Precast-prestressed Spliced Girder Bridges
The purpose of the tutorials is to get you up and running with PGSplice as quickly as possible. Each tutorial highlights different aspects of the software. The tutorials are described below.
NOTE: PGSplice comes configured for WSDOT. The tutorials will be based on WSDOT girder sections. However, PGSplice is not limited to WSDOT girder sections. Any girder section conforming to the general type of Nebraska NU, I-Beams, and U-Beams can be used.
General Features
This tutorial highlights the major features of PGSplice. At times, we deviate from what might be considered "normal practice" to illustrate certain features. Please consider this tutorial a lesson on using PGSplice and not a lesson in spliced girder analysis.
Variable Depth Girders
This tutorial will highlight the modeling techniques for variable depth girders. We will look at a two span spliced girder bridge with a haunched pier segment.
Timeline Modeling
This tutorial will highlight the timeline modeling features of PGSplice.
While these tutorials provide you with a great deal of information, they barely scratch the surface of PGSplice. Additional information can be found in the User Guide and the Technical Guide.