Request for Approval of Materials

The Request for Approval of Materials (RAM) is used by contractors to request approval for materials to be used on state contracts. Find the RAM form and instructions on how to submit. 

The Request for Approval of Materials is used by contractors to request approval for materials used on state contracts. This form is for materials not listed in the QPL.

RAM Form 350-071 

You may use the editable RAM Form 350-071 (PDF Fill-able 323 KB) or print the RAM Form 350-071 (PDF 797 KB) but it cannot be edited.

View a sample form with instructions (PDF 93 KB) and then:

  1. Fill out the top section of the form with contract specific information.
  2. List items to be approved on the bottom section.
  3. Submit the form to the Project Office administering the contract.

Contractor's Guide for Materials Approval Submittal

Concrete Mix Design Checklists:

Slow down – lives are on the line. 

In 2023, speeding continued to be a top reason for work zone crashes.

Even one life lost is too many.

Fatal work zone crashes doubled in 2023 - Washington had 10 fatal work zone crashes on state roads.

It's in EVERYONE’S best interest.

95% of people hurt in work zones are drivers, their passengers or passing pedestrians, not just our road crews.