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PGSuper™ Release History
Current Version: 8.0.6 - July 10, 2024
  • Fixes problem computing dimensions P1 and P2 in WSDOT Girder Schedule Report (M1511)
  • Updates calculation of beam concrete stress per PCI BDM 4th Edition (M1512)
  • Fixed problem with screen flashing at end of design (M1516)
Archive Version: 8.0.5 - May 09, 2024
  • Fixes problem with strand placement in sections with end blocks (M1506)
  • Fixes problem computing beam concrete stress due to prestressing when user defined Pjack is used (M1508)
Archive Version: 8.0.4 - April 05, 2024
  • Corrects girder layout when bottom work point is used (M1489)
  • Fixes problem with station in Bridge Elevation View section cut dialog (M1493)
  • Fixes problem with program termination for certain deck geometries (M1483)
  • Fixes problem with program termination for time-step analysis when non-continuous piers are modeled (M1482)
  • Fixes problem with graph colors (M1311)
  • Average fps is now reported for negative moment capacity when prestressing is included in the analysis (M1491)
  • Fixes skew correction factor for Type G sections (M1492)
  • Fixes problem combining User LL+IM load with both Design Live Load and Pedestrian Live Load (M1501)
  • Updates WSDOT stirrup definitions for voided slabs (M1486)
  • Fixes problem with wrong section cut location in Moment Capacity Details Report (M1484)
  • Improved handling of cases when certain data because invalid after editing the bridge model (M1495, M1503)
Archive Version: 8.0.3 - February 15, 2024
  • Compatibility updates only
Archive Version: 8.0.2 - January 17, 2024
  • Fixes crash in Details Report for single span bridges fixed at both ends
  • Fixes error reporting CD ratio for compression in stability reports
  • Fixes calculation of anchor set loss for post-tensioned temporary top strands
Archive Version: 8.0.1 - November 29, 2023
  • Searchable documentation (M667)
Archive Version: 8.0.0 - October 31, 2023
  • Removes extra page break in TxDOT Short Form report (M1470)
  • Fixes problem not applying level rule when live load distribution factor range of applicability is not satisfied (M1463)
  • Adds deflection due to shear key loads to TxDOT CAD Export (M1462)
  • Reports load rating yield stress ratio in its own table (M1469)
  • Fixes rating factor for multispan bridges with hinge diaphragms (M1448)
  • Fixes file save warning notifications (M1423)
  • Improves SI units handling in the girder library (M1378)
  • Adds support for AASHTO UHPC Structural Design Guide Specifications (M1338)
  • Fixes slab bridge framing plan for complex geometry (M1452)
  • Fixes plotting of deflection history (M1439)
  • Fixes labeling of shear analysis tables (M1464)
  • Bearing input now accepts values of zero (M1466)
  • Fixes labels exported to Excel for Girder Stability graph (M1356)
  • Changes "Allowable Stress" to "Stress Limits" for consistency with LRFD terminology (M1465)
  • Fixes Ctrl+C copy in Report view (M1375)
  • Improves first run experience (M1398)
  • Fixes unresponsive program problem when multiple instances are attempting to updated configurations (M1457)
  • Fixes haunch depth used for computing haunch dead load for SIP panel decks (M1437)
Archive Version: 7.0.5 - May 09, 2023
  • Fixes the effective prestress graph. The reduction in the transfer length region was applied multiple times. Also improves labels for the prestress release interval (M1446)
  • Fixes problem with saving deck bulb tee joint spacing for joint spaces that are wider that the top flange of the beam. (M1444)
  • Fixes problem computing J for voided slab distribution factors. Previously computed values resulted in conservative live load distribution factors.(M1447)
  • Fixes problem with slope of roadway for bridges with edge of deck more than 100 ft from the alignment (M1438)
  • Fixes references to LRFD The pre-7th edition reference of was used (M1440)
  • Fixes problem with abnormal termination of the program when the additional horizontal interface shear data is not fully modeled (M1435)
Archive Version: 7.0.4 - February 27, 2023
  • Fixes modeling of individually defined deboned strands for moment capacity analysis (M1430)
  • Fixes program crash when deleting user defined loads (M1424)
  • Fixes problem including longitudinal reinforcement in the determination of de for shear when longitudinal reinforcement is included in moment capacity analysis (M1429)
  • Fixes program crash when designing beams with a user defined live load distribution factor of 0.0 (M1427)
  • Fixes problem evaluating LRFD Requirement A for debonded strands when strands are defined individually (M1426)
Archive Version: 7.0.3 - January 12, 2023
  • Fixes convergence problem for moment capacity strain compatibility analysis for certain sections (M1421)
  • Fixes I-Beam geometry at end block sections when W5 and D5 are set to zero (M1410)
  • Fixes reporting of incorrect slope due to prestressing in Bearing Design Parameters Report (M1406)
  • Fixes problem inadvertently including user defined static live load in the Service I without Live Load compression check (M1422)
  • Fixes problem computing de for shear for sections with internal voids (M1419)
  • Fixes problems with transfer and development length factors for debonded strands defined using Individual Strand input (M1416)
  • Adds live load distribution factor information to Bearing Design Parameters Report (M1413)
  • Fixes problem updating the name of the Project Criteria on the status bar when renaming (M1405)
  • Fixes crash when changing a subset of girder types within a span (M1414)
Archive Version: 7.0.2 - November 07, 2022
  • Limits yield stress limit check of MBE 6A. to prestressed components only (M1371)
  • Adds concrete density modification factor (lambda) to concrete properties table for time-step analysis (M1372)
  • Revised treatment of concentrated end moments (M1385)
  • Fixed problem computing average prestress at strength limit state for girders with extended strands (M1388)
  • Fixed moment diagrams for lifting and hauling cases to include effect of cantilever overhangs (M1393)
  • Moved girder below graph in Girder Properties Graph for consistency with other graphs (M1392)
  • Fixed problem inadvertently including pedestrian live load in the Service I without Live Load compression check (M1383)
  • Fixed problem with certain beams being incorrectly identified as non-prismatic (M1376)
  • Added depth of haunch to calculation of dt (LRFD Fig C5.6.2.1-1) when haunch depth is included in moment capacity analysis (M1362)
  • Fixed problem with CG of strand dimension in the Girder View (M1368)
Archive Version: 7.0.1 - July 05, 2022
  • Fixed presentation of bulb tee sections with integrated deck slopes. Dimensions in the Girder View show nominal height at CL web. (M1345)
  • Fixed problem not reducing area of longitudinal reinforcement in the development length region when that reinforcement is designated as "anchored". Anchored reinforcement is considered fully developed in the finished structure but should not be considered anchored at release, lifting or hauling when determining the sufficiency of bonded reinforcement for tensile stress limit (M1347)
Archive Version: 7.0.0 - June 03, 2022
  • Updated design example in tutorial and Technical Guide to include temporary top strands for stability.
  • Fixed documentation for strand jacking stress limit coefficients in Technical Guide (M1245)
  • Fixed problem with shear design resulting in f'ci greater than f'c (M1243)
  • Load ratings can now be performed for a single girder, a collection of girders, or a girderline (M987)
  • Documentation can be displayed in the default web browser at the user's option (M1237)
  • Fixed problem with consistently determining quantity of deck reinforcement due to rounding issues when reinforcement is modeled with bar size and spacing (M1272)
  • Updated evaluation of LRFD as a Service I check which always includes elastic gains (M1270)
  • Improved efficiency of strain compatibility moment capacity analysis by using a properties-only generic shape for reinforcement instead of an area-equivalent rectangle (M1265)
  • Fixed problem retaining dynamic load allowance (impact) parameters for Emergency vehicle ratings (M1264)
  • Fixed problem with incorrect camber being used for hauling stability analysis with unequal overhangs (M1252)
  • Fixed problem with window positions being restored outside the visable area of monitors after a monitor configuration change (M1251)
  • Fixed problem with girder spacing when using multiple types of adjacent slab beams (M1249)
  • Fixed problem with slab cantilever length threshold for computing I-Beam live load distribution factors per the TxDOT BDM (M1246)
  • Updated consistency of precision of output values (M1244)
  • Improved alignment, profile, and section modeling with alignment name and offset profile grade line (M1241)
  • Improved implementation of NU girder section by making all cross sections have the same number of points (M1235)
  • Improved reporting of calculation of required area of steel for the higher tension stress limit for LRFD C5. (M1230)
  • Fixed problem with alignment geometry when long spirals in a curve-spiral-spiral-curve configuration is modeled (M1228)
  • Fixed problem with context menus not working in reports contained in dialog windows (M1222)
  • Added support for Grade 300 strand (M1216)
  • Added autosave and recovery features (M1210)
  • Added load rating results to TxDOT Summary Report and CAD Export file (M1199)
  • Added new user interface elements that make input and management of connection data easier (M400)
  • Fixed problem using the total strand area when computing elastic shortening loss at sections where strands are debonded (M1215)
  • Added feature to model different size harped and straight strands (e.g. 0.6" harped and 0.7" straight) (M841)
  • Fixed computation of transfer length adjustment factor (M1219)
  • Fixed problem with bearing seat elevations (M1274)
  • Fixed problem reporting required concrete strength to satisfy a specification check (M1224)
  • Fixed problem using f'ci instead of f'c in concrete strength correction factor, kf, for AASHTO LRFD 2005 though 2014 (M1277)
  • Fixed problem with internal numbering of stirrup zones after shear design (M1275)
  • Fixed problem with abnormal program termination when using debonding with strands defined by row (M1280)
  • Fixed problem with garbled text in boundary condition warning message after deleting a span (M1278)
  • Added computation details of pier diaphragm dimensions when the Compute option is used in the Pier dialog (M1279)
  • Changed girder self-weight used in stability analysis so it is always based on gross area (M1287)
  • Fixed curing method and maturity for girder concrete creep coefficient for loads applied at deck casting (M1294)
  • Fixed splitting direction to horizontal for slabs (M1290)
  • Fixed f'c used to compute kf and ktd parameters for AASHTO LRFD creep and shrinkage equations (M1293)
  • Fixed problem computing maturity of concrete for creep coefficients for AASHTO LRFD specifications before 2005 (M1296)
  • Added more testing of creep coefficients to test suite (M1297)
  • Added check for strand elongation greater than 3.5% per ASTM A416 to moment capacity analysis (M1268)
  • Added Moment Capacity Details Report to show full details of strain compatibility analysis (M1268)
  • Updated stability analysis to accurately account for unequal overhangs (M1070)
  • Fixed calculation of center of gravity of girder with unequal overhangs (M125)
  • Added feature to model eccentric loads due to overhang brackets in stability analysis (M104)
Archive Version: 6.1.0 - May 13, 2021
  • Updates top deck reinforcement cover documentation
  • Made drop down lists fit text width (M1207)
  • Precision of creep coefficients is now reported consistently
  • Fixes girder section view dimensions for asymmetric girders
  • Fixes problem drawing strands in asymmetric girders on the Debond/Extended Strands tab of the Edit Girder window
  • Fixes problem modeling temporary strands after removal in time-step analysis (M1221)
  • Adds labels for start and end of alignment, and whole stations, in plan and profile views
Archive Version: 6.0.0 - January 25, 2021
  • Added support for the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 9th Edition, 2020 (M1081)
  • Added support for AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) 3rd Edition and 3rd Edition with 2020 interims (M1166)
  • Added feature to load rate a single girder or a collection of girders (M987)
  • Added details of development length calculation for fresh concrete (M1158)
  • Added highlights to the Status Item list in reports to bring attention to warning messages (M1142)
  • Added feature to specify initial and final concrete strength for design (M1088)
  • Added an alert when a file created with an older version of the software is about to be saved with a newer version. A copy of the older version file can be made. (M1083)
  • Added feature to specify the labeling for the first support in a bridge model (M993)
  • Added Face of Support topic to Technical Guide (M1112)
  • Added Server and Configuration information to the library conflict dialog (M1127)
  • Added feature to automatically make the exterior faces of box girders flush when enabled in the girder definition (M994)
  • Added optional check for tapered sole plate requirements per LRFD 14.8.2 (M1110)
  • Added principal tensile stress check in webs of precast elements (M888, M1160, M1161)
  • Added upper limit to Service III load rating stress (M1099)
  • Fixes sections considered for longitudinal reinforcement for shear check for load rating (M1189)
  • Fixes problem with emergency vehicle loading resetting when file is opened (M1190)
  • Fixes problem modeling connections with all dimensions set to zero (M1109)
  • Fixes problem with program termination when changing span length using in-place editing in the Bridge Plan View (M1129)
  • Improved determination of Face of Support location at integral and continuous piers (M1112)
  • Fixed problem of user interface getting stuck in endless loop when invalid data is entered in the Bridge Description, Framing window (M1090)
  • Fixes rounding problems with TxDOT X, Y, and Z dimensions in the TxDOT Haunch Summary report (M1123)
  • Fixes program termination problem when opening the Girder View for girders with cantilevered ends (M1147)
  • Fixes problem showing cross section dimensions in the Girder View for Deck Bulb Tee girders (M1148)
  • Fixes problem with program termination when opening a status item for concrete strength not meeting the requirements of LRFD 5.1 (M1155)
  • Fixes problem reporting draped strand information in TxDOT Girder Schedule report (M1128)
  • Girder bearing reactions are now reported as a total reaction and a reaction per bearing for girders, such as U-beams, that use multiple bearing pads (M1005)
  • Non-structural decks are no longer included in moment capacity analysis (M1104)
  • Improves Bridge Plan View when a subset of spans is selected and the North-up option is disabled (M1125)
  • Removed WSDOT UxxG6 girders from the WSDOT configuration because they are no longer standard girders (M1093)
  • Fixes program termination problem when defining connection geometry with the bearing offset measured along the centerline of the girder (M1165)
  • Fixes program termination when creating TxDOT Summary Report (Long Form and Short Form) for multi-span continuous structures (M1144)
  • Fixed problem with missing image files in reports when BridgeLink is installed in locations other than the default (M1152)
  • Updated top flange geometry of I-Beam sections to accommodate constant depth top flange widening at the flange tips (M1159)
  • Fixes program termination problem when creating bridge section cuts when the bridge is modeled on an alignment with a circular curve delta approaching 180 degrees (M1126)
  • Fixes problem evaluating bridge system skew angles in multi-span bridges modeled on an alignment with a circular curve delta approaching 180 degrees (M1124)
  • Fixes program termination problem for alignments with angle points where the PI is located at the alignment reference station (M1167)
  • Fixes rounding problem for E, Fcl, and Fo dimensions in the WSDOT Girder Schedule Report (M1136)
  • Fixes problem modeling integral piers when the connection dimensions are zero (M1135)
  • Fixes problem modeling deck edge with spline option (M1168)
  • Fixes problem evaluating debonding limits when strands are defined by the Individual Strand method (M1120)
  • Fixes problem computing tension force for sizing auxiliary tension reinforcement (M1146)
  • Fixed title of time step details report (M1170)
  • Updated idealized support symbols in Girder View to be consistent with the beam show in the Analysis Results Views (M1171)
Archive Version: 5.0.5 - August 18, 2020
  • Fixes problem report deflections and computing screed camber for user defined loads applied with railing system loads
Archive Version: 5.0.4 - July 28, 2020
  • Compatibility updates only
Archive Version: 5.0.3 - July 14, 2020
  • Compatibility updates only
Archive Version: 5.0.2 - April 13, 2020
  • Fixes crash problem when entering station into roadway template grid
  • Fixes problem drawing composite section centroid in Girder Section View
Archive Version: 5.0.1 - March 30, 2020
  • Compatibility updates only
Archive Version: 5.0 - March 09, 2020
  • Added option to layout framing of certain girder types using a work point at bottom of girder
  • Added multiple crown points and grade breaks to roadway cross section model
  • Added modulus of elasticity equation to Details Report
  • Added plant handling weight check
  • Added rating factor plot
  • Added option to use rigid method for live load distribution factors
  • Added feature to copy documentation URLs to clipboard from Help window
  • Added reporting of bearing deduction and elevations at girder edges
  • Added current project criteria selection to status bar
  • Added option to take permanent clamping force as 0.0 for interface shear calculations
  • Added analysis and section properties mode settings to report title pages
  • Added option to include friction force in hold down force calculations
  • Added per strand hold down force check option
  • Added spread slab beam configurations with live load distribution factors per TxDOT Report FHWA/TX-15/0-6772-1
  • Added experimental support for UHPC girders
  • Revised size and layout of many windows to better fit on laptop screens
  • Updated design algorithm to include effect of slab haunch build-up when enabled
  • Depth of left and right edges of deck can now be different
  • Modeling of cantilever spans is now consistent throughout the interface
  • Increased concrete strength for slow curing concrete can now be accommodated (LRFD
  • Updated girder inclination check to account for multi-bearing configurations
  • Live load skew reduction factor can now be ignored
  • Negative values for net longitudinal strain can be set to zero for shear capacity analysis
  • Removed limitations on concrete strength. Added status center item if f'c exceeds value specified by AASHTO LRFD
  • Removed WSDOT Summary Report
  • Upgrated TxDOT CAD Export plugin to export data to Excel
  • General improvements to application stability
  • General performance improvements
  • General improvements to calculation details
  • Fixed problem applying load modifiers to limit state combinations
  • Fixed reporting of e_wind parameter for hauling stability analysis
  • Fixed problems reporting reactions
  • Improved documentation
Archive Version: 4.1.6 - January 17, 2020
  • Compatibility updates only
Archive Version: 4.1.5 - June 25, 2019
  • Fixes problems with Bridge Description window when changing girder family types
  • Fixes problem computing stress due to prestressing in analysis intervals when live load is present
Archive Version: 4.1.4 - June 11, 2019
  • Fixes reporting of pier reactions
Archive Version: 4.1.3 - May 30, 2019
  • Fixed problem modeling future overlay and construction loads for bridges with nonstructural overlay deck type
  • Fixed problem updating analysis results when construction loading changed
  • Fixed problem reporting camber for no deck bridges
Archive Version: 4.1.2 - May 07, 2019
  • Fixed problem validating WSDOT U-Beam dimensions
  • Fixed problem with version number on reports
  • Fixed problem reporting pedestrian load reactions in the Pier Reactions Report
  • Fixed problem modeling structural joints for tilted girders
  • Fixed erroneous status message for upside-down drape
  • Fixed problem with help button for Load Factors window
  • Fixed problem with wind load method for stability analysis
Archive Version: 4.1.1 - April 22, 2019
  • Added user defined loads to Pier Reactions Report
  • Improved method for determining if girders confine diaphragm concrete at intermediate piers for negative moment capacity analysis
  • Fixed prestress deflection calculations for precambered ant top flange thickened girders
  • Fixed problem with program crashing when creating a cross beam load rating for a pier with different number of girders on either side of the pier
  • Fixed problem with program crashing when strand layout type changes to Strand Row method
  • Fixes problem with slab offset ("A" dimension) changing when copying girder properties
Archive Version: 4.1 - March 27, 2019
  • Added clarifying information describing how effective flange width is computed
  • Added details to effective flange width status items
  • Added details to user defined load status items
  • Added storage duration to camber tables in the Details report
  • Added option to include pretension strand in negative moment capacity analysis
  • Added work point indicator to Bridge Section
  • Updated stability analysis options for consistency with PCI's recommended practices and WSDOT's design policies
  • Updated fpo for shear capacity to be 0.70fpu for all cases
  • Updated documentation describing the calculation of bearing seat elevations
  • Updated documentation for optional live load deflection calculation
  • Fixed problem applying end diaphragm load to cantilevered girders
  • Fixed problem modeling cantilevered girders
  • Fixed problem with sidewalk display in bridge section view when the entire bridge is located on one side of the bridge line
  • Fixed problem computing bearing seat elevations for multi-bearing supports with rotated girders
  • Fixed problem with crash and checking bottom flange clearance for spans with one girder
  • Fixed problem with bridge plan view and girder elevation view section cut tools for cantilevered girders
  • Fixed problem reporting tension stress limit for continuous spans
  • Fixed problem reading files where bearings are defined uniquely at each pier
  • Fixed problem with duplicate status items filling up the status center
  • Fixed problem modeling segments that are not supported at their ends during prestress release
  • Fixed problem reporting finished elevation in the Spec Check report
  • Fixed problem with horizontal position of strands in asymmetric sections
  • Fixed problem plotting incremental pretension effects in the Analysis Results view
  • Fixed problem with D dimension in the WSDOT Girder Schedule report for precambered girders
  • Fixed problem displaying user defined loads in the Girder view
  • Fixed problem reporting and plotting reactions
  • Fixed problem undoing addition of a user defined moment load
Archive Version: 4.0 - October 22, 2018
  • Advanced version number to 4.0 for BridgeLink version synchronization
  • Updated for AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition
  • Added support for precamber
  • Added support for asymmetric sections
  • Added biaxial stress analysis for asymmetric sections and asymmetric prestressing
  • Added new adjacent girder layout by girder top width
  • Added transverse top flange thickening to deck bulb tee girders
  • Updated longitudinal top flange thickening for deck bulb tee girders
  • Added modeling of high strength (UHPC or other) longitudinal joints connecting adjacent girders
  • Added non-structural deck modeling
  • Added Design-to-Finished roadway elevations analysis for "no-deck" bridges
  • Added computation of lateral deflection for asymmetric sections, asymmetric prestressing, and non-plumb girders
  • Added new strand input that defines individual strands, including support for asymmetric prestressing
  • Added modeling of anchored longitudinal girder reinforcement for use in negative moment capacity for "no deck" bridges
  • Added new slab haunch modeling and analysis capabilities
  • Improved bearing description
  • Added bearing seat elevation calculation
  • Updated stability analysis for new failure modes
  • Added detailed example calculations to documentations
Archive Version: 3.1.8 - May 18, 2018
  • Fixed stresses due to slab shrinkage (corrected moment arm and volume to surface ratio parameters)
  • Fixed problem with automated designer calling for temporary top strands when they are not required
  • Fixed problem with live load distribution factor usage in yield stress ratio load rating calculations
  • Fixed problem computing curb-to-curb width for certain deck geometry parameters
Archive Version: 3.1.7 - April 30, 2018
  • Fixed errant message about girder sag in multi-girder design outcome report
  • Fixed problem modeling certain horizontal curves
  • Fixed problem in framing plan model with girders located relative to an offset bridge line
  • Fixed problem showing CG of prestressing in Girder View elevation
  • Fixed problem computing negative cracking moment for bridges without a composite deck
  • Fixed problem computing creep coefficient with wrong concrete strength for loads applied at deck casting and later
  • Fixed problem computing girder stress at release when temporary strands are present. Stresses were computed with an eccentricity based on geometric centroid of strands. Stresses are now computed with an eccentricity based on the location of the resultant prestress force
  • Fixed problem with negative moment capacity calculation not properly recognizing a confined state of the intermediate diaphragm per LRFD Girder concrete strength can be used if intermediate diaphragm is confined.
  • Fixed problem with selection options for Girder Design Strategies in Girder Library entry
Archive Version: 3.1.6 - March 26, 2018
  • Fixed problem computing dead load for girders with end blocks and voided sections
  • Fixed problem with program crashing when changing from gross to transformed section properties
  • Fixed problem with program crashing when closing windows during an analysis update
Archive Version: 3.1.5 - March 16, 2018
  • Fixed problem computing yield stress ratio for special permit vehicle load rating
  • Fixed problem with program crashing when a girder library entry was renamed
  • Fixed problem with erroneous reporting of assumed excess camber being out of tolerance
  • Fixed problem with generated time line events when total camber duration was less than deck casting age plus 28.0 days
  • Fixed problem with program reporting a structural analysis error when computing deck design moments for cases when only superimposed loads are used
Archive Version: 3.1.4 - March 06, 2018
  • Fixed problems with computing haunch load for crown vertical curve cases
  • Added "assumed excess camber" parameter for haunch load computations
  • Added all spiral curve parameters to reports
  • Fixed table headings for Total Girder Line and Bearing Reaction tables
  • Fixed problem reporting combined live load reactions
  • Fixed problem reporting incorrect event for user loads
  • Fixed problem with strand number labeling in girder library
  • Fixed problem with inability to restart a design after it has been canceled
  • Added key points including bar cutoffs and face of support for negative moment capacity analysis
  • Fixed miscellaneous graphical presentation issues
  • Fixed miscellaneous reporting issues in TxDOT reports
Archive Version: 3.1.3 - November 13, 2017
  • Added information note to library types that contain seed values
  • Fixed reporting problems for Emergency Vehicle ratings
  • Fixed problem computing station and offset for alignments with angle points
  • Fixed problem evaluating status of hauling analysis specification check
  • Fixed problem reporting deck panel deflection in TxDOT camber table
  • Fixed reporting of elastic shortening loss equations for TxDOT loss method
  • Fixed issues with modeling skewed piers with decked slab beams
  • Fixed problem with copy girder properties command
  • Fixed problem applying diaphragm loads to wrong analysis interval
  • Fixed problem computing girder stresses during lifting with inclined girders
  • Fixed problem with girder stresses with elastic gains due to live load are included
  • Fixed problem with analysis interval not being modeled for post-tensioned temporary top strands
Archive Version: 3.1.2 - June 26, 2017
  • Fixed random crash problem
  • Fixed calculation of K from MBE 6A.5.6 for negative moment at intermediate piers
  • Fixed application of deck and pad dead load to cantilever spans with non-uniform girder spacing
Archive Version: 3.1.1 - June 05, 2017
  • Fixed crash problem when defining debonded strands with Direct Input method
  • Fixed data validation problem when defining debonded strands with Direct Selection method
  • Fixed presention of the equation for K from MBE 6A.5.6
  • Fixed unwanted view snap when sizing windows
Archive Version: 3.1 - May 09, 2017
  • Added Emergency Vehicle (EV) load rating
  • Added mandatory bridge closure check per MBE 6A.8.3
  • Added camber multiplier for lifting and hauling stability analysis
  • Updated moment capacity analysis at continuity diaphragms to use girder concrete strength if the diaphragm is confined (LRFD
  • Fixed problem with camber used for lifting and hauling stability analysis
  • Fixed problem designing concrete strength for shear designs
  • Fixed problem with spurious Configuration updates
  • Revised pier boundary conditions for no-deck bridges
  • Revised girder inclination check for girders erected with webs out of plumb
Archive Version: 3.0 - January 18, 2017
  • Incorporated PGSuper into the BridgeLink Application Framework
  • Updated to a native 64-bit Windows application
  • Updated documentation to a new online system
  • Updated lifting and hauling analysis for new PCI Recommendations and WSDOT design policy
  • Updated structural analysis models to include width of intermediate piers
  • Added support for physical pier models. Substructure stiffness can now be included in the structural analysis. Pier model definition is also used by XBRate for cross beam load rating analysis.
  • Added Pier Reactions report.
  • Added support for AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 7th Edition, 2015 and 2016 Interim Provisions
  • Added support for AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd Edition, 2015 and 2016 Interim Provisions
  • Added ability to perform specification checking analysis using transformed section properties
  • Added graphical and tabular results for axial force effects due to frame action
  • Added feature to compute pier diaphragm dimensions based on connection geometry
  • Added support for epoxy coated strand
  • Added feature to model cast-in-place deck for adjacent voided slabs
  • Added feature to model mid-span slab haunch build up (Fillet dimensions) as a single value for the entire bridge, span by span, or girder by girder
  • Added feature to model slab haunch dead load as a parabolic loading
  • Added feature to edit all Slab Offset ("A" Dimensions) and Fillet dimensions in a single window
  • Added "View Snap" feature
  • Added alignment plan and profile views
  • Added library conflict difference list to conflict notification window
  • Added status item color indicators to the Status Center
  • Added Haul Truck Library to model standardized hauling truck configurations
  • Added several new graph types including Concrete Properties, Deflection History, Effective Prestress, Girder Properties, and Stress History
  • Added ability for third party developers to add new graph types
  • Added non-linear time-step stress analysis that supports ACI209-R92 and CEB-FIP 1990 time-dependent material models
  • Added timeline manager for time-step analysis
  • Added "Direct Input" method for defining strands. Predefined strand locations can be ignored and strand locations are directly input by the user.
  • Added ability to model cantilever spans, often used at elevation "T" intersections.
  • Added deflection multipliers for camber calculations
  • Added ability to override computed prestress losses with user defined lump sum values
  • Added girder spacing constructability check
  • Added implementation for TxDOT live load distribution factor policy for voided slabs with cast-in-place decks
  • Added optional check for minimum required haunch depth at bearing centerlines
  • Haunch design parameters are now girder dependent (in girder library rather than project criteria).
  • Changed excessive haunch depth warning tolerance from hard coded value to user-input value
  • Many improvements to bridge and girder views

PGSuper Extensions

The following items will appear to you as new PGSuper features, however they are features provided by PGSuper Extensions. If the extensions are disabled, these features will not be available.
  • XBRate added a Pier View
  • XBRate added integrated cross beam load rating analysis
  • BEToolbox:Curvel added Curvel geometry import and export capabilities
  • BEToolbox:GenComp added GenComp girder geometry export capability
  • BEToolbox:PGStable added girder stability model export capability
Archive Version: 2.9.2 - June 08, 2016
  • Fixed synchronization and context issues for context menu commands in the Girder View
  • Fixed problem with program becoming nonresponsive when trying to resolve an "L/S out of range" error from the Status Center
  • Fixed typographical error in the "Effective Flange Width parameters out of range" message
  • Fixed formatting problems with raised straight strand designs using the TxDOT Cad Export feature
  • Fixed formatting issues with the TxDOT Girder Schedule report
  • Fixed issue with file filter in the File Open dialog not remembering the last file type opened
  • Improved guidance message for the LLDF Range of applicability message for non-parallel girders
  • Fixed problem with the shear LLDF for exterior girders of Type f and g sections when I or J violates the Range of Applicability
Archive Version: 2.9.1 - February 08, 2016
  • Added support for LRFD 2016 interims
  • Modified TxDOT CAD Export Format for I Girders (IGND) with Straight/Raised strands
  • Shrank Length of TxDOT Summary Report (Short Form)
  • Status center now alerts if zero overlay load is input
  • Updated WSDOT Girder Schedule to reflect new stirrup information
  • Stirrup Detailing Check now reported for Strength II Limit State
  • Fixed issue displaying strand locations at mid-span in Select Strands dialog
  • Fixed issue when switching spacing type to spread spacing
  • Fixed issue when overlay weight input not recorded properly
  • Fixed errant message stating that stirrup data does not match library
  • Fixed error in Bursting Resistance check for debonded strands
  • Fixed issue in Stability View - Hauling Mode when using KDOT hauling calculations
  • Fixed issue creating Lifting Factors of Safety view when harp points are at 0.5L
  • Fixed issue where lower mat of deck rebar was used for moment capacity analysis when slab panels are used
  • Fixed crash when defining girder due to errors with design strategy input
  • Fixed minor issues with live load distribution factors
  • Fixed issues associated with modifying strand patterns
  • Fixed issue where excess camber was reported incorrectly in Camber Details Chapter
  • Fixed issue where horizontal curve delta angle input for right angles less than 1 degree got changed to left angles
  • Fixed error with harped strand input when defined by CG from bottom of girder
  • Fixed issues applying future overlay dead load for rating analysis
  • Fixed issue where load rating live load factors could not be modified, even if rating criteria permitted it
  • Fixed error Reporting Beam Spacing in TOGA
  • Fixed error displaying grid index number in TOGA
  • Fixed error where TOGA could not deal with adjustable strands that are not harped in library
  • Fixed issue where tolerance bug in lifting design caused infrequent crashes
  • Fixed issue where flexural design fails when LLDF range of applicability is errantly violated
  • Fixed error computing stress due to deck shrinkage during design
  • Fixed minor error with debond design causing algorithm not to converge in rare cases
  • Fixed case when ultimate vertical shear design was not considering Strength II
  • Fixed minor issues with the flexural design algorithm
Archive Version: 2.9.0 - May 11, 2015
  • Added support for AASHTO LRFD 7th Edition 2014
  • Added support for AASHTO LRFD 2015 interim provisions
  • Added deck shrinkage effects to analysis results stress graph
  • Added new TxDOT loss method
  • Added new cascading design strategies feature
  • Added Favorite Reports feature
  • Added Custom Reports feature
  • Added new constructability checks
  • Added new limit state evaluations
  • Added feature to disable limit state evaluations that are not required by AASHTO
  • Updated Live Load Distribution Factors computed by WSDOT method due to policy change
  • Fixed issue modeling future overlay load
  • Fixed issue applying deck shrinkage elastic gain multiplier
  • Fixed issue with harped strand adjustment controls for direct filled strand input
  • Fixed issue reporting effective prestress with live load
  • Fixed issue evaluating specification compliance for girder hauling analysis
  • Fixed issue with deck V/S ratio for creep coefficients
  • Fixed issue with time of initial loading for computing creep coefficients
Archive Version: 2.8.2 - September 29, 2014
  • Fixed problem with WSDOT Load Rating Summary Report causing the program to crash
  • Fixed problem with Load Rating Report causing the program to crash
  • Fixed problem with Load Rating Analysis crashing when HL93 is used for legal load ratings
  • Revised girder sag warning feature. Sag warning can now be based on upper bound, average, or lower bound camber. This warning can also be completely disabled.
Archive Version: 2.8.1 - September 15, 2014


  • NOTE: PGSuper files created with version 2.8.1 cannot be opened with version 2.8.0.
  • Fixed reporting of reactions for load rating vehicles. Reactions are provided in one location of the Load Rating Report.
  • Fixed problem opening old files that used spline curves to model the edge of deck.
  • Fixed problem modeling complex deck edges using compound spline curves.
  • Fixed problem of vehicles used only for negative moment effects being considered for positive moment yield stress ratios in the load rating analysis.
  • Fixed problem modeling unique spacing at each end of a span. Spacing values would be applied at the wrong end of the span.
  • Fixed problem with negative moment capacity calculations. Mild reinforcement in the girder was not included in the capacity analysis even if the Project Criteria specified it was to be included.
  • Fixed problem with schematic image of connection geometry for end abutments.
  • Fixed problem detecting invalid deck rebar definition.
  • Fixed problem with erroneous spec check Fail result for positive moment checks at the ends of girders.
  • Fixed problem applying live load distribution factors to live load reactions in multi-span bridges with different number of girders in each span.
  • Fixed problem creating Hauling Report for cases when the hauling analysis is disabled.
  • Fixed problem with the live load load factor for permit load ratings. An invalid load factor was used when the ADTT was exactly 5000.
  • Reduced the size of load rating reports.
  • Added feature to disable stirrup layout checks.
  • Added factor to define the variability of camber. It was previously assumed to be 50%.


  • Fixed tab sequence for input data fields
  • Fixed problem copying results table with Ctrl+C
Archive Version: 2.8.0 - January 29, 2014


  • Enhanced modeling of longitudinal reinforcement in the girder to support partial length bars.
  • The amount of reinforcement in a girder is now used to determine the allowable tension limit during prestress release.
  • Added support for debonded strands in the Texas Optional Girder Analysis (TOGA) program.
  • Added support for all TxDOT girder types in the Texas Optional Girder Analysis (TOGA) program.
  • Added Kansas DOT Transportation Analysis.
  • Updated bridge framing definition by adding an arbitrary datum line to locate abutments and piers.
  • Updated modeling of connection geometry.
  • Added specification checks minimum reinforcement spacing per LRFD
  • Added reduction to cross section depth for pre-decked bridges to account for the sacrificial wearing surface.
  • Fixed issue with creating the Bridge Analysis Report when all load rating types are disabled.
  • Fixed problems computing the slab dead load for single girder bridges.
  • Fixed application of the future wearing surface dead load to account for cases when governing forces and stresses occur prior to installation of the overlay.
  • Fixed problems validating the geometry layout of longitudinal reinforcement in girders.
  • Fixed problems reporting reactions.
  • Fixed problem computing prestress losses when precast deck panels are used. Dead load of deck panels were mistakenly omitted.
  • Some combinations of input made it impossible to change the girder spacing datum. This problem has been resolved.
  • Certain combinations of invalid alignment description data would cause PGSuper to crash. This problem has been resolved.
  • Added analysis points at the start and end of distributed loads.
  • Ctrl-Tab and Shift-Ctrl-Tab would not switch between windows. This problem has been resolved.


  • Added capacity reduction factor to ULTCOL
Archive Version: 2.7.4 - September 09, 2013
  • Updated reference for WSDOT live load distribution factor calculation method from design memo to BDM.
  • Corrected spelling of "screed".
  • Corrected issue checking applicability of effective flange width calculation method (LRFD
  • Corrected issue computing slab offset ("A" Dimension) for U-girders where the crown point occurred between webs.
  • Fixed issue where PGSuper would crash if an invalid file was opened.
  • Fixed issue where PGSuper would crash if a span/pier is removed and there is deck reinforcement defined at the pier.
  • Fixed issue initializing the input grid for defining negative moment reinforcement in the bridge deck.
Archive Version: 2.7.3 - July 29, 2013
  • Updated for AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 6th Edition, 2013 interim provisions
  • Updated for the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation, 2nd Edition, 2011 and 2013 interim provisions
  • Updated WSDOT Girder Schedule to match current standards for WF and U sections
  • Updated WSDOT libraries and templates to match current standards
  • Updated TxDOT logo
  • Added WSDOT BEToolbox to the installation package
  • Added information to the vertical profile input to clarify Vertical Curve input parameters
  • Added informational message to the Status Center to alert the user of zero length vertical curves
  • Added stirrup layout constructability check
  • The slab overhang load is now reported as load for the main slab and load for the slab haunch
  • Fixed problem computing slab overhang load for exterior girders
  • Fixed problem computing Slab Offset ("A" Dimension) for cases of full superelevation
  • Fixed problem validating creep time parameter input values
  • Fixed problem computing girder bearing reactions
  • Fixed problem computing angle Theta for shear capacity computed by the simplified procedure (Vci/Vcw)
  • Fixed problem computing negative moment capacity with zero length supplemental reinforcement
  • Fixed problem with Bridge Plan View span selector
  • Fixed problem that made the TxDOT Box Beam inaccessible
  • Fixed problem with V/S ratio in prestress loss calculations
  • Fixed problem reporting controlling state for check of Debonding Limits
  • Fixed display problem with strand locations in direct strand input mode
  • Updated and fixed problems with shear design algorithm
Archive Version: 2.7.2 - November 09, 2012
  • Clarified reporting of failed allowable tension stress checks in the Specification Check Summary
  • Clarified report of Required Concrete strengths summary in the Details Report
  • Made minor adjustments to the shear design algorithm
  • Added Service III live load factor to calculation of effective prestress with live load
  • Added girder end area to V/S ratio
  • Fixed problem inputting extended straight strands
  • Fixed problem creating reports for multiple girders
  • Fixed problems evaluating horizontal interface shear
Archive Version: 2.7.1 - September 25, 2012
  • Added Kansas DOT to product branding
  • Added Direct Selection Strand Input method
  • Added support for all three strand relaxation loss methods defined in the AASHTO LRFD
  • Added method to control elastic gains and losses
  • Added a header to the Reports
  • Added output for girder bearing reactions
  • Added span selector to the bridge view window
  • Added LRFD reference for shear check failure due to excessive span to depth ratio
  • Improved reporting of shear capacity details in girder end zones
  • Improved evaluation of LRFD - waiver for horizontal interface shear requirements
  • Improved the Girder Designer shear design algorithm
  • Improved the load distribution of barrier, sidewalk and pedestrian loads
  • Moved definition of load factors from the project library to the project file
  • Crack spacing is now considered when determine the Beta factor for shear capacity calculations
  • Fixed evaluation of horizontal interface shear when no interface bars are present
  • Fixed problem with shear force used to evaluate horizontal interface shear
  • Fixed problem accounting for U-Beam end blocks when determining the horizontal interface shear width
  • Fixed problem drawing the Standard toolbar
  • Fixed problem with disabled menu items
  • Fixed problem opening wrong tab when using the Edit Stirrups option from the Girder View
  • Fixed problem entering concrete unit weight for a railing system
  • Fixed problem displaying sidewalks and barriers
  • Fixed problem modeling girders with very small end distances
  • Fixed problem copying select data between girders
  • Fixed problem with erroneous library conflict message when using box beams
  • Fixed problem labeling X-axis in the Analysis Results View
  • Fixed problem opening a PGSuper Project file when dragging-and-dropping onto the Report view
  • Fixed problem reporting debond information in the TxDOT CAD Report
  • Fixed problem generating overlay dead loads for varying deck widths
  • Fixed problem computing cracking moment for negative moment
  • Fixed problem graphing multiple minimum moment capacity graphs
  • Fixed problem computing 1.33Mu for the Strength II limit state
  • Fixed problem creating load rating report for models with no design live load vehicles
  • Fixed problem computing live load deflections when a live load other than HL-93 is used for design
  • Fixed problem with Fatigue I limit state results when a live load other than the Fatigue truck is used
  • Fixed problem loading rating bridges with pedestrian loads
  • Updated load rating summary to include the yield stress ratio
  • Updated WSDOT Load Rating Summary to indicate if the cracking moment is exceeded for the yield stress ratio check
Archive Version: 2.6.1 - June 04, 2012
  • Removed dead load of future overlays from load rating calculations
  • Added missing details for shear live load distribution factors
  • Percentage of debonded strands is now based on total number of strands
  • Percentage of debonded strands is now displayed correctly on the Debonding tab
  • Fixed problem copying girder properties
Archive Version: 2.6.0 - May 01, 2012
  • Added support for AASHTO Bridge Design Specification, 6th Edition, 2012.
  • Added support for extended strands
  • Added options for determining Mu for negative moment computations
  • Updated computation of de and fpo for nominal shear capacity to conform to the PCI Bridge Design Manual
Archive Version: 2.5.3 - January 23, 2012
  • Fixed problem computing live load shears for long truck trains on short spans.
  • Fixed crash when creating a Bridge Analysis Report for bridges with different number of girders in each span.
  • Fixed crash when number of girders is increased and live load distribution factors are user defined.
  • Fixed problem updating pier stations when a span is deleted.
Archive Version: 2.5.2 - November 28, 2011
  • Added most recently used list to the File Open button on the TOGA toolbar
  • Fixed crash when creating a report with adjacent beams and a different number of beams in every span
  • Fixed crash when changing alignment parameters
  • Fixed crash when graphing DC and prestress displacements for Bridge Site Stage 2 in the Analysis Results View
  • Fixed error computing CL bearing stations in the Bridge Geometry Report
  • Fixed error computing live load distribution factors by the rigid method
  • Fixed issue with mislabeled chamfers in box beams
  • Fixed issue with deleting loads listed in the Status Center
  • Fixed issue detecting if LWC is used with the approximate methods for computing losses
Archive Version: 2.5.1 - August 17, 2011
  • Fixed problem distributing sidewalk dead load when the sidewalk is on one side of the bridge
  • Fixed problem with unit weight of diaphragm material. Precast diaphragms use the unit weight of the girder and cast-in-place diaphragms use the unit weight of the deck.
  • Fixed problem computing prestress gain due to slab shrinkage. The creep factor for the girder concrete was used to compute age adjusted modulus of the deck concrete. This has been corrected so the creep factor for the deck concrete is used.
  • Fixed problem computing Service III tension stress when the "Envelope of Simple Spans and Simple Spans made Continuous" analysis method is used.
  • Fixed problem computing maturity of concrete for prestress loss calculations
Archive Version: 2.5.0 - July 28, 2011
  • Improved overall performance of the software
  • Limitations on effective flange width calculations per LRFD can be ignored
  • User defined live load distribution factors can now be defined per girder
  • Added new mild reinforcing steel types (A615 and A706 in Grade 40, 60, 75, and 80)
  • Added lower bound D40 to the WSDOT Girder Schedule Report
  • Added feature to design multiple girders with one command
  • Added multiple girder specification check report
  • Added ability to report multiple girder designs for TxDOT CAD export
  • Added support for TxDOT spread slab beams
  • Added ability to directly select Project Criteria from within TxDOT TOGA plugin
  • Added ability to define end block regions for U Beams
  • Filter items in Status Center report chapter so items only pertinent to the selected girder are reported
  • Fixed issue with AutoCalc feature
  • Fixed issue computing girder overhang end moments
  • Fixed issue with Girder Model View when a girder is not selected
  • Fixed issue computing intermediate diaphragm loads
  • Fixed issue with resizing the Analysis Results View
  • Fixed issue computing horizontal interface shear width when deck panel support width exceeds half of the mating surface width
  • Fixed issue updating reports when loading changes
  • Fixed issue computing optional live load deflection
  • Fixed issue computing net compression force on the horizontal interface shear plane
  • Fixed issue with slab panel dead load
  • Fixed issue computing girder stress due to prestressing along the prestress transfer length
  • Fixed issue with debonding design algorithm
  • Fixed issue initializing the Copy Girder Properties dialog
  • Fixed issue computing bottom flange compression stresses
  • Fixed issue computing intermediate diaphragm dead loads
  • Fixed issue computing time dependent prestress losses after deck placement
  • Clarified load rating requirements for the WSDOT Load Rating Summary Report
  • Removed yield stress ratio rating factor for overload vehicles from the WSDOT Load Rating Summary Report
  • Archive Version: 2.4.2 - December 01, 2010
    • Fixed problem reading Library and Template configurations from PGSuper Catalog Servers.
    Archive Version: 2.4.1 - November 18, 2010
    • Separated elastic gain due to deck placement and superimposed dead loads as they occur in different stages.
    • Fixed issues with PGSuper crashing with generating a Girder Comparison Report.
    • Fixed issues with PGSUper crashing after deleting the selected span.
    • A specification check failure is now reported if the shear stress at the critical section exceeds 0.18f'c and a strut and tie analysis of the end region is required.
    • The Copy Girder Properties dialog is now initialized to the currently selected girder.
    • Slab offset is now accounted for in negative moment capacity calculations.
    • Fixed analysis issues for beams with end blocks.
    • Fixed problem generating reports with "Always Load Rate" is enabled in the Load Rating Criteria.
    • Skew correction equation for Type F sections was missing from the Details Report.
    • Concrete with f'c less than 4 ksi is now permissible input.
    Archive Version: 2.4.0 - August 02, 2010
    • Added support for AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 5th Edition.
    • Added support for lightweight concrete.
    • Added Cancel feature to the preliminary designer.
    • Added TxDOT Optional Girder Analysis program.
    • Temporary strands can now have a different size and jacking force than the permanent strands.
    Archive Version: 2.3.1 - June 07, 2010
    • Fixed bug evaluating minimum reinforcement (LRFD for negative moment
    • Fixed bug computing negative moment yield stress ratio for load ratings
    • Fixed bug applying live load distribution factors for the Design Strength II limit state
    • Fixed minor user interface issues
    • Fixed bug copying Slab offset ("A" Dimension) between spans
    Archive Version: 2.3.0 - May 03, 2010
  • LRFR load rating.
  • TxDOT Decked Slab beams.
  • Box beam shape that better represents the standard AASHTO box beam.
  • Automatic computation of shear key loads for Box Beams.
  • PI angle points for horizontal alignments.
  • PVI grade changes for vertical profiles.
  • 1/2” Special and 0.62" diameter strands.
  • Construction load modeling.
  • Added support for PGSuper Plug-ins and Extensions
  • Program previously did not allow jacking forces greater than specification limits (e.g., 0.75Pjack). The jacking force is limited by ultimate strand strength.
  • Implemented common method for computing and reporting all capacity/demand ratios.
  • Reconfigured and simplified Program Settings dialog.
  • Disabled SI units for LRFD Specifications later than 2006 as they are not available from AASHTO.
  • Added warning for cases when temporary strands are located below the mid-height of the girder.
  • End blocks have been added to TxDOT box beams.
  • Pedestrian live load is now distributed the same as the sidewalk and traffic barrier dead load.
  • Removed prestress related parameters from the reported negative moment capacity details as they are not applicable.
  • Removed User Templates folder.
  • Improved support for third-party plugins and extensions.
  • Intergrated Library Editor application into PGSuper (LibraryEditor program is no longer a part of PGSuper).
  • Reformated New Project dialog for ease of use.
  • Improved user defined vehicular live loads to include optional lane loads as a function of span length and added a variable axle spacing.
  • Removed shear key blockouts on exterior side of exterior TxDOT double-tee girders.
  • Debonding comparison information can be found in the Girder Comparison report.
  • TxDOT non-standard strand information has been added to the TxDOT CAD Export and TxDOT Summary reports.
  • The report title page now indicates if seed data differs from library data. A warning is reported if a difference exists.
  • Master library and template files can now be compressed into a single file. This significantly reduces download times when updating libraries.
  • Libraries and templates can now be hosted on an http server.
  • An informational web site can now be associated with a library and templates package.
  • Added a strand coordinate generation feature to the girder library.
  • Loads can now be sorted in the Loads window by clicking on the column headers.
  • Live Load Distribution Factors were not computed when the difference in skew angles at the ends of the span exceeded 10 degrees. Distirubion factors are now computed and the skew reduction is not applied in this case (See LRFD
  • Fixed bug where joint spacing between adjacent girders would revert back to original setting if the joint spacing type was change from “same joint spacing” to “unique joint spacing”.
  • When computing the longitudinal reinforcement for shear capacity (, Aps and fps were both reduced for lack of full development. This problem has been fixed.
  • Fixed problem computing shear width in box beams and voided slabs.
  • Creating reports for non-composite, non-prismatic beams would cause the program to crash. This problem has been fixed.
  • The concrete limit of 4 KSI (28 MPa) per LRFD was incorrectly set to 3 KSI (20 MPa). This problem has been fixed.
  • Strength I and Strength II negative moments were computed incorrectly. Negative moments are resisted by the bridge system after continuity is achieved. The loads contributing to the negative moments are superimposed dead loads and live loads. This problem has been corrected.
  • Fixed problem reporting pass/fail for tension stress limits where additional mild reinforcement is provided.
  • Sacrificial depth greater than the slab depth was accepted as valid input. This problem has been fixed.
  • Pedestrian live load on sidewalk was ignored during design. This problem has been fixed.
  • Fixed problem modeling the bridge deck when horizontal curves were defined after the end of the bridge.
  • Fixed problem labeling a girder line in the Analysis Results View.
  • Fixed bug computing critical section for shear on the right end of the beam.
  • Fixed problem selecting capacity equation for longitudinal reinforcement for shear between the critical section for shear and the face of support.
  • Fixed problem computing the capacity of an over reinforced section, per the 2004 LRFD, that did not utilize a cast in place deck.
  • Fixed Slab Offset ("A" dimension) data validation for Span-by-Span definition.
  • Fixed problem computing effective flange width of exterior girders when the slab overhang is greater than S/2
  • Fixed problem computing concurrent shears.
  • Archive Version: 2.2.3 - October 21, 2009
    • Fixed problem with slab offset input for bridges without decks
    • Fixed problem computing girder self-weight dead load for non-prismatic members
    Archive Version: 2.2.2 - October 07, 2009
    • Added support for the LRFD 2009 interim provisions
    • Added support for multiple slab offsets. The slab offset ("A" Dimension) can now be modeled as a single value for the entire bridge or discrete values at the beginning and end of each span or girder
    • A new voided slab beam has been added. This beam features interior and exterior voids with different diameters and spacing as well as a solid end region
    • Precast I-beams can now be modeled with end blocks
    • A new tapered I-beam section has been added. This section linearly varies in depth from one end of the span to the other
    • Added parabolic top flange thickening to deck bulb-tee girders
    • Added support for 0.7" strand
    • The overlay load can now be described as a pressure loading (PSF or N/m2)
    • The overlay load can now be distributed uniformly to all girders or based on tributary width of the deck
    • Added railing system load distribution by webs and mating surfaces
    • The railing system (traffic barriers and sidewalks) material properties were assumed to be the same as for the slab. This assumption has been removed. Railing system material properties are now an input.
    • The area of prestressing within the development length is adjusted during capacity calculations. The strand area reduction factors are now listed in the Details report along with the calculation details.
    • The strand area reduction factor calculations have been improved. Reduction factors are now based on fps, fpe, and ld for the section under consideration.
    • Added fractional equivalence to reports. Values such as girder length are reported as a decimal value and the equivalent fraction. For example girder length is reported as 125.26 ft (125'-31/8") in reports where the fractional value is to be transcribed to plan sheets.
    • The splitting dimension and reinforcement quantity for slabs, box beams, and U-beams was computed incorrectly. This problem has been resolved.
    • The limit on the number of girders in a span has been increased from 26 to 52.
    • Girders can now be labeled with an alpha format (Girder A, Girder B ... Girder AA, Girder AB, etc) or a numeric format (Girder 1, Girder 2, Girder 3, etc)
    • Moved WSDOT specific reporting to an optionally installed component
    • Moved TxDOT specific reporting and CAD export features to an optionally installed component
    • Third party developers can now enhance PGSuper by adding custom reports
    • The installation location is now recorded in the registry. This will assist 3rd party developers when installing add-on components to PGSuper.
    • Enhanced performance of moment capacity computations (Mn may change slightly)
    • Added ability to disable checks for splitting [] and confinement [] in pretensioned anchorage zones.
    • The Copy Girder Properties feature has been simplified and enhanced. Girder properties can now easily be copied to all girders in a girder line, all girders in a span, and all girders in the bridge.
    • The volume to surface ratio (V/S) for voided slabs and box beams now includes 50% of the surface area of interior, poorly ventilated voids in accordance with LRFD
    • Top mat deck reinforcing was inadvertently moved to the bottom mat after a file was saved. This problem has been resolved.
    • Units for camber were incorrect in the TxDOT CAD report. This problem has been resolved.
    • Equivalent prestressing loads for debonded strands were applied non-symmetrically when computing camber. This problem has been resolved.
    • Debond limits were reported non-symmetrically in the Spec Check report. This problem has been resolved.
    • Fixed problem locating harped strands when an odd number was used. The odd strand is now placed in the last position used in the strand pattern.
    Archive Version: 2.1.3 - June 23, 2009
    • The effective flange width for exterior adjacent girders with composite deck was computed incorrectly. This problem has been fixed.
    • When checking curvature limits for live load distribution factor computations, the subtended curve angle was computed incorrectly for certain bridge configurations. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 2.1.2 - May 19, 2009
    • Fixed bug that would cause PGSuper to crash when laying out piers by Span Length
    • Fixed problem computing splitting zone length for Box Beams
    Archive Version: 2.1.1 - May 11, 2009
    • Ported to Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 providing a modern look and feel to the user interface
    • Implemented Registration Free COM for WBFL components easing installing requirements for end users
    • Effective flange width was computed as twice the correct value for bridges using Deck Bulb Tee's, Double Tee's (plain type), Double Tee's (WSDOT type), and Ribbed Girders.
    • Fixed program termination bug while loading some files created with version 2.0.7
    • Fixed program termination bug for Undo after deleting a span along with right pier
    • Fixed problem with Undo of span delete when left pier was chosen. The re-inserted span was at the wrong location
    • When a pier was selected and delete was chosen the incorrect Span ID’s were shown in the delete dialog
    • Harping point dimension values in girder elevation view incorrectly measured from girder start
    • Slab was drawn incorrectly in bridge plan view for highly skewed structures
    • User-input jacking forces were overwritten by computed values when changing between tabs in the girder editor
    • Pjack was not updated when strand type/size was changed in girder editor
    • After changing girder type in girder editor, harping point height adjustments were improperly checked
    • Diaphragm dimensions in the Details report were labeled as inches, but the values displayed were in feet
    • When changing overhang “taper or don’t taper” dropdown box on the “Deck Geometry and Materials” tab, the change wasn’t registered
    • Changing the “Top mat. Bar #” on the “Deck Reinforcing” tab did not affect input
    • Context sensitive help did not work for the stand-alone library editor. Program was looking in incorrect folder for help file
    • For the Design Criteria Library Entry on the “Bridge Site 2” tab, the reference to LRFD Art. instead of Art.
    • In the Girder View, concentrated moments where drawn in the wrong direction.
    • Fixed bug that caused crashes in single span bridge with integral boundary conditions
    • Fixed bug copying girder properties
    • Fixed bug selecting girder for design when there are more than 10 spans
    • Fixed bug displaying selected girder in cross section when section cut goes through 2 spans
    Archive Version: 2.1.0 - February 10, 2009
    • Added support for the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 4th Edition with 2008 interim provisions
    • Added a Vehicular Live Load library that stores user defined truck and lane loads. User defined vehicular load can be used for strength and service design and for permit loading (Strength II limit state).
    • Enhanced the modeling of bridge railing to include sidewalk and combination railings. Sidewalk pedestrian live load can be included in the design and analysis.
    • Added capability to analyze and design pedestrian/bicycle only bridges including optional maintenance vehicle loading. The capabilities are consistent with the recommendations of NCHRP Project 20-07, Task 244.
    • Bridges with mixed girder types can now be modeled. The general girder family (I-Beam, Voided Slab, etc) must be the same for the entire bridge; however the girder type (WF74G, Type I, Type II, etc) can be mixed in the bridge model. This feature works very well for modeling box beam and slab bridges where different beam sections are used to accommodate a given roadway width. It is also effective for modeling bridge widening projects.
    • Bridges with a different number of girders and different girder spacing in each span can be modeled. Girder spacing can now be defined uniquely at each end of a span. This feature enables the modeling of bridges with flared/splayed girders.
    • Bridge decks with constant width, linearly varying width, and tapering curved edges can now be modeled.
    • Added command line processing options including an “All” option for TxDOT commands.
    • Added "Support Width" to the Connection library objects. The support width is used to locate the face of support for the shear computations.
    • "Roller" has been added as a boundary condition type.
    • The general alignment offset has been replaced with a bridge reference line. The bridge reference line can be offset from the alignment and used as a basis for defining bridge geometry.
    • Girders are located transversely in the bridge cross section using an offset from either the alignment or bridge reference line to the center of the girder group or a specific girder (such as Girder A). The transverse girder location can be defined for the entire bridge or span by span.
    • Added option to locate centerline bearing by measuring along the centerline of girder.
    • Added option to locate the end of girder by measuring from the centerline pier along the centerline of girder or normal to the centerline of pier.
    • Girder spacing can now be measured at the centerline of pier or centerline of bearing.
    • Girder spacing can now be measured along the centerline of pier, the centerline of bearing or Normal to the Alignment.
    • Added the ability to allow/deny debonding of individual straight strands. Previously, strand debonding was all or none. The automated designer will only debond strands that have been designated as “debond-able”.
    • The effects of the prestress transfer length can now be removed from the analysis.
    • The overall graphical represent of the bridge has been improved
    • In the Bridge Plan View, the direction of North is rotated to best fit the bridge in the window. This setting can be disabled causing North to point upwards in the window.
    • In the Bridge Plan View, the direction of each girder can be displayed.
    • The Bridge Plan View now supports in place editing of span lengths and pier stations.
    • Icons have been added to the Bridge Plan View that visually indicates the boundary conditions used at the piers.
    • Boundary conditions can be quickly changed in the Bridge Plan View by right-clicking on a pier and selecting a boundary condition option from the context menu.
    • Added graphical representation of intermediate diaphragms in the Bridge Plan View.
    • Added Girder Design option and Report option to the context menus in the Girder View.
    • Improved the synchronization between the Bridge and Girder Views.
    • Stirrups can now be shown in the Girder View.
    • Added horizontal lines that represent the factor of safety limits in the Girder Stability View.
    • Elements of the bridge plan and section view can be selected using the mouse or keyboard. The selection is changed when the mouse wheel is turned or the left/right/up/down arrow keys are pressed.
    • Added support for Undo/Redo.
    • Added editing by Span.
    • Added editing by Pier.
    • Moved "Ignore Range of Applicability" over ride from Project Criteria Library to LLDF Input.
    • Moved debonding design criteria from the project criteria library to the girder library. Specific girder types have their own unique criteria.
    • Section properties for girder library entries have been added to the section view window. New Reporting Features
    • The widths of tables in the reports have been condensed. Background colors have been added to the tables to make them easier to read.
    • Added the girder unit weight, total girder weight, and span to depth ratio to the section properties output.
    • Reactions are now reported with and without live load impact.
    • Rotations are now reported.
    • A Bearing Design Parameters Report has been added. This report contains all the information necessary to design an elastomeric bearing pad.
    • Percent prestress loss is now reported.
    • Added a table to the Details Report that lists the required stirrup spacing for various stirrup sizes.
    • Revised the Bridge Geometry Report. This report is created faster and contains more geometric information.
    • Added details for the variables K, C, and D when reporting live load distribution factors computed by the S/D method.
    • Added debond information to TxDOT Summary and Girder Schedule reports
    • Preliminary girder designer can now design strand debonding
    • The global stability of girders that are tilted so that their top flange parallels the roadway crown slope is now checked. This is a useful check for top heavy girders such as deck bulb tees that are built in a location with a high super-elevation rate.
    • Added option to compute minimum live load distribution factors as number of lanes divided by number of beams
    • Added option to compute live load distribution factors using the Lever Rule.
    • Added checks for maximum debond length and minimum debond section spacing.
    • The connection boundary conditions are now represented correctly in the Analysis Results View.
    • The parameter dvi in the horizontal interface shear calculations incorrectly used Yt of the composite girder. Yt of the non-composite girder should be used. This issue has been resolved.
    • When evaluating the minimum area of interface shear reinforcement (LRFD 5.8.4), the greater of two limiting values was used. The lesser of the limiting values should have been used. This issue has been resolved.
    • When computing prestress loss due to slab shrinkage, the deck area is based on the gross slab depth rather than the structural slab depth. Shrinkage occurs before the sacrificial depth is worn off. The sacrificial concrete shrinks and contributes to the loss.
    • When changing the height of a girder in the girder library entry, the position of the strands measured from the top of the girder did not maintain their position relative to the top of the girder. This issue has been resolved.
    • For beams controlled by ultimate moment capacity, the longitudinal reinforcement for shear check would fail even thought there is adequate reinforcement to resist the maximum moment at the section. This issue has been resolved.
    • Improved design optimizations when lifting and shipping are considered.
    • Improved processing speed.
    • Resolved issues computing live load distribution factors for Box Beams (spread and adjacent), Voided Slabs, U Beams, and Double Tees.
    • Added a tutorial for modeling pedestrian only bridges.
    • Added a tutorial for modeling bridges with sidewalks, combination railings, and pedestrian live load.
    • TxDOT CAD Export now includes debond information.
    • A file named Trucks.pgs that contains definition for AASHTO H and HS trucks as well as CalTrans P trucks is provided with the software. These trucks can be easily imported into a PGSuper project using the library import feature.
    Archive Version: 2.0.7 - April 21, 2008
    • Camber in debonded beams was computed incorrectly. The moment due to the eccentric prestressing at the ends of the beam were based on all of the strands being bonded.
    • The Bridge Site Stages (1, 2, and 3) have been given more descriptive names. Bridge Site Stage 1 is now Deck and Diaphragm Placement Stage. Bridge Site Stage 2 is now Superimposed Dead Load stage. Bridge Site 3 is Final with Live Load Stage.
    • Girder dead load moments were incorrectly based on a continuous span analysis when girders are made continuous prior to deck placement. A Girder Placement analysis stage has been added to correct this problem.
    Archive Version: 2.0.6 - March 24, 2008
    • Under some conditions, section properties in multi-span bridges were computed incorrectly. This problem has been corrected.
    • Girder stresses during lifting were computed incorrectly if inclined lift cables were used. This problem has been fixed.
    • For the lifting stability calculations the offset factor, Fo, was applied to the midspan deflection relative to the lift points. The offset factor should be applied to the total deflected shape of the member (i.e. girder end to midspan). This problem has been corrected.
    • An overlay was drawn in the Bridge Section View even when an overlay was not defined in the bridge model. This was only a display problem and did not affect the structural analysis or design. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 2.0.5 - January 09, 2008
    • PGSuper would crash when the "Edit User-Defined Loads" view is opened. This problem has been fixed.
    Archive Version: 2.0.4 - January 08, 2008
    • For structures that achieve continuity before deck placement and are analyzed as Simple Spans made Continuous the wrong slab, diaphragm, User DC, and User DW moments were used when computing prestress losses. Simple span moments were used even though the girders were continuous at the time the load was applied. This problem has been corrected.
    • The composite area for girders with composite decks was reported incorrectly. This problem has been corrected.
    • The "WSDOT Summary Report" was reporting the stress demand at the harping points incorrectly. This problem has been corrected.
    • The program settings for the Master Library and Workgroup Templates was always reverting to the "Download and synchronize..." setting regardless of the option chosen. This problem has been corrected.
    • Fixed problem computing stresses at temporary strand removal stage. Dead load stresses are those due to the girder only. Prestresses losses are those at the time of shipping plus the effect of temporary strand removal.
    • The Kid parameter for shrinkage losses between transfer and deck placement was using the wrong location of the centroid of the prestress force. This problem has been corrected.
    • The weight of a future overlay was incorrectly added to the superimposed dead load moment for purposes of computing losses from deck placement to final. This problem has been corrected.
    • Improved validation of Overlay input
    Archive Version: 2.0.3 - December 17, 2007
  • Changed labeling of Piers to reflect that the first and last "piers" are typically called abutments.
  • Renamed the Summary Report to WSDOT Summary Report
  • In the output tables, the tenth points are more clearly designated as points on the girder length or the span length. Lg refers to the length of the entire girder. Ls refers to the span length between bearings.
  • Modified future wearing surface, overlay, and sacrificial depth input so that it is more clear.
  • The loss calculations have been refined so that temporary post-tensioned strands are properly accounted for.
  • For I-beam bridges with 3 beams the exterior girder live load moment distribution was always reported as being controlled by the lever rule. This problem as been corrected.
  • For the WSDOT distribution factor method, the wrong distribution factor was used when the overhang exceeded half the girder spacing for moment and shear in exterior beams. This problem has been corrected.
  • For U-beam bridges using the WSDOT method for computing distribution factors, the roadway overhang rather than the slab overhand was used for exterior girders. Also, PGSuper was not checking that the exterior girder DF was at least as large as the interior girder DF. These problems have been corrected.
  • Fixed problem plotting stresses in the Analysis Results View
  • Added project criteria that specifies the minimum lifting and hauling support locations, and the accuracy to which these locations are to be determined during design and fabrication optimization.
  • PGSuper now has improved support for international numeric formatting.
  • PGSuper was swapping the negative moment live load distribution factors between interior and exterior girders. This problem has been corrected.
  • Designs based on the LRFD 2004 or earlier specifications and controlled by ultimate moment capacity (Mu) would result in having more strands than needed. There was an error computing the capacity reduction factor during design. This problem has been corrected.
  • Capacity/Demand ratios have been added to many of the output tables
  • Added "Library Usage" table which specifies which library and what entries were used on a specific project.
  • Fixed problem where some slab concrete data, when equal to the limits specified in the project criteria, would spawn warnings in the status center stating that the value exceeded limit.
  • Input of slab beams with a single void were not allowed unless void spacing was specified. This problem has been fixed.
  • Distribution factors for exterior voided slab beams with zero or one void were slightly underestimated. This problem has been fixed.
  • PGSuper would crash if the void diameter for voided slabs was input as zero. This problem as been fixed.
  • Added effective prestress and initial strain level to Moment Capacity Details output
  • Archive Version: 2.0.2 - August 28, 2007
    • The bursting zone checks for LRFD were incorrectly based on the total jacking force. LRFD prescribes the force to be 4% of the prestress force at transfer. At transfer is defined in LRFD 5.2 as the prestress force immediately after transfer. The bursting zone checks have been updated to use the correct force level.
    • A TxDOT Double T section has been added
    • Prestressing strands were being included in the negative moment capacity calculations. Since strands do not extend across a pier, they are not present in the section resisting the maximum negative moment. As such, the strands should not be included in the analysis of this section. For consistency with this and traditional engineering practice, prestressing strands are ignored in all negative moment capacity calculations.
    • On some systems, PGSuper is unable to update registry settings. This would cause PGSuper to become unstable and crash. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 2.0.1 - August 23, 2007
    • Negative moment capacity was not computed correctly at all sections near an intermediate pier. PGSuper was not considering the layout of deck reinforcement when determining if a girder was symmetric about its centerline. Capacities are computed at one point and mirror across the centerline for symmetric girders. This problem has been corrected.
    • The wrong capacity reduction factor for negative moments was used. This problem has been corrected.
    • The value of E, in the WSDOT Girder Schedule Report, is now computed at mid-span. This eliminates the effect of debonding (typically used in voided slabs) on the location of the resultant prestressing force in the straight strands.
    • The required area of shear reinforcement can now be computed by creating a Details Report. The required Av/S is reported in a table labeled Required Shear Reinforcement in the Shear Capacity Details chapter of the Details Report.
    • Fixed display of debonded strands in the Girder Section View.
    • PGSuper would crash if the Girder End Distance was longer than the Bearing Offset (See the Connections Library). The End Distance must be less than or equal to the Bearing Offset. PGSuper has been updated to enforce this requirement.
    • PGSuper would crash if the girder spacing was too narrow. This problem has been corrected.
    • Due to internal rounding, input values would change slightly. For example, an input of 2.5" might change to 2.4999999". Changes have been made to reduce the number of times this input rounding would occur.
    • The Prestress Force and Strand Stress table has been added to the TxDOT Summary Report
    • PGSuper project files could not be opened if the Comment field in the Project Settings dialog exceeded 256 characters. This problem has been corrected.
    • The vertical component of prestress is now considered at the harp points. In previous versions Vp at the harp points was taken to be zero.
    • Some of the stress checks given in the Summary Report were erroneous. Some checks were reported as Pass when they should have been Fail and visa versa. This was only a problem with the Summary Report and it has been corrected.
    • Allowable compression limits where not properly checked for inclined girders, without impact, during hauling. This problem has been corrected.
    • When computing live load distribution factors for Type h, i, and j sections using the lever rule, the edge of slab offset rather than the curb line offset was used. This problem has been corrected.
    • The degree of continuity at all piers with must be determined in order to build the correct structural analysis models (See LRFD The determination of degree of continuity is now reported in a more clear and concise manner.
    • When computing the live load distribution factor for shear, if I or J for type f and g cross sections exceeded the range of applicability limits given by the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, PGSuper would report an error. LRFD states that the distribution factor for moment may be used in this case. PGSuper has been changed to use the moment distribution factor instead of reporting an error.
    • Updated TxDOT templates and libraries
    • Added Slabs to the AASHTO templates and libraries
    Archive Version: 2.0 - August 01, 2007
    • PGSuper can now model multiple spans. Analysis can be performed for simple spans, simple spans made continuous, and the envelope of these two.
    • Added support for provisions of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification, 4th Edition, 2007. Note that the inequality given in Equation is taken to be >= 0.0 even though it was changed to 1.0. This change is an editorial error in the 4th Edition specification.
    • PGSuper can now perform a fabrication optimization analysis (See the PGSuper Theoretical Manual for details).
    • Governing design parameters have been added to the design outcome report.
    • Added a weight property to the traffic barrier library entry. The linear weight of a barrier can now be input to override the computed value.
    • In the Bridge Section View, a grayish-green color is used for future overlays to make them appear visually different then overlays applied during the original construction.
    • Shear stresses at the girder/slab interface can now be computed by either the LRFD approximate equations or by the classical shear flow equation, VQ/Ib.
    • You can now tag user defined loads with a text description. The tag can be used to find load values in reports.
    • User defined end moments have added.
    • Spread box beam bridges can now be analyzed and designed.
    • Deflections due to the removal of temporary strands were not being computed properly in the camber analysis. This problem has been corrected.
    • When computing loads for intermediate diaphragms, the effect of skew on the diaphragm length was not taken into account. This problem has been corrected.
    • The magnitude of intermediate diaphragm loads on exterior girders was computed incorrectly. This problem has been corrected.
    • The skew correction factor for shear for Type F sections (voided slabs and box beams with composite deck) was computed incorrectly. This problem has been corrected.
    • The average stress in prestressing strands was not computed correctly in the moment capacity analysis. The initial strain fpe/Eps was not added to the strain due to flexure at ultimate. This problem has been corrected.
    • The harping point location was incorrectly report in the Input Summary chapter of the Summary Report. This problem has been corrected.
    • The specification check stress for Service IA was failing to correctly identify over-stress values. This problem has been corrected.
    • Miscellaneous performance enhancements were made to speed up the automated design algorithm.
    • Fixed several memory leaks.
    Archive Version: 1.12 - April 25, 2007
    • The Master Library and Project Templates are now published on the Internet. PGSuper will periodically check the PGSuper catalog server for updates and download them as needed.
    • Libraries and Templates for TxDOT bridges are published on the PGSuper catalog server.
    • Libraries and Templates for standard AASHTO girders are publised on the PGSuper catalog server.
    • Several optimizations have been made resulting in shorter analysis times.
    • The mild longitudinal reinforcement defined in the Girder Library is now considered to be seed values. Longitudinal reinforcement is independently defined for each girder. The input data can be quickly reverted to the library seed values.
    • Diaphragms cast into a girder (such as end walls on U-beams) can now be modeled.
    • New methods for describing strand grids and inputting the number of strands has been implemented. See the PGSuper documentation for details.
    • WSDOT has rescinded its deviation from LRFD (Longitudinal Reinforcement for Shear). These computations have been removed from PGSuper.
    • The modulus of elasticity can now be directly input or computed based on concrete parameters.
    • When computing elastic shortening and elastic gain, the centroid of the prestressing force is taken to be at the centroid of the permanent strands. This provides a consistent location for computing the concrete stress at the level of the prestressing over the life of the girder.
    • Overlays can now be treated as future loads. When used as a future load the self weight does not factor into loss calculations and the loading is applied in Bridge Site Stage 3 instead of Stage 2.
    • The graphical user interface is more interactive. In the Bridge Model View, elements of the structure can be selected and manipulated. Pop-up information is now available by hovering the mouse over beams.
    • Added the capability to specify normal values for the concrete parameters and post warnings to the status center if these threshold values are exceeded.
    • The image files used in the various reports are cluttering the main application folder. Image files have been moved to a sub-folder called "Images"
    • Intermedate diaphragms can be modeled as interior or exterior. Interior diaphragms are placed between webs inside the girder and exterior diaphragms go between the exterior webs of adjacent girders. Interior diaphragms may be cast when the girder is constructed or at the bridge site during deck construction. Diaphragm layout rules are now associated with individual girder types.
    • If the girder end size is longer than the prestress transfer length, the point of prestress transfer was included in the bridge model. This problem has been fixed.
    • Fixed bug reporting status of Optional Live Load Deflection Check
    • Fixed erroneous error reported if equal min and max values were input for width of variable-width beam sections.
    • The slab offset can now be computed so that slab geometry and girder deflections match the roadway profile or matches the camber at time of slab casting. Matching camber at the time of slab casting is necessary to avoid construction problems in girders with large cambers and large superimposed dead load deflections.
    • The flexural design algorithm has been improved
    • Specification checking and/or automated design for: strand slope, hold down force, slab offset ("A" Dimension), girder lifting and girder hauling have been made optional.
    • Strand slope for specification check is now computed as the maximum slope for all harped strands. This was previously the average strand slope.
    • The degree of strand bond due to transfer, development and debonding is now taken into consideration when computing the area and C.G. of prestressing.
    • The effective flange width may now optionally be taken to be the tributary slab width.
    • Load modifiers where not included in the load cominations. This problem has been fixed.
    • Fixed compatibility problems with Internet Explorer 7
    • You can now define your own load factors for the Strength I, Service I, Service IA, and Service III limit states.
    • The application of diaphragm loads setting in the Connection Library entry was not saved properly. This problem has been corrected.
    • Symmetrical vertical curves can now be described by inputting the full curve length in the L1 field and leaving the L2 field blank.
    • The effect of long term losses from transfer to deck placement were omited from the creep loss calculation for losses from deck placement to final (See LRFD 5.9..4.3b). This problem has been corrected.
    • The concrete strengths required to pass the various Service Limit State stress checks is now reported.
    Archive Version: 1.11.1 - November 28, 2006
    • Fixed bug reporting stress check status in the Casting Yard and Bridge Site Stages 1 and 2.
    Archive Version: 1.11.0 - November 17, 2006
    • The profile effect of the slab offset was computed incorrectly when the bridge had skewed piers. This problem as been corrected.
    • The weight of the traffic barrier load was reported as weight per foot per rail and not weight per foot per girder. The problem was only related to the reporting of the load and not the structural analysis. The correct traffic barrier load was used in the analysis. This problem has been corrected.
    • Intermediate diaphragm loads were computed based on the diaphragm cross section and girder spacing. The width of the girder is now deducted from the spacing when computing the diaphragm load.
    • When computing the cracking moment, Mcr, the dead load moment on the noncomposite section, Mdnc, did not include user defined loads applied in Bridge Site Stage 1. This problem has been corrected.
    • Harping points can now be located from the center of the girder and can be limited to a maximum distance from the reference point.
    • Girder concrete properties are no longer reset to default values when the girder type is changed.
    • For connection library entries, the bearing offset and girder end distance can now be measured normal to the pier/abutment or along the centerline of the girder.
    • The coefficient for computing modulus of rupture is now a user defined value. Agencies can set the value of the coefficient in the Project Criteria library.
    • The girder end distance, defined in a Connection library entry, is no longer restricted to be less than the bearing offset distance.
    • PGSuper would permit the number of debonded straight strands to exceed the total number of straight strands. The program would crash with this input scenario. The problem has been corrected by limiting the total number of straight strands to be no less than the number of debonded straight strands.
    • If strands were debonded over the entire length of a girder, PGSuper would crash. This problem has been corrected.
    • The girder spacing input was inadvertently enabled for adjacent box beams. The spacing should be fixed at the width of the box. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 1.10.1 - August 09, 2006
    • Chamfers have been added to the Box Beam, TXDOT U-Beam, and I-Beam sections
    • The section modulus for top of slab is reported in terms of equivalent girder concrete. This has been changed to be in terms of slab concrete. The value is more useful in this form.
    • For girders with a cast in place deck and without temporary strands, the diaphragm deflection was deducted from both "C" and "D". This resulted in the excess camber being off by the amount of the diaphragm camber. This problem has been corrected.
    • The bursting force was computed as 0.04(Jacking Force in Straight + Harped)/(Area Straight). This is incorrect. The bursting force is now computed correctly as 4% of the total jacking force less the force in debonded strands
    • Changed the hauling details report to make the calculation of the mild reinforcement requirement for the alternative tensile stress limit more clear
    • Each time a harped strand offset was specified at the end of the girder or the harping point, PGSuper would add the current input value to the previous input value. This resulted in the harped strands being in the wrong location. This problem has been corrected.
    • For agencies using only one set of creep parameters, PGSuper would not let you enter the minimum and maximum values to be the same. This problem has been corrected.
    • The picture for the TxDOT U-Beam did not show the dimension "D6". This problem has been corrected.
    • Fixed problems reporting the parameter "TO" on TxDOT IBNS reports and the Export TxDOT CAD Data function.
    • When PGSuper computed the maximum allowable jacking force for strand input it was including the initial relaxation losses. This loss was removed from the LRFD specification in 2005 and PGSuper was not taking this into account. This problem has been corrected. To have PGSuper update the maximum allowable jacking force to the correct value, open the girder editing dialog and step through all the pages. There is no need to change any values. Simply open the dialog, go through the steps, and press the Finish button, PGSuper will do the rest.
    • The development length reduction between the point of initial bond and the full development point of a strand were computed incorrectly. A single linear interpolation was used and should have been a bilinear interpolation per LRFD This has been corrected.
    • For horizontal interface shear checks, both the requirements for Equation and were evaluated. The LRFD specifications say that only one of these two need to be satisfied. This problem has been corrected.
    • Under certain input conditions, PGSuper would crash when multiple horizontal and/or vertical curves were used. This problem has been corrected.
    • The girder deflection reported for camber differs from that reported elsewhere in PGSuper. The reason for this is that the girder deflection for camber is based on Eci and the other deflections are based on Ec. A footnote has been added to the Camber table and the theoretical manual has been updated to clarify this.
    Archive Version: 1.10.0 - June 22, 2006
    • Updated PGSuper for AASHTO LRFD 2006 Interim Provisions
    • Fixed problem with false errors listed in the summary section of the Spec Check Report
    • Fixed problem displaying harped strand locations in the girder cross section.
    • Added new summary report for TxDOT users
    • The Specification Check Summary Report does not list all of the failures and reports Bridge Site 3, Service III failure when it actually passes. This problem has been corrected.
    • Mild reinforcement is now included, at an engineer's option, into the capacity analysis for flexure and longitudinal resistance to shear induced tension forces.
    • PGSuper can now model complex roadway alignments including multiple horizontal curves, with or without entry and exit spirals, multiple non-symmetric vertical curves, and super elevation transitions. Loading and slab haunch ("A" Dimension) calculations have been updated to account for these geometric effects.
    Archive Version: 1.9.1 - May 05, 2006
    • The torsional constant, J, for voided slabs was computed incorrectly. This has been corrected.
    • The effect of temporary prestressing was included in the stresses caused by prestressing in Bridge Site Stage 1. This problem has been corrected.
    • For bridges with wide girder spacing, the effective flange width may have been computed incorrectly. This problem has been corrected.
    • The entire bridge can now be offset from the roadway alignment survey line.
    • Slab overhangs can now be specified for both the left and right edges.
    Archive Version: 1.9.0 - April 24, 2006
    • Added Stresses chapter to Details Report. This chapter lists the stresses caused by the various loading conditions
    • Significantly enhanced plotting by adding plots of allowable stresses, stress demands, stresses caused by the various loadings, ultimate moment capacity and ultimate shear capacity. Several sets of analysis results can be combined into a single plot.
    • Incorrect parameters were used when computing the longitudinal shear requirements at the face of support. Vu, Vs, Vp and theta should be those values at the critical section. See C5.8.3.5 for details.
    • PGSuper can now model bridges made of a single girder line when the girder has multiple webs.
    • Approximate time dependent losses were always computed for non-composite beams, even if refined time dependent losses were specified. This problem has been corrected.
    • Added missing information to Specification Check Summary
    • Transverse reinforcement (stirrups) can now be excluded from the horizontal interface shear resistance.
    • Added details of modulus of elasticity of concrete calculations
    • Added detailed of development and transfer length calculatinos
    • Added prestressed slabs (voided and solid) and prestressed box beams
    • Added support for debonded straight strands
    Archive Version: 1.8.4 - February 24, 2006
    • Girder lengths were not computed correctly when the skews at either end of the span differed. This problem has been resolved.
    • The slab fillet dimension is now set to 0 when a composite overlay is used with adjacent girders (such as deck bulb tees).
    • The weight of end diaphragms was computed incorrectly for skewed piers. The length of the pier along the skew was not accounted for. This problem has been corrected.
    • The schematic picture for composite overlay decks was not shown in the details report. This problem has been corrected.
    • The slab overhang dimension becomes inconsistent with the girder spacing when a composite overlay deck is used. For a composite overlay deck, the slab overhang should be exactly half the girder spacing. PGSuper has been updated to keep the slab overhang dimension consistent with the girder spacing.
    • The width of composite overlay decks was computed incorrectly when piers are skewed. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 1.8.3 - February 10, 2006
    • Under certain circumstances, PGSuper would crash if the CG of the prestress force was shown on in Elevation pane of the Girder View window. This problem has been resolved.
    • PGSuper would crash if you clicked on the Bridge Site 2 tab of a Design Criteria library entry. This problem has been fixed.
    • For shear designs done by the modified compression field theory, in accordance with AASHTO LRFD 2005, the average shear stress was computed incorrectly. The shear capacity computations have been corrected.
    • For noncomposite girder sections, such as the decked buld tee, the weight of the intermediate diaphramgs was not used in the analysis of interior girders. This issue has been corrected.
    • The WSDOT method for computing shear capacity was not consistent with WSDOT BDM 5.2.4F.2. The calculations have been correct.
    • The allowable live load deflection for LRFD was reported as a positive value. However, the computed live load deflection is downward and reported as a negative value. For consistancy, the allowable live load deflection is now reported as a negative value.
    Archive Version: 1.8.2 - February 02, 2006
    • PGSuper would crash when a Spec Check Report was created. This issue has been resolved.
    • PGSuper would crash when loading files on some versions of Windows XP. This issue has been resolved.
    Archive Version: 1.8.1 - February 01, 2006
    • The tension stress check in Bridge Site Stage 2 was unnecessary and it has been eliminated.
    • Tensile stresses were checked in Bridge Site Stage 3 at both the top and bottom of the girder. The tensile stress limit only applies to the precompressed tensile zone (bottom of the girder). This has been resolved.
    • The resultant eccentricity of the straight and harped prestressing strands, after temporary strands are removed, was computed incorrectly. This issue has been resolved.
    • The slope of the harp strands was computed incorrectly when strand offsets were used. This issue has been resolved.
    • Prestress losses for non-composite Deck Bulb Tee girders was incorrect. This problem has been resolved.
    • Under certain conditions, PGSuper would applied a user defined load to the structure twice. This issue has been resolved.
    Archive Version: 1.8.0 - January 25, 2006
    • Added support for AASHTO LRFD 2005 Interim provisions
    • Added tensile stress checks for temporary conditions (at release, lifting, and shipping) when tensile reinforcement is provided. Also computes the minimum amount of tensile reinforcement required to use the higher allowable stress limits
    • Added support for noncomposite sections including deck bulb tees, double tees and ribbed girders
    • Added support for TXDOT U-Beam section
    • Added feature to export TXDOT CAD data
    • Fixed problems with zero-length connections
    • Fixed problems computing moment capacities with lightly reinforced sections
    • Fixed problems checking longitudinal reinforcement for shear
    Archive Version: 1.7.1 - May 12, 2005
    • Fixed problem computing truck roll stiffness
    Archive Version: 1.7.0 - May 11, 2005
    • Temporary top strands and harped strands at the ends of the girder are now measured from the top centerline of the girder. These strand groups will retain their relative position to the top of the girder when the girder height is changed.
    • When defining pier orientation by bearing, the bearing may be either left or right of the alignment
    • Corrected the fill sequence numbering in the girder library entry section views
    • Minimum and maximun time frames can be specified for construction. Cambers for the different timings is computed.
    • Improved computation of "D" dimension
    • Temporary strands can be used for shipping only
    Archive Version: 1.6 - April 27, 2005
    • Fixed problem with users inserting and deleting rows from the girder dimension input grid in the Girder Library
    • Girder length, along grade, has been updated to account for roadway profile effects
    • Complementary girder end skew angles were being reported in the girder schedule report. This bug has been fixed
    • Removed WSDOT logo from main window and report title pages
    • Corrected equations shown in Details report for U-beam distribution factors for shear on interior beams. The computations are correct, however the exponent on the first term was 0.6 instead of 0.8
    • Corrected calculation of live load distribution factor by lever rule for 2+ loaded lanes for U-beam sections
    • Added a Status Center feature as a centralize means of reporting and correcting errors.
    • Girder bearing offset for pier 1 was used at pier 2 when computing girder lengths. This problem as been fixed.
    • Added variable capacity reduction factor method as a WSDOT alternative to computing capacity of over-reinforced sections per LRFD C5. See "Flexural Strength of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete T-Beams" by Seguirant, Brice, and Khaleghi for details.
    • Corrected the dimensions for a W42G girder
    • The available prestress force near the ends of girders are reduced along the development length to account for under developed strands at ultimate moment capacity
    • Added support for LRFD 3rd Edition, 2004
    • A step function for truck roll stiffness has been added for hauling stability analysis
    • Added user defined concentrated and distributed loads
    Archive Version: 1.5.0 - October 01, 2004
    • Updated Bridge Geometry Report to include deck elevation, top of girder, and haunch depth over each web at 10th points along the girder. This information is useful in determining "A" dimensions for girders that are not erected plumb.
    • Added optional live load deflection checks per LRFD
    • Added a feature to import library entries from PGSuper projects to the PGSuper Master Library file. This feature is implemented in the LibraryEditor program and is only available to PGSuper adminstrators.
    • The limiting moment capacity of over reinforced sections, per LRFD C5., is now reported along with the nominal moment capacity.
    • Concrete properties are now directly input by the user. The concrete library remains so that common properties can be stored and recalled with a simple name. You can now directly input f'c and f'ci for each girder.
    Archive Version: 1.4 - March 01, 2004
    • The method of computing ultimate moment capacity has been changed to a non-linear strain compatibility analysis. Research to be published in the PCI Journal (2004) by Seguirant, Brice, Khaleghi has shown the PCI BDM Average Beta1 method to be unreliable.
    • Added new WSDOT WF sections
    • PGSuper would crash when loading files containing comments more than 255 characters long. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 1.3.3b - August 07, 2003
    • When ignoring range of applicability for distribution factor calculations, PGSuper would still evaluate curvature restrictions. Curvature restrictions are now ignored if the other range of applicability requirements are ignored.
    • Updated TxDOT IBNS report
    Archive Version: 1.3.3a - July 16, 2003
    • Updated TxDOT IBNS report
    Archive Version: 1.3.3 - January 23, 2003
    • Harping point locations can now be defined by a fractional distance or an absolute distance
    • The name of your project file is now given in the report heading.
    • The input for environmental conditions, Exposure and Relative Humidity, has been moved to the Bridge Description dialog. This input was somewhat "hidden" in the PGSuper interface and designers were often overlooking these parameters.
    • The last line of the TxDOT Summary Report lists the ultimate moment demand, but the label on the report says the minimum ultimate moment capacity. The reported value has been changed to the actual minimum moment capacity
    • The weight of the girder slab pad was being underestimated. For bridges with steep vertical curves the load can be grossly underestimated. The slab pad load is now computed using a straight line approximate for the top of girder geometry. This results in a more accurate, and slightly conservative loading. See the Theoretical Manual for loading details.
    Archive Version: 1.3.2 - August 21, 2002
    • The controlling point for release strength is at the end of the prestress transfer length. PGSuper computes it at H from the end of the beam. A Point of Interest was added at the end of the prestress transfer length.
    • PGSuper was applying the distributed traffic barrier loads to the wrong number of girders. The traffic barrier weight was divided by the correct number of girder lines, but it was applied to one additional girder line. For example, the traffic barrier weight is divided by 3 girder lines, but was applied to 4. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 1.3.1 - August 16, 2002
    • PGSuper used the SI version of the LRFD specifications for the HL93 Live Load Description regardless of the specification basis. PGSuper now uses the HL93 Live Load Description based on the currently selected specification basis.
    • Added TxDOT Girder Schedule (IBNS) Report
    • Added support for the Nebraska NU girder types
    • Girder end distance can now exceed the bearing offset when defining a connection library entry
    • PGSuper incorrectly added half of top flange width to de when computing live load distribution factors for exterior I-beams. This problem was introduced in Version 1.3. This problem has been corrected.
    • The input for SIP deck panels was not checked for consistency. The sum of the cast depth and the panel depth must be <= to the "A" dimension. This problem has been fixed.
    Archive Version: 1.3 - August 01, 2002
    • When the computed shear strain, ex, exceeds 0.002, ex is set equal to 0.002. When this case occurs incorrect values for beta and theta are computed. When v/f''c is < 0.075 the row for v/f''c < 0.1.00 in Table is used. These problems have been fixed
    • Updated the PGSuper to reflect the change in methodology for estimating prestress losses at shipping. These changes are in accordance with WSDOT Bridge Design Memorandum 5-2002
    • NEW FEATURE You can now enter your own live load distribution factors. Select Loads | Live Load Distribution Factors... and enter your values.
    • NEW FEATURE Support for Stay-In-Place (SIP) deck panel systems was added to PGSuper.
    • PGSuper has been upgraded for the 2002 Interim provisions. Changes to the following provisions have been incorporated into PGSuper:
      • Distribution factors for I Beams (
      • Distribution factors for U Beams (
      • Bursting Zone Resistance (
    • The loss equation used for U-beams is incorrect. The equation for I-beams is used. This problem has been corrected.
    • Updated the geometry for the trapezoidal open box girder to accomodate the current WSDOT standards
    Archive Version: 1.2 - January 03, 2002
    • The limiting capacity of over reinforced sections was being computed incorrectly (C5. When rectangular section behavior is present, the equation for flange section behavior was used. When flange section behavior is present, the equation for rectangular section behavior was used. This problem has been corrected.
    • Incorporated provisions of LRFD specifications up to 2nd Edition, 1998 with 1999, 2000, and 2001 interims
    • Changed the accelerator key for Update Now from Ctrl+U to F5. This change makes PGSuper more consistent with industry standards.
    • An option to ignore live load distribution factor "Range of Applicability" criteria has been added to the project Design Criteria library entry.
    • The method of defining harped strands at the harping point has been changed. WSDOT bundles harped strands at the harping point and PGSuper reflected this practice. However, others do not bundle the strands but rather maintain the strand spacing throughout the girder. The method for defining harped strands at the harping point has been changed to accomodate this situation.
    • The dimensions of an intermediate diaphragm can now be zero. Girder library entries define the size of an associated intermediate diaphragm on the Misc tab. For girders that don''t use diaphragms, enter a dimension of 0.0 for the height and widith.
    • The bursting zone check for LRFD has been changed to a single service limit state check over the bursting zone length instead of a check based on stirrup spacing.
    • Added a Bridge Geometry Report that contains the station, offset, and top of deck elevations at the intersection of the centerline of the girder and the bearing line.
    • Fix problem with prestressing strand material properties when the SI units version of the LRFD Specifications is used.
    • Update moment capacity calculations to be consistent with the procedures described in the PCI Bridge Design Manual.
    • Added support for WSDOT''s new trapezoidal girder section
    Archive Version: 1.1 - May 01, 2001
    • PGSuper mistakenly used the effective prestress, fpe, when evaluating LRFD The term on the left hand side of the equation requires fps, the stress in the prestressing steel at the time for which the nominal resistance of the member is required. This problem has been corrected. Supporting information in the PGSuper Theoretical Manual has been updated as well.
    • The size of interior diaphragms for W42G, W50G, W58G where defined incorrectly in the Girder Library. The library and the project templates have been updated with the correct diaphragm sizes.
    Archive Version: 1.1 Preview 4 - March 27, 2001
    • The maximum girder weight was not checked by PGSuper. Section 6.2.3.G.3g of the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual specifies a maximum shipping weight of 200 kips. The Project Criteria library has been updated to include a maximum girder weight parameter. The maximum weight is now check during the transportation analysis.
    • The location of the upper harp strand bundle was defined incorrectly in the girder library for W83G, W83MG, W95G, and W95MG. The upper bundle is 3" above the lower bundle.
    • When computing ultimate moment capacity, sections with c/de > 0.42 are considered overreinforced. These sections may be acceptable if it can be show that sufficient ductility can be acheived (LRFD The LRFD Commentary suggests a means to compute the minimum nominal strength for over reinforced sections. PGSuper now computes this suggested minimum capacity in accordance with C5. Because this computation is not a requirement of AASHTO LRFD, as it was in the Standard Specification, it is left to the engineer to determine if it is acceptable for a given section to be over reinforced. PGSuper simply makes the computation but does not draw a conclusion.
    • PGSuper has performed analysis checks for long girder stability since Version 0.6. However, the effects of the lifting and transportation stages where not considered during design. The PGSuper Preliminary Girder Designer has been updated to consider lifting and transportation stages. The Designer now determines the minimum release strength, minimum 28 day strength, lifting loop location and truck support location in order to insure girder stability. To aid engineers in the design process, PGSuper now includes a Stability View that graphs the factors of safety for girder stability against various locations of lift points and truck support locations.
    Archive Version: 1.1 Preview 3 - January 18, 2001
    • The minimum confinement reinforcement in the Bursting Zone ( was computed incorrectly. The values of Avb/S Min in the Bursting Zone Check Details chapter of the Details Report are incorrect. Even though the jacking stress, fpj was reported, the jacking force was actually used. This problem has been corrected.
    • Changed lift angle criteria for lifting analysis. The previous value was 60 degrees. A vertical lift creates the worst case. The library entries and templates have been updated.
    • The topic "Computing the A Dimension" in the Theoretical Manual contained some typographical errors in the equations. These errors have been corrected.
    • For lifting analysis, the camber due to prestressing alone is computed relative to the bearing locations. This is incorrect. For this computation, the camber should be relative to the ends of the girder. This has been corrected.
    • Under certain conditions, PGSuper would incorrectly report a "Pass" for the factor of safety against failure during lifting. Specifically, when the Factor of Safety against Failure (FSf) is less than the Factor of Safety against Cracking (FScr) FSf is taken to be equal to FScr. When this situation occurs, PGSuper would used the allowable Factor of Safety against Cracking in its evaluation of the Factor of Safety against Failure. The allowable FScr is 1.0 and the allowable FSf is 1.5. PGSuper would report a "Pass" if FSf was greater than 1.0, not 1.5. This problem has been corrected.
    • The parameter Fe (F sub epsilon) was not reported in the Shear Details chapter of the Details Report. This has been corrected. Notes have been added to clarify when Fe is applicable and when it is applied to the shearing strain ex.
    • The self-weight load of that portion of the traffic barrier supported by the girder end cantilevers was not modeled. This load is now included in the structural analysis model when appropriate.
    • The equations that preface the Details of Minimum Transverse Reinforcement Spacing Check table in the Details Report were reported incorrectly. The maximum reinforcement spacing is the minimum of the two computed values, not the maximum. This was only a problem in the table heading. The correct maximum reinforcement spacing is reported in the table.
    • PGSuper models the girder self-weight, slab weight, traffic barrier, and overlay loads that occur in the girder overhangs as concentrated shears and moments. In a typical bridge, the girder cantilever (the portion of the girder that overhangs the bearing) is quite short. PGSuper now ignores the moment if the length of the cantilever is less than the depth of the girder. For this situation, the cantilever is a deep beam and strut-and-tie, rather than flexural, behavior occurs. Refer to the Structural Modeling section of the Theoretical Manual for details.
    • The girder overhang moments were computed incorrectly. The moment was computed as P*Loh, but should have been P*Loh/2. Refer to the Theoretical Manual for details regarding Structural Modeling and Analysis. This problem has been corrected.
    • The table headings for live load reactions were labeled incorrectly. The Min/Max subheadings were reversed. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 1.1 Preview 2 - December 21, 2000
    • The skew correction factors where incorrectly reported in the Distribution Factors Details chapter of the Details Report. This problem has been corrected.
    • The skew correction factor for live load moment distribution factors being computed incorrectly. This error only occurred with skew angles greater than 30 degrees and for computations based on the US version of the LRFD Specification. When computing c1, a value of 12.0ts^3 was used instead of 12.0Lts^3 in the denominator. This problem has been corrected.
    • For left skewed piers, PGSuper was using negative skew angles when computing the skew correction factor for live load distributions. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 1.1 Preview 1 - December 06, 2000
    • In the Moment Capacity Details chapter of the Details Report, the value for Ae was reported incorrectly. Ae is equal to Beta1*Ac. This was only a reporting problem, the correct value for Ae was used in the analysis.
    • For lifting analysis, the modulus of rupture was incorrectly based on f''c (28 day strength) rather than f''ci (release strength). This has been corrected.
    • The allowable stress checks during transportation have been changed so that stress for a vertical girder with impact are considered separately from the stresses in an inclined girder without impact. This is consistent with the PCI Journal article this analysis is based on.
    • Editorial changes to the lifting and hauling report details
    • For lifting analysis, re-organized the way PGSuper compares the Factor of Safety Against Failure with the Factor of Safety Against Cracking. The check is now consistent with the PCI Journal article that the lifting analysis is based on.
    • The maximum distance between supports for hauling analysis was not consistent with WSDOT criteria. The Design Criteria library entries have been updated. The proper value is 130 ft (40 m).
    • The upward impact factor for hauling in the WSDOT SI Criteria was incorrect. The impact has been changed to 20% per the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual.
    • When defining strand locations in a Girder library entry, PGSuper would incorrectly indicate an error if a strand location was exactly aligned with the edges of the web. This problem has been corrected.
    • The basis for live load deflections have been added to the reports. Live load deflection is reported per lane of live load, including impact.
    • The input values for lifting pick point locations and hauling support locations have been added to the reports.
    Archive Version: 1.00 - September 07, 2000
    • The input values for lifting pick point locations and hauling support locations have been added to the reports.
    • After a design was performed, and accepted, the check boxes in the girder editing wizard that cause the prestress force to be the maximum allowed for the number of strands selected were left unchecked. This was not a functional error, but caused problems for some users who would later tweaked the design, and find that the prestress forces weren''t changing automatically. Now the check boxes are checked after a design attempt if the PGSuper designer selects prestress forces that are maximum values.
    • The properties for Strands and Rebar were always reported using converted SI values. WSDOT has reverted to US units. Changed implementation so reports uses US units rebar and strands.
    Archive Version: 0.93 - August 11, 2000
    • Preliminary girder design dialog feature was confusing to many users. Updated documentation and text on dialog to help users understand designer concept and to interpret the outcome of a design. Also added help button to Design Details dialog box.
    • Numbers on Graph axes were overcrowded because numbers had too much precision. Reduced precision to be more reasonable for graphical display.
    • Some screen shots of PGSuper in the help file were out of date with respect to the latest version of the program. Screen shots are now in sync with the current version
    • Updated longitudinal reinforcement for shear (LRFD so that it is only checked at the ends of spans when WSDOT criteria is selected. According to the AASHTO Specifications, this provision is to be applied at all sections along a beam. It is the opinion of WSDOT engineers that this is too conservative for simple spans, and can unexpectedly result in more shear reinforcement in the middle part of the girder than in the end regions. This requirement is primarily intended for the confinement of the sections subjected to shear and shall be primarily applied to the end regions of the girder where shear demand is higher.
    • The load modifiers were not applied to the limit state combinations. This has been corrected.
    • Redesigned the Design Outcome dialog to be more user friendly. We got rid of separate View Details dialog and integrated its contents into the Design Outcome dialog. We also added current design information to design details report so users can easily compare the current girder with the proposed design.
    • Under rare circumstances, the Bridge Description Dialog would crash if a station was entered without all of its digits (i.e. the zeros after the decimal point weren''t entered because you had a full station). This problem has been corrected.
    • Project Menu said "Design Criteria" while design criteria entry in library editor was labeled "Project Criteria". This inconsistency could confuse users. Updated so both labels say "Design Criteria"
    • On some low-resolution computer screens, the text in some dialogs was being "blocked out". Updated those dialogs to display better on low-resolution screens.
    • Under certain conditions, PGSuper would indicate a girder did not pass a specification check when in fact it had. PGSuper was evaluating bursting zone requirements in stirrups zones that are not contained within the bursting zone. This was also true for the confinement zones. This problem has been corrected.
    • Editorial changes to the help documents:
      • In the theoretical manual, Analysis Models section, the equation for K2 had a typo. The last term (yi) should have been F.
      • The equation for wj had a typo as well. The minus sign should have been a plus sign. wj is the average load between points of interest.
      • The picture for the slab pad load incorrectly identified the Top of Girder as the Top of Slab
    • Changed maximum spacing for SI girder templates from 460mm to 450mm to bring spacing better into line with specification checks.
    • It was possible for the preliminary girder design algorithm for shear to design stirrups with negative spacing in the last shear zone. This would happen for girders with very light shear demand.
    Archive Version: 0.92 - May 30, 2000
    • The vertical component for prestressing at the harping points is now conservatively taken as zero.
    • The jacking force was inadvertently used for the bursting zone checks. PGSuper has been updated to use the jacking stress.
    • The steel stress used for Bursting Zone checks was inadvertently taken to be 400MPa rather than 140MPa as indicated in LRFD This problem only existed when calculations were based on the SI version of the LRFD Specification.
    • The presentation of data in the Strand Eccentricity table was very confusing. Locations of eccentricities were measured from the end of the girder, but corresponded to POI locations in the bridge site stage models, which are located based on distances from the left support. This meant that location values in the Strand Eccentricity table did not match any other locations in the report. We changed the Strand Eccentricity table so that locations are now measured both from left support and end of girder. Strand Eccentricities are reported for all points of interest used in casting yard, handling, and at the bridge site.
    • Changed Design Criteria Entry so that allowable concrete stresses can be specified for all bridge site stages. Previously, the program used the same allowable stress for all bridge site stages.
    • Per the 4/18/2000 design memo from Bridge Design Engineer, Chuck Ruth, the Unit Weight for Strength of concrete has been changed from 155pcf to 160pcf. (2480kg/m3 to 2560kg/m3)
    • An error message resulted when trying to open Project template files (*.pgt) from the File Open dialog. This is now fixed.
    • Corrected typo in Minimum Horizontal Interface Shear Steel chapter in the Details Report. In US units mode, PGSuper would report the coefficient of equation as 0.005 instead of 0.05. This was simply a typo. PGSuper has always used the coefficient 0.05. The corresponding discussion in the Theoretical manual has been updated as well.
    • The new WSDOT girder section WF74G (WF74MG) was added to the girder library. Corresponding connection types were added as well.
    • The strand patterns for harped strands at the ends of WSDOT standard girder sections have been updated to reflect changes requested by local girder manufactures. The top-most pair of harped strands is now located 4" (100mm) from the top of the girder.
    • Changed Girder Schedule Report and Summary Report to clarify the meaning of the "D" dimension. "D" is the total camber at the time the girder is delivered to the bridge site. The Project Criteria for Creep and the corresponding help documents have been updated to reflect this change.
    • Changed the interface for PGSuper''s design feature so it isn''t so confusing. PGSuper''s design feature performs preliminary design. The outcome of a design attempt is a guess for some input variables.
    • The label for tensile stresses in Bridge Site tab for the Design Criteria Library Entry said "sqrt(f''ci)". This was corrected to say "sqrt(f''c)".
    • The curb to curb width used for distribution factor calculations is computed incorrectly. PGSuper incorrectly added one extra girder space to the width. This problem has been corrected.
    • The capacity reduction factor for bursting zone analysis has been changed to 0.80 since this is compression in an anchorage zone. See LRFD
    • The column heading Avb/S in the bursting zone check details table is confusing. The column heading has been changed to Avb/S Min to indicate the minimum required reinforcement.
    • The amount of prestress loss used at the Hauling Stage was taken to be equal to the total prestress loss. This was incorrect. Regardless of the method for computing losses, the Hauling losses are always a lump sum value that is defined in the specification library entry. The specified loss at Hauling is now used.
    • The specification reference for allowable stresses in the Lifting Criteria section of the Details Report was incorrect. The correct specification reference is
    • When a user made a small change in pier stationing, the result was not reflected in the program. This was caused by a tolerance error. PGSuper checks to see if a pier is actually moved before it invalidates analysis results and updates a view. The tolerance on pier movement was too large. This problem has been corrected.
    Archive Version: 0.91 - April 03, 2000
    • In rare cases, the moment capacity solver was unable to find an equilibrium state within the desired tolerance (i.e., the net axial force for the final strain state was not quite zero, but were within 1% of each other). Problem was due to the tolerance in the Naaman area calculation method. The large tolerance caused the strain/force curve to become step-wise, making it impossible for the equilibrium solver to find a valid solution. This problem has been corrected
    • Added automated regression testing feature to assist with Quality Control and Assurance.
    • On-line help documentation on dealing with library entries and entry conflicts was confusing. We have re-written the documentation for this topic to present the concepts more clearly.
    • Bridges on curved alignments would, under very rare circumstances, cause PGSuper to enter into an infinite loop. This problem as been corrected.
    • We've added printing capabilities with calculation sheet border for the Bridge Model View and the Girder View. Also added calculation sheet-like border to print of analysis results view (graphs).
    • Library Editor Program did not report an error when trying to save to read-only files. This could result in confusion to users. The Library Editor program now reports an error if you try to save to a read-only file.
    • The input control for entering pier skews accepted bad data and incorrectly interpreted some data. For instance, input of the form "20L", would result in a 20 degree right skew. This problem has been corrected.
    • For some conditions, a skew angle of 10 degrees left was reported as 350 degrees right. This problem has been corrected.
    • On some configurations, the PGSuper file converter would not work. The routine that converts old PGSuper files was dependent on the Windows Scripting Host (WSH) components. WSH is not installed by default with Internet Explorer 4.01and the conversion routines would not run on systems without WSH. The PGSuper file converter has been updated so it no longer depends on the WSH.
    • Provided additional information for "A" dimension calculations in the Theoretical Manual
    • You were not able to enter the number of girders directly into PGSuper. Users had to step through available choices with a "spinner control". This has been updated. The valid number of girders is between 2 and 26.
    • Combined the tables for load combination and limit state results. This significantly reduced the size of the Details Report.
    Archive Version: 0.90 - January 21, 2000
    • The stress check tables have been re-arranged so one table reports both tension and compression checks for top and bottom of girder. This makes the Details report a little bit smaller.
    • It was possible to define a bridge with negative girders lengths. This would cause a crash during analysis. Code was added to check for negative girders length and catch them from the user interface. Users are now required to define a valid model before the analysis is performed.
    • Detailed information for distribution factor calculations was not being reported. A distribution factors details chapter has been added to the Details report.
    • Added Ytop Girder and Ytop Slab to section properties output. This will make it easier to figure out where St girder and St slab come from.
    • A Loading Details chapter has been added to the Details Report. This new chapter reports the details of the dead loads applied to the various structural analysis models. This will help users verify force results
    • The stirrup layouts for WSDOT standard girders have been updated to more accurately reflect the WSDOT standard girder plans.
    • It was possible to type non-numeric data into grids in girder and diaphragm library entries. This could lead to unpredictable behavior of the software. Stronger data validation has been implemented for numeric entries in grids.
    • Shrinkage loss calculations based on the US version of the LRFD Specification are incorrect. Losses were computed as 17 - 0.123H. The correct equation is 17 - 0.150H.
    • Detailed information about the structural models generated by PGSuper was not provided in the reports. The Details Report now contains detailed structural modeling information. The modeling techniques are covered at length in the PGSuper Theoretical Manual.
    • In the details report, the witness line for sacrificial depth in the slab dimension picture is obscured. This picture has been updated.
    • The modulus of rupture was incorrectly computed for lifting and shipping analysis. The allowable tensile stress was inadvertently used for the modulus of rupture. The modulus of rupture is now computed correctly.
    • The eccentricity due to sweep in long girder stability analysis is reported incorrectly. The value reported for es is actually es*Fo. The value reported for es has been corrected. This error does not effect the results of the analysis.
    • The wrong concrete strength was used for computing the maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement per LRFD The weaker of the slab and girder concrete strength was used. The girder concrete strength should have been used. This has been corrected.
    • Detailed reports for the factor of safety for cracking for lifting and hauling did not report which flange governed for cracking. A column was added in the report table to indicate which flange (top or bottom) governs cracking and the impact direction which governs as well.
    • Under rare conditions, the status of the "Compute Prestress Force" check box in the Girder Editing Wizard is not saved. This problem has been corrected.
    • Factor of safety for cracking for lifting did not account for impact. The computations have been changed to use maximum stress due to impact to calculate cracking FS for lifting.
    • On the Hauling tab of the Project Criteria dialog, the concrete strength for allowable tensile stress has been changed from f'ci to f'c. This was an incorrect label in the dialog. PGSuper continues to use f'c in the calculation of the allowable tensile stress.
    • The "draw longitudinal rebar" setting in the girder elevation view setting dialog was not being correctly interpreted. This caused the longitudinal rebar to be displayed sporadically based on the other girder view settings.
    • Equation and minimum spacing requirements were not being checked for horizontal slab-girder interface shear. These checks have been added to PGSuper.
    • Added capability to describe top flange stirrups. These stirrups are a spaced evenly along the length of a girder and are used to strengthen the slab/girder interface. These stirrups are needed in order to pass the requirements of provision 5.8.4, especially for deep girders.
    • Added girder length to Input Summary report.
    • The legend for the stress table in the Hauling Details chapter had a typo. The symbol for bottom fiber stress, downhill side is fbu. It should have been fbd.
    • dv was computed incorrectly per Specifically, the wrong value for h is used. PGSuper was using the girder depth for h. This is incorrect. h should be the girder depth plus the gross slab depth, less the sacrificial depth. Per Article 5.3, h is overall thickness or depth of a member. Shear capacity is computed on the basis of the composite section, therefore the depth of the section is slab+girder. dv and h are now calculated correctly. Bursting zone calculations still use h to be the girder height This is because bursting calculations are performed for the bare girder.
    • Bearings of the form N|S dd mm E|W were not being accepted as valid input. This is a valid form of input. The problem has been corrected.
    • PGSuper would crash when trying to open an older version file if the file was read-only. The PGSuper file converted was writing the converted file over the original file. The file converter has been changed to write converted files to a temporary location. This avoids the read-only problem, and it protects the original file. Converted files are not updated until the user saves the file.
    • An error would occur when trying to move both piers down station in the bridge editor. Updated software to correct this problem.
    • A table of contents feature has been added to the report view. This makes it much easier to navigate reports. To use, just click the right mouse button in the Report View and select Table of Contents from the pop-up menu. Custom tables of contents are generated for each report type.
    • If you enter a straight alignment direction of N 59 59 59.9 E, leave the Bridge Description Dialog, and then return, you will see an alignment of N 90 00 00.1 W. This problem has been corrected.
    • PGSuper would accept the following bearings as valid input: N -90 E and N 34 34 -34 E. This problem has been corrected.
    • The program was crashing in cases where there was a curved horizontal alignment was defined and the bridge lied entirely outside of the curve. This problem has been corrected. Bridges can now lie on either side of the curve. However, bridges still can NOT straddle between the ends of the horizontal curve and the straight tangents. This situation is not covered by the LRFD simplified distribution factor calculations.
    • Reports were being completely reloaded after each results calculation. This caused all report windows to scroll back to the top, which is a nuisance to users Report views now retain their position after recalculations.
    • Excess camber was being calculated incorrectly. Excess camber is defined as the total camber - screed camber. The program was calculating it as the total camber - slab deflection. This problem has been corrected.
    • If the Version of the LRFD code was changed for the currently selected project criteria entry, the change would not be reflected in the output. The program has been fixed so that output will be automatically updated when the LRFD specification version is changed.
    • The Shear Designer could create designs where the bar spacing exceeds the zone length. This would then cause an error message to be displayed in the girder editor. This problem has been corrected.
    • The material-related constant Beta1 used in the moment capacity analysis was assumed to be equal the the Beta1 value for the slab - even if a portion of the girder was in compression. This could lead to non-conservative results for the c/de ratio. PGSuper now uses Beta1 based on the average Beta1 calculated for all materials on the compression side of the neutral axis. Beta1 is computed using Equation of the PCI Bridge Design Manual.
    • The allowable tensile stresses for lifting and hauling have been updated.
    • The deflection computed due to harped prestressing strands was computed incorrectly. Equation 5 from the PCI Design Handbook was used. When coding this equation into the software, we missed the fact that this equation is the case of the prestressing force acting through the C.G. of the girder at the girder ends. Generally, this is not the case. The implementation has been updated to include the effect of the harp strand prestress force being eccentric.
    • When the prestressing strand type is changed in the Bridge Description dialog the jacking force for the prestressing strands was not updated. This problem has been corrected. Now, in the Girder Editing Wizard, if you check the boxes for PGSuper to compute the prestressing force, and you subsequently change the strand type, the prestressing force input will be changed to reflect the change to the strand type.
    • Details for the horizontal shear capacity calculation were not available in reports. A new details section was added to the Details Report and simplified summary report for horizontal shear capacity.
    • Under certain conditions the prestressing force was not initialized properly in the girder editing dialogs. As a result the wrong prestressing force was used in analysis. This problem has been corrected.
    • The equation for the lateral cracking moment reported in the lifting and shipping analysis details was incorrect. The term (fr + ft) should have been (fr - ft). Even though the PCI papers by Mast and Seguirant use '+', the sign convention used by PGSuper requires '-'. This was only an error in the report, the correct equation is used when computing the lateral cracking moment
    • The girder deflection for camber was computed incorrectly. The girder deflection for camber is computed using the final span length and the initial concrete properties. The final span length is used, because WSDOT specifies that precast girders are supported at their final bearing location after the girders have been removed from the casting beds. The stiffness of the girder is Ig*Eci. Internally, PGSuper computes the initial deflection for camber as the final deflection multiplied by the ratio Ec/Eci. Originally, PGSuper used the ratio Eci/Ec. This defect has been corrected.
    • Elastic shortening losses were computed incorrectly. Specifically, the prestress force at transfer was computed as the prestress force prior to transfer instead of the prestress force after transfer. This problem has been corrected.
    • Modulus of rupture calculations [] based on the US version of the LRFD Specification are incorrect. The coefficient multiplied with the square root of the concrete strength was incorrect.
    • The normal force between the slab and girder used in horizontal shear capacity calculations was calculated incorrectly. The load included diaphragm loads and sacrificial slab material and did not account for the haunch. The diaphragms are applied to the structure prior to slab casting and do not contribute to the slab/girder interface load. Overlay load is not used because overlays are temporary. PGSuper has been modified such that the diaphragm and sacrificial slab depth do not contribute to the normal force on the girder/slab interface and the haunch weight is now applied to the interface.
    • Correct typo in Bridge Site Stage headings in Moments, Shears, and Reactions report.
    • The definitions for load cases DC and DW were not well-defined for individual bridge stages. Notes have been added to the details report which define loads (slab, girder self weight, etc.) belong to the LRFD load cases for a given stage.
    • Locations for results tables were not well-defined. It was difficult to tell whether the location was measured from the end of girder, or from the left support. Notes have been added to the location labels which fully describe the datum for the Location column.
    • Added tenth point indicators to the Location field in the report tables
    • If you try to save a read-only input file, the program responds with an error saying that the "file could not be found". This does not help determine the real cause of the problem. PGSuper was changed so the program does not attempt to save read only files. Instead it reports to user that he must save under a different name.
    • The modeling of the end diaphragms has been made more flexible. When using PGSuper to model an interior span of a multi-span structure, the girders typically bear onto the diaphragms, rather than the girders supporting the weight of the diaphragms (as was originally assumed by PGSuper). You can now specify how and where the end diaphragm load is applied to the structure.
    • New Feature: Girder Schedule Report. This report contains a table very similar to the Girder Schedule defined in the WSDOT standard girder plans. The report may or may not be useful for agencies outside of WSDOT. To access the report, select View | Reports, and from the Reports dialog, select "Girder Schedule Report".
    Archive Version: 0.89 - January 21, 2000
    • The EVC (end of vertical curve) station was reported incorrectly in the Profile Details table. This has been corrected.
    • The allowable tensile stress for the Casting yard stage was incorrect for US units version of the project criteria. This has been corrected.
    • The creep coefficient was not computed correctly using equation C5. of the LRFD specification. This error has been corrected.
    • The girder cross section dimensions have been updated for W74MG and W83MG girders.
    • Cracking moment was computed incorrectly. The correct equation is Mcr = (fr+fpb)Sbc - Mdnc(Sbc/Sb-1).
    • The comparison between 1.2Mcr and 1.33Mu is incorrect. Per LRFD, Mr Min should be the lesser of 1.2Mcr and 1.33Mu. The greater of these values was being reported. This has been corrected.
    • The allowable tensile stress for hauling was incorrect. This has been corrected.
    • The schematic picture for the slab geometry, the lower witness line for the "A" dimension does not display correctly. The picture has been updated to show witness line more clearly.
    • In version 0.88, we upgraded to the new Microsoft MSXML parser for reading input files. This parser is a true XML parser and has problems with special characters such as &,<,>,", and "s. This caused input files with object names or properties using any of these special characters to become invalid xml and be rejected. In short, PGSuper can no longer read input files containing these characters. The file loading and saving routines have been updated to deal with these special characters correctly. However existing files with special characters will still cause problems. If you have problems reading old input files when upgrading to version 0.88, search for any of the above-mentioned special characters and delete them or replace them with valid alphanumeric text.
    • The picture for camber details is incorrect. The Dslab on the right side of the graph should be Ds. Also, Ds should be defined as Screen Camber. The picture has been updated to show variables more clearly.

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