Vancouver region Interstate 5 - Severe congestion

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Measures of severe congestion on I-5 in the Vancouver region

Severe congestion

Severe congestion occurs when highway travel speeds are slower than 60% of the posted speed (about 36 mph for a 60 mph speed limit) leading to reduced highway efficiency. Refer to WSDOT's how to calculate severe congestion (PDF 5.9MB).

Sources: WSDOT Transportation Safety and Systems Analysis Division and WSDOT TRACFLOW (

Performance highlights

Severe congestion significantly worsened on I-5 in the Vancouver region in 2023 compared to 2022, during the southbound morning commute.

At 6:40 a.m. commuters traveling from the I-205 interchange to the Interstate Bridge on I-5 experienced severe congestion with speeds of 35 mph or less on 42.1% of weekdays in 2023, compared to 10.2% in 2022.

Likewise, travelers experienced severe congestion at 6:40 a.m between the SR 500 interchange and the I-5 Interstate Bridge on I-5 on 84.2% of weekdays compared to 69.6% in 2022.

In 2022, severe congestion significantly increased along both the I-5 southbound morning commute between the I-205 interchange and the Interstate Bridge and the SR 500 interchange and the I-5 Interstate Bridge. At 7:35 a.m., speed for the section between the I-205 interchange and the Interstate Bridge was below 36 mph on 23.4% of weekdays, significantly up from 7.5% of weekdays in 2021.

In 2021, severe congestion along I-5 was at about the same level as in 2020, with the exception of reductions during the morning peak on I-5 southbound between the I-205 interchange and the Interstate Bridge. At 7:35 a.m., between the I-205 interchange and the Interstate Bridge speeds were below 36 mph on 7.5% of weekdays, down from 9.4% of weekdays in 2020.

In 2020, due to the statewide response to COVID-19 there was a significant decrease in severe congestion compared to previous years. Commuters driving on I-5 between SR 500 and the Interstate Bridge drove in severely congested conditions (speeds of 36 mph or less) less often than in 2019. At 6:25 a.m., speeds on this commute were below 36 mph on 25.5% of weekdays in 2020—down significantly from 90.4% of weekdays in 2019.

In 2019, commuters driving on I-5 between SR 500 and the I-5 Interstate Bridge drove in severely congested conditions (speeds of 36 mph or less) more often than in 2018. At 6:35 a.m. speeds on this commute were below 36 mph on 92.1% of weekdays in 2019—up from 88.5% of weekdays in 2018.

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