Precast-prestressed Spliced Girder Bridges
PGSplice is Precast-Prestressed Spliced Girder design, analysis, and load rating software for the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. PGSplice is jointly developed by the Washington State and Texas Departments of Transportation.
PGSplice evaluates precast-prestressed spliced girder bridges in accordance with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specification. Load ratings are in accordance with the AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation. Analysis is performed using a detailed time-step method that supports the AASHTO LRFD, ACI209, and CEB-FIP time-dependent material models. PGSplice is easily configured to evaluate a variety of localized criteria such as those defined in State DOT Bridge Design Manuals. Specification checking evaluates girders for compliance with strength, service, and detailing criteria. Girder segments are evaluated for stresses and stability during handling and transportation. Temporary prestressing to improve stability during handling and shipping, control camber, and reduce concrete release strengths can also be considered. The capabilities and constraints of local fabricators can been accounted for in this software product.
PGSplice supports the following general families of girder sections:
PGSplice provides a Bridge-centric approach to bridge engineering software. Traditional bridge engineering software requires the engineer to focus his/her attention on cryptic data files, verbose problem oriented languages, or data driven graphical user interfaces. The Bridge-centric approach employs principles of visualization and direct manipulation resulting in software that enables the engineer to concentrate on the bridge at hand.
PGSplice can be customized to meet your needs through the use of Configurations, Plug-ins, and Extensions. Configurations define girder types, project criteria, and other information that supports an owner-agency's practices and policies. Configurations for several State DOT's are available. By changing configurations you can change how PGSplice works. Plug-ins and Extensions are typically developed by third parties. Plug-ins and extensions can add new functionality to the software.