GeoMetrix Geodetic Survey Office

What is the Monument Database?

This database is a set of entities and attributes as referenced to individual geographic locations, hereafter referred to as "Point". Each individual Point has a location relative to all other points in the database as referenced to a coordinate grid. The relative location of the points as represented in this database correspond to the physical or determined locations of Survey Control Monumentation.

Attribute values of each point may contain accuracy data, physical descriptions on the monuments, descriptions for retracement and recovery, horizontal and vertical reference datum’s, dates of recovery, determination, origin of data values, and methods used for value determination.

Project reports by hard copy are also referenced by book and contract number and physically archived at Geographic Services. These reports contain all original instructions, maps, schematics, diagrams, existing control, obstruction diagrams, site log sheets, post processing information and copies of the minimal and fully constrained adjustments as well as geoid modeling data. Vertical control project reports contain instructions maps, route schematics, copies of electronic collection of raw data, field book and adjustments. Copies of the existing control used to constrain also included.

Why do we have the Database?

This database has been developed and maintained to provide storage and retrieval capabilities to users for data values associated with Survey Control Monumentation. The database associated with Survey Control Monumentation. The database is an efficient tool that can provide accurate positions to reference and catalog monuments for inventory purposes as well. Originally designed by Geographic Services for Primary Control, the system was expanded to be made available for regions to utilize for Right of Way, Alignment and other secondary control.

Use Constraints/Disclaimers

The Washington Department of Transportation makes no warranty to the validity of this information and shall not be liable to the user for any activity involving the product with the respect to the following:

a) Lost profits, lost savings or any other consequential damages;
b) The fitness of the product for a particular purpose;
c) The installation of the product, it’s use or the results obtained.

Information contained here in no way replaces the long standing survey practices such as proper research and development of methods and routines of providing data in the field or office. Users are warned to employ this data at their own risk.

Originator/Maintaining Body

Design Manual M22-01, section 1450.04 states "All control monuments that are established, re-established or reset must be filed with the county engineer, Geographic Services and the DNR". The vehicle used for this purpose is the "Record of Survey Mark" and must be accompanied by a "Record of Monuments and Accessories" if used to reference right of way or land corners. As stated in sections 1450.05, 1450.06, and 1450.07 the same is required for alignment monuments, property corners and other monuments. This database was designed and constructed by Geographic Services for the purpose of tracking those monuments listed above. It’s use as a central mechanism will aid in fulfilling Geographic Services and the Department obligations towards contribution to the body of public record, thereby minimizing the duplication of survey work and the recording of monuments that are tied to a state plane and to a standard vertical datum.

Geographic Services will solely be responsible for maintenance and evolution of the database and will maintain oversight as to data entry at all levels.

The database will be divided into seven components. One for Primary Control and six for Secondary Control. Geographic Services will maintain authority over the Primary while regions utilize and maintain authority over the Secondary. Key individuals in each region, acting as external contributors to the database will be responsible for the accuracy of their work.

Data Acquisition/Database history

This database represents a fourth generation of survey information systems within WSDOT. Previous card files and computer lists are generally not included in this system unless updated through modern procedures and techniques conforming to national standards.

Acquisition of information for primary control was originally made by transferring files stored "D base" format to "ACCESS" and then to "Power Point". The development of these modern systems coincided with the advent of the new North American Datum of 1983. Most all primary control information presently exists as an adjustment of that datum occurring in 1991 (NAD83/91).

In 1997, Geographic Services participated with the Department of Natural Resources, Snohomish County, Pierce County, and Thurston County in the construction of a generic database. The object of this endeavor was to align items within data systems of individual entities. As entry and retrieval systems become more available and practical the more common elements are needed for data transfer. The dialog of this committee and its product "Generic County Survey Monument Database" proved to be a valuable and useful tool in the compilation of WSDOT survey information.

The size and structure of survey data as it related to WSDOT Geographic Information Systems(GIS) development required the migration from ACCESS software to Power Builder, a WSDOT level playing field tool. Although Power Builder required extensive resources in time and expenses beyond that of ACCESS, it allowed for the database to be fully integrated into department-wide GIS systems.

Overall or system wide questions should be sent to

For information on a specific Monument or area check the
contacts page