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PGSuper™ Overview
PGSuper™ is Precast-Prestressed Girder design, analysis, and load rating software. PGSuper™ can be used to design, check, and load rate precast-prestressed girder bridges in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification and DOT agency-specific criteria. The flexural design feature computes the number and configuration of prestressing strands and the minimum required concrete release strength. The shear design feature determines the number, size, and spacing of transverse reinforcement for vertical shear, horizontal shear, bursting, and strand confinement. Specification checking evaluates girders for compliance with strength, service, and detailing criteria. Girders are evaluated for stresses and stability during handling and transportation. Temporary prestressing to control camber, improve stability, and reduce concrete release strengths may also be input. The capabilities and constraints of local fabricators have been accounted for in this software product. PGSuper™ has been designed to allow for future expansion and updating as design criteria and user expectations change.

PGSuper™ is licensed with the Alternate Route Open Source License.

PGSuper™ is part of the BridgeLink™ application framework

  • Current Version: 8.0.6 July 10, 2024

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