Topic: |
The P1 and P2 distance on the WSDOT Girder Schedule are not computed correctly.
Version: |
8.0.5 |
Date: |
May 10, 2024 |
Version Corrected: |
8.0.6 |
Description: |
The P1 and P2 distance on the WSDOT Girder Schedule are not computed correctly.
P1 and P2 are incorrectly taken to be the Girder End Distance, measured along the CL Girder in plan view. The End Distance must be adjusted for the slope of the girder after erection and the depth of the girder so P1 and P2 are measured along the bottom of the girder.
P1 = start_end_distance*sqrt(1 + girder_slope^2) - girder_height * girder_slope
P2 = end_end_distance*sqrt(1 + girder_slope^2) + girder_height * girder_slope
Designers should make these calculations by hand until the issue has been resolved. |
Resolution: |
The correct calculation for P1 and P2 has been implemented in Version 8.0.6 |
Topic: |
WSDOT Girder Schedule Report, maximum midspan vertical deflection at shipping does not include precamber |
Version: |
6.1 |
Date: |
February 03, 2022 |
Description: |
The "maximum midspan deflection, shipping" parameter in the WSDOT Girder Schedule Report lists only the natural camber due to self-weight and prestressing. Precamber is not included in this value.
Add precamber to the listed value when transcribing the reported values from the WSDOT Girder Schedule Report to the contract drawing girder schedule.
Topic: |
Bearing reactions at interior piers with simple span connections are incorrect |
Version: |
4.1.5 |
Date: |
October 23, 2019 |
Version Corrected: |
5.0 |
Description: |
The limit state bearing reactions at interior piers with simple span connections are incorrect. The live load distribution factor is not applied to the live load portion of the limit state load combination. This results in larger limit state reactions.
As an interim measure, subtract the product of the live load load factor and the live load reaction per lane from the limit state combination and add the product of the live load load factor, live load reaction per lane, and live load distribution factor.
Q = gDC(DC) + gDW(DW) - gLLIM(LLIM per lane) + gLLIM(LLDF)(LLIM per lane).
Resolution: |
The live load distribution factor is applied the live load component of the the limit state load combination. |
Topic: |
The net compression force at the slab-girder interface for interface shear resistance does not use the correct load factor. |
Version: |
4.1.5 |
Date: |
October 23, 2019 |
Version Corrected: |
5.0 |
Description: |
The net compressive force on the slab girder interface, Pc in LRFD Equation, is overstated. The net compressive force is taken to be the weight of the deck, less the weight of the sacrificial wearing surface. The DC limit state load factor is not applied.
Verify interface shear capacity by hand calculation. The necessary information can be found in the Horizontal Interface Shear chapter of the Details report. In the third table of the subsection titled "Details for Horizontal Interface Shear Capacity (Strength I)[]" re-compute the interface shear capacity found in the column labeled "c acv + u[avf fy + pc]" using a conservative value of 0.0 for pc as suggested by AASHTO LRFD BDS C5.7.4.3.
Resolution: |
Version 5.0 adds option to take the permanent clamping force as 0.0 for interface shear calculations. This option is enabled by default. |
Topic: |
Lower bound D40 in WSDOT Girder Schedule incorrect for girders with precamber |
Version: |
4.0 |
Date: |
January 11, 2019 |
Version Corrected: |
4.0.1 |
Description: |
The lower bound D40 dimension in the WSDOT Girder Schedule for girders with precamber is incorrect. The lower bound scaling factor (0.5) is applied to both the natural camber and the precamber.
The precamber should not be scaled.
Use the Lower Bound D40 values given in the Camber table of the Details Report. |
Resolution: |
The reporting of lower bound camber in the WSDOT Girder Schedule has been corrected. Install version 4.0.1 or laterl |
Topic: |
Automated designer calling for temporary strands when they may not be necessary |
Version: |
3.1.7 |
Date: |
May 14, 2018 |
Version Corrected: |
3.1.8 |
Description: |
The automatic girder designer is producing design results that include temporary strands. These temporary strands are not required in all cases. |
Resolution: |
After using the automated design tool, if temporary strands are required, remove the temporary strands and perform a specification check to determine of the temporary strands are actually needed.
This problem was resolved in Version 3.1.8 that is part of BridgeLink 1.1.8 |
Topic: |
Incorrect camber used for hauling stability analysis |
Version: |
3.0 |
Date: |
April 26, 2017 |
Version Corrected: |
3.1 |
Description: |
An incorrect value for camber is used for the hauling stability analysis. |
Resolution: |
This problem was fixed in PGSuper Version 3.1 (part of the BridgeLink 1.1 deployment)
Use the following procedure to work around the problem for earlier versions.
- Create a Details Report.
- Go to the Camber Details chapter, Maximum Timing, and get the Deflections during Storage at the of the girder and at mid-span from the Delta_es column.
- The correct camber is the mid-span camber minus the end camber. This is the total camber at the end of storage, measured from the end of the girder
- Export the girder model for processing in the PGStable tool. Select File > Export > BEToolbox:PGStable.
- Open the exported file in PGStable.
- On the Hauling tab, change the camber to the value from step 3.
- Review the hauling stability results from the PGStable analysis
- Use the camber from step 3 in the WSDOT Girder Schedule instead of the camber reported in the WSDOT Girder Schedule Report.
Topic: |
Excess camber in Camber Details is incorrect |
Version: |
2.9.0 |
Date: |
August 10, 2015 |
Version Corrected: |
2.9.1 |
Description: |
The excess camber listing in the Camber Details chapter of the Details Report is incorrect when a future overlay is used. The excess camber reported incorrectly includes the effect of deflections due to the future overlay. This, in-turn, results in the "C" dimension reported in the Camber Details chapter to be incorrect as well.
The excess camber reported in, and used for, the Slab Haunch Details ("A" Dimension) is correct.
The "C" Dimension reported in WSDOT Girder Schedule is correct.
Resolution: |
This issue was resolved in version 2.9.1
Topic: |
Future overlay included in load rating analysis |
Version: |
2.9.0 |
Date: |
May 13, 2015 |
Version Corrected: |
2.9.1 |
Description: |
The dead load of future overlays was inadvertently added to the load rating analysis in the Version 2.9 release. This will cause a reduction in rating factors. |
Resolution: |
This issue was resolved in version 2.9.1 |
Topic: |
Elastic gain coefficient for deck shrinkage is applied to girder stresses incorrectly. |
Version: |
2.8.2 |
Date: |
January 21, 2015 |
Version Corrected: |
2.9.0 |
Description: |
The elastic gain coefficient for deck shrinkage is applied to girder stresses incorrectly. The coefficient is applied to the deck shrinkage strain, and then again to the equivalent deck shrinkage force. This amounts to the coefficient being applied to the girder stresses twice.
This error will cause the final stresses in the girder to be under estimated. The magnitude of the error depends on the elastic gain coefficient. There is no error if the coefficient is 0 or 100%. If the coefficient is 50%, the elastic gain due to deck shrinkage is based on 50% of the deck shrinkage strain and the stress in the girder is based on 25% (0.5*0.5 = 0.25) of the deck shrinkage.
Fortunately the stress due to deck shrinkage are small compared to the other stresses. The overall error will be small.
This issue will be resolved in the next release.
Resolution: |
Upgrade to version 2.9.0 or later
Topic: |
Span by span girder spacing |
Version: |
2.8 |
Date: |
July 17, 2014 |
Version Corrected: |
2.8.1 |
Description: |
When girder spacing is defined span-by-span, the spacing information at the start and ends of the span will be switched each time the Span Details window is closed.
This problem only occurs if editing of the span details is initiated by either double clicking on the span or selecting Edit > Span from the menus.
This problem does not occur when editing the span details from the Framing tab of the Bridge Description window.
Resolution: |
Upgrade to the most current version of PGSuper
Topic: |
Warning for PGSuper users upgrading to Windows 8.1 |
Version: |
2.7.4 |
Date: |
January 10, 2014 |
Description: |
There was a bug in the PGSuper Version 2.7.4 installer published prior to November 20, 2013 that prevents PGSuper from being installed or uninstalled from Windows 8.1.
If you downloaded and installed PGSuper Version 2.7.4 prior to November 20, 2013, you must uninstalled the software prior to upgrading your computer to Windows 8.1
If you downloaded and installed PGSuper Version 2.7.4 after November 20, 2013 you will not be afflicted by this problem.
Resolution: |
If you downloaded and installed PGSuper Version 2.7.4 prior to November 20, 2013 and you are upgrading your computer to Windows 8.1 follow these steps to get around the problem:
- Uninstall PGSuper before upgrading to Windows 8.1
- Install Windows 8.1
- Download and install the latest version of PGSuper. (DO NOT USE THE INSTALLER PACKAGE DOWNLOADED PRIOR TO 11/20/2013)
If you have already upgraed to Windows 8.1 and cannot uninstall or update PGSuper open a command window as Administrator and download the latest version 2.7.4 installer run the following command
msiexec /fv PGSuper_2.7.4.msi
This will repair the installation and replace the installer package cached by Windows with the corrected installer package.
Topic: |
Problem computing maximum shear when the live load vehicle is longer than the structure |
Version: |
2.5.2 |
Date: |
December 09, 2011 |
Description: |
For the vary rare cases when the live load vehicle is longer than the bridge length, and the heaviest axles are at the rear of the vehicle, the maximum live load shear is not computed correctly. |
Resolution: |
This issue will be resolved in PGSuper Version 2.5.3
As a temporary work around, create a user defined vehicle that consists of the only axles that are known to produce the maximum shear. Ensure that this vehicle is shorter than the bridge length. Envelope the results of this vehicle with the other design live loads. It is also prudent to validate these live load results with an independent calculation.
Topic: |
Service III Tension Stress computed incorrected when analysis method is "Envelope" |
Version: |
2.5.0 |
Date: |
August 16, 2011 |
Version Corrected: |
2.5.1 |
Description: |
The service III tension stress is computed incorrectly when the analysis method is "Envelope". The service III tension is computed correctly for Simple Span mode and Simple Span Made Continous Mode.
An updated version will be released this week (8/15/2011).
In the interm, it is suggested that you use Simple Span mode. |
Resolution: |
This problem was correct in Version 2.5.1 (8/17/2011) |
Topic: |
Live Load Deflections |
Version: |
2.4.2 |
Date: |
January 18, 2011 |
Version Corrected: |
2.5 |
Description: |
The bridge stiffness, EI, for the Optional Live Load Deflections Check is computed incorrectly in some situations. This may result in live load deflections that are incorrect. Also, the deflections that are reported are for a full lane of live load and not for a girder.
For bridges where different girder types are used in each span, or when a different number of girders is used in each span, the overall stiffness of the bridge cross section is computed incorrectly. The stiffness in the first span is generally used and this is incorrect.
The live load distribution factor that should be used is (multiple presence factor)(number of design lanes)/(number of girders). The comparison of the allowable live load deflection and the computed live load deflection is based on a full lane of live load. That is, the live load distribution factor is not applied.
Resolution: |
To correct the live load deflections by hand:
- Compute the correct EI for the full bridge section.
- Compute the live load distribution factor as (multiple presence factor)(number of design lanes)/(number of girders)
- Compute the correct live load deflection by multiplying the deflection reported by PGSuper by the live load distribution factor and the ratio of (bridge EI reported by PGSuper)/(correct bridge EI).
This calculation has been fixed in version 2.5.
Topic: |
Incorrect minimum moment capacity computed for negative moments |
Version: |
2.3 |
Date: |
May 12, 2010 |
Version Corrected: |
2.3.1 |
Description: |
When evaluating minimum reinforcement for LRFD for negative moment, PGSuper uses the full negative moment for Mu (girder + slab + traffic barrier + live load, etc). The correct negative moment is that from superimposed dead loads and live loads after continuity. |
Resolution: |
Version 2.3.1 resolves this issue |
Topic: |
Negative moment yield stress ratio incorrect for load rating |
Version: |
2.3 |
Date: |
May 05, 2010 |
Version Corrected: |
2.3.1 |
Description: |
The check for reinforcement yielding for negative moment yields incorrect results due to two issues with PGSuper.
- The additional stress transfered to the reinforcement due to cracking, fbcr, has the wrong sign. This is always a tensile stress and should always be a positive value regardless of the value of Mbcr.
- The cracked moment of inertia is computed incorrected for negative moments
Resolution: |
Version 2.3.1 resolves this issue |
Topic: |
Effective flange width incorrect when overhang exceeds S/2 |
Version: |
2.2 |
Date: |
April 02, 2010 |
Version Corrected: |
2.3 |
Description: |
In the Girder Details Report, PGSuper lists a warning "The slab overhang exceeds S/2. The overhang is taken to be equal to S/2 for purposes of computing the effective flange width and the effect of structurally continuous barriers has been ignored. (LRFD". However, when reviewing the details of the effective flange width computation, the full overhang is used. |
Resolution: |
This problem was fixed in version 2.3. |
Topic: |
Negative moments for deck analysis |
Version: |
2.2 |
Date: |
February 22, 2010 |
Version Corrected: |
2.3 |
Description: |
The Strength I and Strength II negative moments computed for evaluating the capacity of the deck include moments from simple span components. |
Resolution: |
This issue was fixed in version 2.3 |
Topic: |
WSDOT Girder Schedule - P and Theta incorrect for splayed girders |
Version: |
2.1 |
Date: |
March 06, 2009 |
Version Corrected: |
2.1.1 |
Description: |
The P and Theta parameters in the WSDOT Girder Schedule report are computed incorrectly for splayed girders or girders on curved alignments.
Resolution: |
The correct values of these parameters can be obtained using the following calculations
Theta can be computed as (180 deg - (Bearing of Pier - Bearing of Girder)).
P = N/sin(Theta)
This problem will be fixed in the 2.1.1 release
Topic: |
Bearing Design Parameters Report - Live load reactions and rotations should not include impact |
Version: |
2.1 |
Date: |
March 06, 2009 |
Version Corrected: |
2.1.1 |
Description: |
The live load reactions and rotations given in the Bearing Design Parameters report include impact. Paragraph 3 of LRFD 14.4.1 says
"The influence of dynamic load allowance shall be included for MBJS, but need not be included for bearings".
Resolution: |
This problem will be fixed in version 2.1.1.
In the interm, the live load reaction without impact can be obtained from the Details and Bridge Analysis Reports
Topic: |
Overlay load applied incorrectly |
Version: |
2.1 |
Date: |
March 06, 2009 |
Version Corrected: |
2.1.1 |
Description: |
The overlay load is applied as a series of trapazoidal load segments. The first load segment is not applied to the bridge model. The effect of this may be seen in the reactions caused by the overlay. |
Resolution: |
The problem will be fixed in Version 2.1.1. The missing load segment is relatively short. In all but very short spans, the influence of this error is minimal. The reaction and shear at the start of the girder will be slightly underestimated. The influence on mid-span moment is virtually negligible. |
Topic: |
Design and Permit Live Load Reactions and Rotations labeled incorrectly |
Version: |
2.1 |
Date: |
February 11, 2009 |
Description: |
The Design and Permit Live Load Reactions and Rotations listed in the Load Responses - Bridge Site section of the Detail Report are labeled incorrectly. This values are listed as being per lane, however the values reported are per girder.
To make the values per lane, divide by the live load distribution factor.
Resolution: |
This problem will be fixed in the next maintenence release. |
Topic: |
Problems evaluating horizontal interface shear |
Version: |
2.0.7 |
Date: |
January 08, 2009 |
Version Corrected: |
2.1.0 |
Description: |
There are two problems related to the evaluation of horizontal interface shear (LRFD 5.8.4).
The parameter dvi (distance between mid-thickness of the slab and the centroid of the tension resultant) is computed as
dvi = tslab/2 + Ytop Girder + Strand Eccentricity
The strand eccentricity is measured with respect to the centroid of the non-composite girder section. However, PGSuper is using Ytop for the composite section. It should be using Ytop of the non-composite section.
The minimum area of interface shear reinforcement (LRFD is not being evaluated correctly. Avf min is correctly computed by equation and by the procedure given in the first bullet of (also see Equation The minimum area of interface shear reinforcement should be the lesser of these two values. However, PGSuper is using the greater of these two values.
Resolution: |
The Details Report provides adquate information to easily hand calculate the horizontal shear demand and minimum shear reinforcement requirements. |
Topic: |
Incorrect maximum moment values plotted in the analysis results view. |
Version: |
2.0.7 |
Date: |
August 28, 2008 |
Version Corrected: |
2.1 |
Description: |
The maximum moments plotted in the Analysis Results View, when the analysis type is set to Simple/Continuous Envelope are incorrect. The maximum moments plotted are those from the continuous analysis when they should be from the simple span analysis. The maximum moments listed in the reports are correct. PGSuper uses the correct moments for design and analysis. This is simply a plotting issue. |
Resolution: |
This problem will be corrected in the version 2.1 release. |
Topic: |
Lifting Analysis Calculations |
Version: |
2.0.5 |
Date: |
January 17, 2008 |
Version Corrected: |
2.0.6 |
Description: |
The total mid-span camber at lifting is computed incorrectly. The cantilever deflection is not included in the computation. This results in an underestimation of yr and thus an underestimation of FScr.
The resulting error is small when the cantilever overhangs is less than approximately 20% of the girder length.
Resolution: |
For a more accurate analysis, compute the deflection at the ends of the cantilever and add it to the mid-span deflection. In the lifting analysis, substitute this value for Dself and finish the computation by hand.
Topic: |
Prestress losses at temporary strand removal stage |
Version: |
2.0.5 |
Date: |
January 15, 2008 |
Version Corrected: |
2.0.6 |
Description: |
The prestress losses at the temporary strand removal stage are computed
incorrect. PGSuper is taking the loss to be DfpR0
+ DfpES
+ DfpSR
+ DfpCR
+ DfpR1 + Dfptr.
The correct loss is DfpR0
+ DfpES
+ DfpSRH
+ DfpCRH
+ DfpR1H + Dfptr.
This error will impact the allowable stress check at the temporary
strand removal stage.
To work around this problem, create a Details Report and find the
correct loss value, given as DfpH.
Using this loss, hand calculate the actual stress demand and compare it
to the allowable values.
Topic: |
The composite area for sections with composite decks is incorrect |
Version: |
2.0.3 |
Date: |
December 31, 2007 |
Version Corrected: |
2.0.4 |
Description: |
The composite area for girder sections with composite decks is reported incorrectly.
This is a problem with a conversion factor and not the actual value. To get the correct composite area, multiply the reported value by 0.00064516 (US units) or 10^6 (SI units).
This problem will be corrected in Version 2.0.4
Resolution: |
This problem is corrected in Version 2.0.4 |
Topic: |
Incorrect stresses at Temporary Strand Removal Stage |
Version: |
2.0.3 |
Date: |
December 31, 2007 |
Version Corrected: |
2.0.4 |
Description: |
The "Stress Check for Service I for Temporary Strand Removal" stage has a few glitches.
PGSuper is using the total losses at time of deck placement to calculate stresses due to prestress (i.e. f = fpj - DfpRO - DfpES - DfpLTid - Dfptr). It should be using the total losses at time of hauling, plus losses due to temporary strand removal, for this stage (i.e. f = fpj - DfpRO - DfpES - DfpLTH - Dfptr). This is based on the assumption that the girders are shipped, erected, braced and the temporary top strands are removed all in one day, which is the worst case scenario.
Service I Stresses
PGSuper is using the total dead load on the bare section to calculate Service I stresses for this stage (i.e. Girder + Diaphragm + Slab). This stage should only be using the Girder dead load on the bare section to calculate Service I stresses since the temporary top strands must be cut prior to placing the Diaphragms and Slab.
Resolution: |
This problem is corrected in Version 2.0.4
Topic: |
Incorrect capacity reduction factor used for negative moment |
Version: |
2.0 |
Date: |
August 13, 2007 |
Version Corrected: |
2.0.1 |
Description: |
PGSuper is using the wrong capacity reduction factor for negative moment. PGSuper is using 1.0 which is the factor for prestressed concrete. In negative moment regions, we have a reinforced concrete beam and the reductino factor should be 0.9 |
Resolution: |
Manually multiply the computed negative moment by the correct capacity reduction factor. |
Topic: |
Deflection due to removal of temporary prestressing strands is incorrect |
Version: |
1.12 |
Date: |
May 09, 2007 |
Version Corrected: |
1.13 |
Description: |
The deflections due to the removal of the temporary prestressing strands are incorrect. This deflection is always computed to be 0.0. This error will impact the camber at time of slab casting ("D" Dimension) and subsequently impact the camber, Slab Haunch ("A" dimension), loading, and prestress losses. |
Resolution: |
This problem will be fixed in Version 1.13 |
Topic: |
The V/S ratio is incorrect for voided slabs and box beams. |
Version: |
1.9.0 |
Date: |
April 24, 2006 |
Version Corrected: |
1.9.1 |
Description: |
When computing the drying surface area, S, for creep coefficients (LRFD, only the exterior surface area is used. 50% of the surface area of the internal voids should be added to S. |
Resolution: |
This omission should not have a significant impact on the creep coefficient, camber, or prestress losses. If you feel that it does, use hand methods to adjust the computations accordingly. |
Topic: |
User defined loads |
Version: |
1.8.0 |
Date: |
February 01, 2006 |
Version Corrected: |
1.8.1 |
Description: |
If user defined loads are applied to "All Girders" or "All Spans", the loading may be applied to the structure twice. Check the user defined load section of the details report to confirm how many times the load is applied.
Resolution: |
Install PGSuper Version 1.8.1 or later |
Topic: |
Losses in Deck Bulb Tee girders |
Version: |
1.8.0 |
Date: |
February 01, 2006 |
Version Corrected: |
1.8.1 |
Description: |
The losses for Deck Bulb Tee girders is computed incorrectly.
Resolution: |
Install PGSuper Version 1.8.1 or later |