Region 43 consists of the state of Washington as designated by the Federal Communications Commission.
The National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee (NPSPAC) Region 43 800 MHz Regional Review Committee addresses allocation of spectrum in the public safety 800 MHz band. The FCC's National Plan for Public Safety Radio Services sets national guidelines for use of the 800 MHz spectrum while allowing regional public safety planning committees to develop regional plans tailored to their areas own particular communications needs.
The Plan was adopted by the FCC in 1991. This Plan provides a framework for the allocation of spectrum in the public safety 800 MHz band. The Region 43 Plan was subsequently revised in 1993 and will be periodically revised in order to serve the needs of the region. The Committee is also engaged in work with the 800 MHz Transition Administrator and other impacted parties in the re-banding of the 800 MHz band to resolve long-standing interference challenges in the band. Because 800 MHz spectrum ‘rebanding’ has substantially modified the channel assignment methodology used in the present plan, the Region 43 Plan will be updated by the Committee and all interested parties following completion of rebanding in Region 43.
The 800 MHz Committee normally meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. More information...
The National Coordinating Committee (NCC) 700 MHz Regional Planning Committee is responsible for establishing a regional plan for the use of the public safety channels that will become available as 700 MHz band is being reallocated from television broadcast services to various public safety and commercial services. The Committee is also responsible for planning and coordinating the use of the 4.9 GHz public safety band.
The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 directed the FCC to reallocate certain television spectrum in the 700 MHz band (TV Channels 60-69) to various public safety and commercial services. The Regional Planning Committee is responsible for establishing a regional plan for the use of the public safety channels that is consistent with national plan elements established by the NCC. The Region 43 700 MHz Plan was adopted by the Committee in January 2005 and approved by the FCC in 2006. The Committee is also responsible for planning and coordinating the use of the 4.9 GHz public safety band and a Plan was adopted by Region 43 in April 2005 and was approved by the FCC in 2006.
The 700 MHz Committee normally meets monthly on the last Wednesday of the month. More information...
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