PGSplice  3.0
Precast-prestressed Spliced Girder Bridges
Features and Capabilities

PGSplice has an extensive list of features and capabilities. Here we give you the highlights. You'll learn more about the features and capabilities as your read this User Guide and the Tutorials.


PGSplice has an extensive list of features. Here is a short list:

  • Specification compliance checking for the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications
  • Load Rating, including automatic load posting analysis, for the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation
  • Customizable project criteria including overrides and deviations from AASHTO provisions
  • Bridge-centric user interface
  • Detailed, graphically enhanced reports
  • Wide variety of graphical results
  • Customizable for all state departments of transportation
  • Girder stability analysis for lifting and hauling


A wide variety of bridge configurations can be modeled. Here is a short list of the modeling capabilities:

  • Complex alignments including horizontal curves with transition spirals, vertical curves, and superelevation transitions.
  • Modeling of spliced girder bridges with variable depth cantilever pier segments, drop-in field segments supported by strongback hangers, temporary erection towers, and multi-stage post-tensioning
  • Multiple span bridges with simple, integral, and continuous boundary conditions
  • Physical models of interior piers
  • Complex framing plans including flared (non-parallel) girders and different number and type of girder in each span
  • Sidewalks and pedestrian live loads
  • User defined vehicles
  • Non-linear time-step analysis using time-dependent material models from AASHTO LRFD, ACI 209, and CEB-FIP.