improvements across the state.
2020 - GNB 80
Freight Rail Assistance Program funds 11 projects underway in 2020
Approximately $9.4 million in Freight Rail Assistance Program funds supported 11 state freight rail grant projects that were underway in 2020. These projects include rail and tie replacements, rail safety improvements, bridge replacements, new sidings (short segments of track that allow a train to pull off the main line so another train can pass), crossing improvements, tunnel repairs, noise abatement and preservation.
Of the 11 FRAP projects, three were either operationally complete (constructed enough to be used for their intended purpose) or in closeout as of December 31, 2020.
Freight Rail Investment Bank loan program assists four projects in 2020
A total of four projects financed using state Freight Rail Investment Bank loans were underway in 2020. WSDOT awarded four FRIB loans totaling over $7 million for the 2019-2021 biennium. These include financing for two Tacoma Rail projects, one for the Port of Benton in Benton County and one for the Port of Everett in Snohomish County.
The Legislature funds the FRIB loan program to help deliver projects that improve the state's long-term economic vitality by improving freight movement. Past loan repayments have all been made on time, with 37 loans currently being repaid under 10-year or 15-year terms.
Freight Rail Assistance Program funds 36 projects underway in 2019
Approximately $24.9 million in Freight Rail Assistance Program funds supported 36 state freight rail grant projects that were underway in 2019. These projects include rail and tie replacements, rail safety improvements, bridge replacements, new sidings (short segments of track that allow a train to pull off the main line so another train can pass), crossing improvements, tunnel repairs, noise abatement and preservation.
Of the 36 FRAP projects, 16 were either operationally complete (constructed enough to be used for their intended purpose) or in close out as of December 31, 2019.
Federal Grant providing funds for new freight rail overpass
In December 2019, WSDOT awarded the construction contract for a $900,000 federally-funded project for a new freight rail overpass in Ridgefield, which will provide waterfront access for motorists and pedestrians.
Freight Rail Investment Bank loan program assists five projects underway in 2019
A total of five projects financed using state Freight Rail Investment Bank loans were underway in 2019. WSDOT awarded four FRIB loans totaling over $7 million for the 2019-2021 biennium. These include financing for two Tacoma Rail projects, one for the Port of Benton and one for the Port of Everett.
In addition, the Port of Everett had received a separate $5 million FRIB loan in 2018 for a rail modernization project that was under construction as of December 31, 2019.
The Legislature funds the FRIB loan program to help deliver projects that improve the state's long-term economic vitality by improving freight movement.
Freight Rail Assistance Program funds 29 projects
Approximately $19.7 million in Freight Rail Assistance Program funds supported 29 state freight rail grant projects that were underway in 2018.
Of these 29 projects, two were funded in the 2013-2015 biennium and are operationally complete. Twelve were funded in the 2015- 2017 biennium and 10 of these were operationally complete or in closeout by December 31, 2018.
The remaining 15 projects were funded in the 2017-2019 biennium at a cost of about $12.2 million. Seven of these are under construction, three are in design, three are in the agreement phase and two are in the scope development stage. Projects will address work such as rail and tie replacements, rail safety, bridge replacement, new sidings, crossing improvements, tunnel repairs, noise abatement and preservation.
Federal Grant providing funds for new freight rail overpass
A $900,000 federally-funded project administered by WSDOT had its design completed in 2018 and is about to begin construction on a new freight rail overpass in Ridgefield.
FRIB loan program assists Port of Everett project
A $5 million project to improve rail operations at the Port of Everett received WSDOT Freight Rail Investment Bank loan program funding in 2018. The Legislature funds the FRIB loan program to help deliver projects that improve the state's long-term economic vitality by improving freight movement.