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Revenue Package:
Project Title:
Project Pin:
Budget Line Item:
000005Q - Programmatic Investment for Traffic Operations Capital Projects
000009Q - Challenge Seattle
0000XXX - Permit Database Improvements
053255C - SR 532/Camano Island to I-5 Corridor Improvements (TPA)
095901W - Set Aside for Preservation Program Support Activities
099903M - Guardrail Retrofit Program (Nickel)
099903N - Bridge Rail Retrofit Program
099915E - Safety Rest Areas with Sanitary Disposal - Preservation Program
099955H - Seismic Bridges Program - High & Med. Risk (TPA)
099960P - Statewide Safety Rest Area Minor Projects and Emergent Needs
0BI1002 - Pedestrian & Bicycle Improvements
0BI100A - Mobility Reappropriation for Projects Assumed to be Complete
0BI100B - Nickel/TPA Projects Completed with Minor Ongoing Expenditures
0BI2010 - Collision Prevention
0BI2011 - Collision Reduction
0BI4001 - Fish Passage Barrier
0BI4002 - Noise Wall & Noise Mitigation Improvements
0BI4003 - Stormwater & Mitigation Site Improvements
0BI4004 - Chronic Environmental Deficiency Improvements
0BI4ENV - Environmental Mitigation Reserve - Nickel/TPA
0BP1001 - Chip Seal Roadways Preservation
0BP1002 - Asphalt Roadways Preservation
0BP1003 - Concrete Roadways Preservation
0BP2001 - Bridge Replacement Preservation
0BP2002 - Bridge Repair Preservation
0BP2003 - Bridge Scour Prevention Preservation
0BP2004 - Bridge Seismic Retrofit Preservation
0BP3001 - Emergency Relief Preservation
0BP3002 - Unstable Slopes Preservation
0BP3003 - Major Electrical Preservation
0BP3004 - Major Drainage Preservation
0BP3005 - Rest Areas Preservation
0BP3006 - Weigh Stations Preservation
0BP3007 - Preservation of Highway Safety Features
100098U - WA-BC Joint Transportation Action Plan - Int'l Mobility & Trade Corridor
100224I - US 2 High Priority Safety Project
100521W - I-5/NB Seneca St to SR 520 - Mobility Improvements
100904B - SR 9/176th Street SE to SR 96 - Widening
101822A - SR 18/Issaquah/Hobart Rd to Tigergate - Add Lanes
109947B - SR 99/Aurora Bridge - Painting
140504C - I-405/SR 167 Interchange - Direct Connector
140511A - I-405 South Downtown Access Study Support
140567H - I-405/NE 85th St Interchange - Toll Infrastructure
1405RRT - I-405/Bellevue to Lynnwood R&R - Preservation
152099V - SR 520/Evergreen Point Floating Bridge R&R - Preservation
152201C - SR 522/I-5 to I-405 - Multimodal Improvements
152234E - SR 522/Snohomish River Bridge to US 2 - Add Lanes
153203D - SR 532/General Mark W. Clark Memorial Bridge - Replace Bridge
153915A - SR 539/Lynden-Aldergrove Port of Entry Improvements
154229G - SR 542/Nooksack River - Redirect River and Realign Roadway
201701G - SR 17/Adams Co Line - Access Control
202801J - SR 28/E Wenatchee - Access Control
228501X - SR 285/W End of George Sellar Bridge - Intersection Improvements
300344D - SR 3/Belfair Area - Widening and Safety Improvements
300504A - I-5/Tacoma HOV Improvements (Nickel/TPA)
300596T - I-5/SR 510 to SR 512 - Mobility Improvements
310107B - US 101/Shore Rd to Kitchen Rd - Widening
310407D - SR104/Port Angeles Graving Dock Settlement and Remediation
3161XXX - SR 161/ Noise Wall
316204C - SR 162/Right of Way Acquisition for Tehaleh Development
316706C - SR 167/SR 410 to SR 18 - Congestion Management
350728A - SR 507/Vicinity East Gate Rd to 208th St E - Safety
400411A - SR 4/Abernathy Creek Br - Replace Bridge
400520D - I-5/0.5 Mile North of Interstate Bridge to NE 99th St SB - Bus Lane
400612A - SR 6/Rock Creek Br E - Replace Bridge
401409W - SR 14/Camas Washougal - Add Lanes and Build Interchange
410524E - SR 105/Graveyard Spit - Dynamic Revetment and Dune Restoration
420511A - I-205/Mill Plain Interchange to NE 18th St - Build Interchange - Stage 2
450208W - SR 502/I-5 to Battle Ground - Add Lanes
501203X - US 12/Frenchtown Vicinity to Walla Walla - Add Lanes
501210T - US 12/Nine Mile Hill to Woodward Canyon Vic - Build New Highway
501212I - US 12/SR 124 Intersection - Build Interchange
508201O - I-82/Valley Mall Blvd - Rebuild Interchange
508208M - I-82/Red Mountain Vicinity - Pre-Design Analysis
508208O - I-82/US 12 Interchange to Yakima Ave - Add lanes and Replace Bridges
509009B - I-90/Snoqualmie Pass East - Hyak to Keechelus Dam - Corridor Improvement
509016O - I-90/Canyon Rd Interchange - EB Ramp Terminal Improvements
524002G - SR 240/Richland Y to Columbia Center I/C - Add Lanes
609049B - I-90/Spokane to Idaho State Line - Corridor Design
700000E - ARRA Program Management
700001C - New Locomotives (8) (ARRA)
730310A - Tacoma- Point Defiance Bypass (ARRA)
770220A - Seattle- King Street Station Track Upgrades (ARRA)
809936Z - SR 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct - Replacement
809940B - SR 99/Viaduct Project - Construction Mitigation
816701C - SR 167/8th St E Vic to S 277th St Vic - Southbound Managed Lane
840502B - I-405/SR 181 to SR 167 - Widening
840541F - I-405/I-90 to SE 8th St - Widening
840551A - I-405/NE 8th St to SR 520 Braided Ramps - Interchange Improvements
850901F - SR 509/I-5 to Sea-Tac Freight & Congestion Relief
8BI1001 - I-405/South Renton Vicinity Stage 2 - Widening (Nickel/TPA)
8BI1002 - I-405/Kirkland Vicinity Stage 2 - Widening (Nickel/TPA)
8BI1003 - SR 520/ Bridge Replacement and HOV (Nickel/TPA)
900001G - Point Defiance Tml Preservation
900001H - Point Defiance Tml Improvement
900002G - Tahlequah Tml Preservation
900002H - Tahlequah Tml Improvement
900005M - Fauntleroy Tml Preservation
900005N - Fauntleroy Tml Improvement
900006S - Vashon Tml Preservation
900006T - Vashon Tml Improvement
900010L - Seattle Tml Preservation
900010M - Seattle Tml Improvement
900012K - Port Townsend Tml Preservation
900012L - Port Townsend Tml Improvement
900022I - Lopez Tml Preservation
900022J - Lopez Tml Improvement
900024F - Shaw Tml Preservation
900026P - Orcas Tml Preservation
900026Q - Orcas Tml Improvement
900028U - Friday Harbor Tml Preservation
900028V - Friday Harbor Tml Improvement
900040N - Eagle Harbor Maint Facility Preservation
900040O - Eagle Harbor Maint Facility Improvement
902017K - Coupeville (Keystone) Tml Preservation
902017M - Coupeville (Keystone) Tml Improvement
902020C - Anacortes Tml Preservation
902020D - Anacortes Tml Improvement
910413Q - Edmonds Tml Preservation
910413R - Edmonds Tml Improvement
910414P - Kingston Tml Preservation
916008R - Southworth Tml Preservation
930410T - Bremerton Tml Preservation
930410U - Bremerton Tml Improvement
930513G - Bainbridge Island Tml Preservation
930513H - Bainbridge Island Tml Improvement
944401D - MV Issaquah Preservation
944401E - MV Issaquah Improvement
944402D - MV Kittitas Preservation
944402E - MV Kittitas Improvement
944403D - MV Kitsap Preservation
944403E - MV Kitsap Improvement
944404D - MV Cathlamet Preservation
944404E - MV Cathlamet Improvement
944405D - MV Chelan Preservation
944405F - MV Chelan Improvement
944406D - MV Sealth Preservation
944406E - MV Sealth Improvement
944413B - MV Tillikum Preservation
944413C - MV Tillikum Improvement
944431D - MV Hyak Preservation
944431E - MV Hyak Improvement
944432G - MV Elwha Preservation
944432H - MV Elwha Improvement
944433D - MV Kaleetan Preservation
944433E - MV Kaleetan Improvement
944434D - MV Yakima Preservation
944434E - MV Yakima Improvement
944441B - MV Walla Walla Preservation
944441C - MV Walla Walla Improvement
944442B - MV Spokane Preservation
944442C - MV Spokane Improvement
944471A - MV Chetzemoka Preservation
944476B - MV Chetzemoka Improvement
944477A - MV Salish Preservation
944477B - MV Salish Improvement
944478B - MV Kennewick Preservation
944478C - MV Kennewick Improvement
944499C - MV Puyallup Preservation
944499D - MV Tacoma Preservation
944499E - MV Wenatchee Preservation
944499F - MV Puyallup Improvement
944499G - MV Tacoma Improvement
944499H - MV Wenatchee Improvement
952515P - Mukilteo Tml Improvement
952516R - Clinton Tml Preservation
952516S - Clinton Tml Improvement
990040W - MV Chimacum Preservation
990041W - MV Chimacum Improvement
990051A - MV Suquamish Improvement
990052A - MV Suquamish Preservation
998521A - RFP Development and Installation of a One Account-Based Ticketing System
998521B - Life Extension of Electronic Fare System (EFS)
998901J - WSF/Administrative Support - Allocated to W1
998901O - WSF/Systemwide - Dispatch System Replacement
998925A - Security System Upgrades Placeholder for W1
998926A - WSF/Systemwide Terminals - Out Biennia Security LCCM Preservation Needs
998951A - WSF/Administrative Support - Allocated to W2
998951F - Security System Upgrades for W2
998951P - New CMAQ Grants Placeholders
999910K - Emergency Repair
D300701 - Statewide Administrative Support
D309701 - Preservation and Improvement Minor Works Projects
D311701 - NPDES Facilities Projects
D3212301 - Radio Site HVAC Systems
D323TUMD - Facilities Tumwater Site Building Demolition Funding
D3400301 - Buildings - Clean Energy Compliance
D398136 - NPDES Facilities Construction and Renovation
D398898 - Existing Facilities Building Codes Compliance
D399301 - Olympic Region Headquarters Facility Site Debt Service
D3PW001 - Northup Pre-Wash NPDES
D3PW002 - Wandermere Pre-Wash NPDES
D3PW003 - Geiger Pre-Wash NPDES
F01000A - Statewide - Freight Rail Investment Bank
F01001A - Statewide - Emergent Freight Rail Assistance Projects
F01111B - Palouse River and Coulee City RR - Rehabilitation
G2000055 - Land Mobile Radio (LMR) Upgrade
G2000056 - Clark County Chelatchie Prairie RR (2017 FRAP)
G2000057 - Tidewater - Improve and Expand Existing Siding (2017 FRAP)
G2000059 - Washington and Idaho Railway - Track Rehabilitation (2017 FRAP)
G2000060 - Port of Pend Orielle - Usk to Newport Track Rehab (2017 FRAP)
G2000071 - Central Washington Railroad - Track Rehabilitation (2017 FRAP)
G2000072 - Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad-Grays Harbor At-Grade (2017 FRAP)
G2000075 - Eastern Washington Gateway RR - Hopper Railcars Purchase (2017 FRAP)
G2000080 - Electric Vessel RFP
G2000084 - Electric Ferry - Conversion
G2000087 - Electric Ferry Planning Team
G2000113 - SR 112 Preservation and maintenance
HSR001 - State Corridor Safety and Positive Train Control Compliance
HSR002 - Locomotive Service Equipment and Overhaul
HSR003 - Existing Passenger Rail Equipment Compatibility and Reliability
HSR004 - Point Defiance Bypass Revenue Service
HSR005 - Operational Modifications after new Service Launch
L1000006 - MV Tokitae Preservation
L1000007 - MV Samish Preservation
L1000008 - MV Tokitae Improvement
L1000009 - MV Samish Improvement
L1000016 - Primavera Project Management System
L1000033 - Lake Washington Congestion Management
L1000063 - #3 - 144-Capacity Vessel (MV Chimacum)
L1000098 - SR 520/124th St Interchange (Design and Right of Way)
L1000099 - I-5/Slater Road Interchange - Improvements
L1000110 - I-405/NE 132nd Interchange - Totem Lake
L1000111 - I-5/179th St Interchange
L1000113 - I-90/SR 18 Interchange Improvements
L1000114 - SR 531/43rd Ave NE to 67th Ave NE - Corridor Improvements
L1000120 - SR 164 East Auburn Access
L1000146 - Grays Harbor Rail Corridor Safety Study
L1000147 - South Kelso Railroad Crossing
L1000151 - Olympic Region Maintenance and Administration Facility
L1000157 - SR 14 Access Improvements
L1000158 - US 2 Trestle IJR
L1000163 - I-405 NB Hard Shoulder Running -- SR 527 to I-5
L1000167 - Bridge 12 (Salmon Creek) Replacement
L1000168 - Seattle Tml - Slip 2 and LCCM
L1000172 - Chelatchie Prairie Railroad - Railroad Tunnel Emergency Repairs
L1000180 - West Plains/Spokane International Airport Rail Development
L1000181 - PV Hooper Rail Line Improvements - Rail Siding
L1000191 - PV Hooper Track Improvements
L1000199 - SR 18 Widening - Issaquah/Hobart Rd to Raging River
L1000221 - Titlow Rail Bridge/Culvert Improvement - Metro Parks Tacoma
L1000233 - Chelatchie Prairie Railroad Roadbed Rehabilitation
L1000235 - Port of Moses Lake Northern Columbia Basin Railroad Feasibility Study
L1000239 - Grade Separation at Bell Road
L1000240 - SR 9/South Lake Stevens Road Roundabout
L1000242 - Spokane Airport Transload Facility
L1000247 - US 101/Morse Creek Safety Barrier
L1000276 - SR 162/410 Interchange Design and Right of Way Project
L1000280 - I-405/North 8th Street Direct Access Ramp in Renton
L1000291 - SR 224/ Red Mountain Improvements
L1000311 - Chelatchie Prairie Railroad Track Improvements
L1000312 - SR 162/SR 161 Additional Connectivity in South Pierce County
L1000324 - NW Seaport Alliance - Drayage Truck Demonstration Project
L1000325 - NW Seaport Alliance - Zero Emission Shorepower Demonstration Project
L1000329 - Grade Separation at Bell Road
L1000332 - SR 162/SR410 Center Turn Lane
L1000333 - Grady Way Overpass at Rainier BRT Access Study
L1000337 - Port of Bremerton Electrification
L1000338 - Port of Anacortes Electrification
L1000339 - Vessel Conversions MAW
L1000341 - Terminal Electrification MAW
L1000346 - Puyallup Tribe Port Electrification
L1000347 - Port of Longview Rail Corridor Expansion
L1000348 - Port of Quincy Rail Infrastructure Expansion
L1100048 - 31st Ave SW Overpass - Improvements
L1100080 - Port of Moses Lake
L1100083 - Port of Warden Rail Infrastructure Expansion
L1100101 - SR 520/148th Ave NE Overlake Access Ramp
L1100110 - I-5/Marvin Road/SR 510 Interchange
L2000006 - Vessel Project Support
L2000007 - Terminal Project Support
L2000057 - SR 26/Dusty to Colfax - Add Climbing Lanes
L2000061 - SR 28/SR 285, North Wenatchee Area Improvements
L2000074 - SR 14/ Wind River Junction
L2000075 - US 12/ Wildcat Bridge Replacement
L2000091 - SR 432 Longview Grade Crossing
L2000094 - I-90/Medical Lake & Geiger Interchanges
L2000099 - I-5/Mill Plain Boulevard
L2000102 - SR 14/I-205 to SE 164th Ave - Auxiliary Lanes
L2000109 - #4 - 144 capacity vessel
L2000110 - Ferry Vessel and Terminal Preservation
L2000116 - SR 107/Chehalis River Bridge (S. Montesano Bridge) Approach and Rail Rep
L2000117 - SR 501/I-5 to Port of Vancouver
L2000118 - SR 539/Guide Meridian
L2000119 - I-5/Northbound on-ramp at Bakerview
L2000122 - I-90/Barker to Harvard - Improve Interchanges & Local Roads
L2000123 - I-82/ EB WB On and Off Ramps
L2000124 - I-90/Front Street IJR
L2000127 - US 395/Ridgeline Intersection
L2000128 - US 395/Safety Corridor Improvements
L2000139 - I-5/156th NE Interchange in Marysville
L2000160 - I-5/Ship Canal Noise Wall
L2000166 - Clinton Tml Road Improvements
L2000169 - SR 20/Oak Harbor to Swantown Roundabout
L2000170 - SR 125/9th Street Plaza - Intersection Improvements
L2000173 - Connell Rail Interchange
L2000174 - SR 241/Mabton Bridge
L2000179 - Highline Grain LLC - PCC Central WA Branch Rehab (2015 FRAP)
L2000191 - Palouse River and Coulee City RR Rehabilitation (CW Pkg)
L2000201 - I-90/Eastgate to SR 900 - Corridor Improvements
L2000202 - SR 240/Richland Corridor Improvements
L2000203 - SR 155/Omak Bridge Rehabilitation
L2000204 - I-5/North Lewis County Interchange
L2000223 - I-5/Rebuild Chamber Way Interchange Improvements
L2000229 - I-5/NB Marine View Dr to SR 529 – Corridor & Interchange Improvements
L2000234 - I-405/SR 522 to I-5 Capacity Improvements
L2000236 - SR 26 & US 195 Safety Improvements
L2000238 - SR 900 Pedestrian Safety
L2000246 - SR 104 Realignment for Ferry Traffic
L2000255 - I-5/Exit 274 Interchange
L2000280 - SR 241/Sunnyside Vicinity Improvements
L2000287 - Northwest Region Headquarters Renovation
L2000289 - Rail Crossing Improvements at 6th Ave. and South 19th St.
L2000291 - SR 99 Tunnel R&R - Preservation
L2000300 - ORCA Card Next Generation
L2000301 - Maintenance Management System
L2000329 - #1 New Vessel - 144 Hybrid Electric
L2000338 - SR 99 Aurora Bridge ITS
L2000343 - US 101/East Sequim Corridor Improvements
L2000359 - Aberdeen US 12 Highway-Rail Separation
L2000361 - Jones/John Liner Road BNSF Railroad Undercrossing
L2021036 - Dayton Avenue COP Payments
L2021053 - Chelatchie Prarie Railroad Bridge and Rehab Work
L2021074 - Ultra High Speed Rail
L2021084 - SR 525 Bridge Replacement - Mukilteo
L2021089 - Liberty Park Land Bridge- Spokane
L2021118 - SR 900 Safety Improvements
L2021128 - I-5 Nisqually Delta: Marvin Rd to Mounts Rd
L2021138 - Spokane Transload Center Rail Extension
L2021144 - I-90 Camera Investments
L2021150 - Greenwater Rest Area Design and Site Improvements
L2021160 - SR 109 Bypass - Quinault
L2021183 - Hybrid Electric Olympic Class Procurement
L2200038 - #1 - 144-Capacity Vessel (MV Tokitae)
L2200039 - #2 - 144-Capacity Vessel (MV Samish)
L2200042 - SR 20 Race Road to Jacob's Road
L2200083 - ADA Visual Paging Project
L2220057 - Cascades Corridor Slide Prevention and Repair
L2220062 - SR 14/Bingen Underpass
L4000008 - I-5 Nisqually Delta
L4000010 - SR 104 Realignment for Ferry Traffic
L4000017 - SR 3/Gorst Area - Widening
L4000040 - Stormwater Retrofits & Improvements
L4000054 - I-5 Columbia River Bridge
L4000056 - US 2 Trestle Capacity Improvements & Westbound Trestle Replacement
L4000074 - Spokane International Airport Transload Rail Facility
L4000079 - Palouse River and Coulee City RR Rehabilitation (MAW Pkg)
M00100R - I-5 JBLM Corridor Improvements
M00400R - SR 520 Seattle Corridor Improvements - West End
M00500R - I-90 Snoqualmie Pass - Widen to Easton
M00600R - SR 167/SR 509 Puget Sound Gateway
M00800R - US 395 North Spokane Corridor
M00900R - I-405/Renton to Bellevue - Corridor Widening
N00200R - US Hwy 2 Safety
N00900R - SR 9/Marsh Road to 2nd Street Vic - Widening
N30500R - SR 305 Construction - Safety & Mobility Improvements
N52600R - SR 526 Corridor Improvements
N92040R - SR 9/SR 204 Interchange
NPARADI - SR 522/Paradise Lk Rd Interchange & Widening on SR 522 (Design/Engineeri
P02001A - Cascades Train Sets - Overhaul
PASGRANT - Terminal Passenger Ferry Grant projects
T10300R - SR 28 East Wenatchee Corridor Improvements
T10400O - I-82 West Richland - Red Mountain Interchange
T20400R - I-5 Federal Way - Triangle Vicinity Improvements
T20700SC - I-5/116th Street NE, 88th Street NE, and SR 528/Marine Drive Interchange
T20900R - US-12/Walla Walla Corridor Improvements
T21100R - I-82 Yakima - Union Gap Economic Development Improvements
T30400R - SR 3 Freight Corridor
T32700R - SR 510/Yelm Loop Phase 2
T32800R - SR 518 Des Moines Interchange Improvement
TNBPRES - SR 16/Tacoma Narrows Bridge R&R - Preservation
Show Project Detail
Project Status:
Not Started
Watch List Only
The Washington State Department of Transportation is provided funding by the State Legislature to make improvements and preserve the state’s transportation network.
This funding is provided for specific projects and programmatic investments on
legislative project lists
, referred to as Budget Line Items. Budget Line Items are identified through the use of Budget Item Numbers (BINs). For programmatic BINs, the State Legislature provides an investment level associated with the type of work and allows WSDOT to manage within that level. For project BINs, the Legislature has provided an expected scope for a corridor or section of roadway. This scope may be delivered by a single or through multiple projects.
This data is updated monthly and represents the most current cash flow and schedule information as permitted by legislative direction and the department’s program management policies.
The Programmatic Project search button shows those WSDOT projects associated with each programmatic category used in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Benton-Franklin Council of Governments MPA
Benton-Franklin Council of Governments
Chelan - Douglas Transportation Council MPA
Chelan - Douglas Transportation Council
Island RTPO
Northeast Washington RTPO
Okanogan Council of Governments RTPO
Palouse RTPO
Peninsula RTPO
Puget Sound Regional Council MPA
Puget Sound Regional Council
Quad-County RTPO
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council MPA
Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council
Skagit Council of Governments MPA
Skagit Council of Governments
Spokane Regional Transportation Council MPA
Spokane Regional Transportation Council
Southwest Washington RTPO
Thurston Regional Planning Council MPA
Thurston Regional Planning Council
Whatcom Council of Governments MPA
Whatcom Council of Governments
Walla Walla Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization MPA
Walla Walla Valley Sub-RTPO
Yakima Valley Conference of Governments MPA
Yakima Valley Conference of Governments
Grays Harbor
Pend Oreille
Walla Walla
Paving/safety Restoration
North Central
South Central
State Route:
Project Title:
Project Pin:
Title 23 CFR §450.216 outlines the requirements for grouping like projects into a single “programmatic” STIP entry. The use of this process greatly reduces the administrative effort associated with meeting the STIP requirement as federal funds are obligated. The programmatic STIP is currently used for P1 (paving) projects but the potential exists to expand the usage to other areas such as bridge repair, guardrail and other programmatic preservation projects.
Programmatic entries are based on information contained in the latest ten year plan snapshot and are not updated throughout the year. In order to view the current project data use the ‘Project Delivery Status’ search tab on the left. The data on this tab is regularly updated and contains current delivery assumptions.
Search for project web pages based on project location.
State Route:
SR 3
SR 4
SR 6
SR 7
SR 8
SR 9
SR 14
SR 16
SR 17
SR 18
SR 19
SR 20
SR 21
SR 22
SR 24
SR 25
SR 26
SR 27
SR 28
SR 31
SR 92
SR 96
SR 99
SR 103
SR 104
SR 105
SR 106
SR 109
SR 112
SR 116
SR 124
SR 142
SR 150
SR 160
SR 161
SR 162
SR 164
SR 167
SR 169
SR 171
SR 194
SR 202
SR 203
SR 206
SR 231
SR 240
SR 241
SR 243
SR 270
SR 276
SR 282
SR 285
SR 290
SR 291
SR 302
SR 303
SR 304
SR 305
SR 307
SR 410
SR 432
SR 433
SR 500
SR 502
SR 503
SR 508
SR 509
SR 510
SR 515
SR 516
SR 518
SR 519
SR 520
SR 520 Bridge
SR 522
SR 524
SR 525
SR 526
SR 527
SR 528
SR 529
SR 530
SR 531
SR 532
SR 536
SR 539
SR 542
SR 543
SR 599
SR 704
SR 821
SR 823
SR 900
SR 902
SR 903
SR 971
US 2
US 12
US 97
US 97 A
US 101
US 195
US 395
Bremerton Econ
Chip Seal
Pierce County HOV
Quieter Pavement
Adams County
Asotin County
Benton County
Chelan County
Clallam County
Clark County
Columbia County
Cowlitz County
Douglas County
Ferry County
Franklin County
Garfield County
Grant County
Grays Harbor County
Island County
Jefferson County
King County
Kitsap County
Kittitas County
Klickitat County
Lewis County
Lincoln County
Mason County
Okanogan County
Pacific County
Pend Oreille County
Pierce County
San Juan County
Skagit County
Skamania County
Snohomish County
Spokane County
Statewide County
Stevens County
Thurston County
Wahkiakum County
Walla Walla County
Whatcom County
Whitman County
Yakima County
Undefined County
Revenue Package:
Federal Stimulus
Project Title:
Project Status:
The Washington State Department of Transportation is provided funding by the State Legislature to make improvements and preserve the state’s transportation network.
This funding is provided for specific projects and programmatic investments on
legislative project lists
, referred to as Budget Line Items. Budget Line Items are identified through the use of Budget Item Numbers (BINs). For programmatic BINs, the State Legislature provides an investment level associated with the type of work and allows WSDOT to manage within that level. For project BINs, the Legislature has provided an expected scope for a corridor or section of roadway. This scope may be delivered by a single or through multiple projects.
This data is updated monthly and represents the most current cash flow and schedule information as permitted by legislative direction and the department’s program management policies.
Map Search Results
Search Results
Detail Search Results
Information on this site is updated monthly.