Multimodal mobility dashboard - Spokane region
Region executive summary
This dashboard provides a detailed multimodal mobility analysis of the Interstate 90 (I-90) in the Spokane area, which is one of the region's key commute and economic corridors. The peak periods for the I-90 corridor in the Spokane region are defined as 7 - 10 a.m. and 3 - 6 p.m.
2022 Highlights
- In 2022, the average daily person miles traveled as well as delay increased from 2021 by 0.2% and 81%, respectively, due to the continued recovery of traffic volume across the state in the wake of COVID-19. Public transportation experienced increases in ridership, along with the park and ride lots, but remained well below the pre-pandemic levels.
- 261.1 million person miles were traveled on the I-90 corridor in Spokane in 2022, up 0.2% from 260.7 million person miles in 2021
- Vehicle delay on the I-90 corridor in Spokane increased 81% from 23,460 hours in 2021 to 42,455 hours in 2022
Source: WSDOT Transportation Safety and Systems Analysis Division and WSDOT TRACFLOW (
Interstate 90
Interstate 90 (I-90) in the Spokane area is one of the region's key commute and economic corridors. Over 260 million person miles were traveled on I-90 between Division Street and Argonne Road in 2022. Select the green bar below for more Interstate 90 multimodal mobility analysis information.