Transportation Data, GIS & Modeling

This page is being retired.

Drawings for new interchange locations are only available through the WSDOT Interchange Viewer Web App.

All old HTML web pages are being retired for security reasons and will soon be inaccessible. We have made changes to the search functions of the WSDOT Interchange Viewer Web App and added notations on how to use the Web App to improve your experience. Please contact us if you need assistance.


Interchange Viewer

SR 502


The following drawings are ordered by milepost (MP) for the state route (SR) and are in .pdf format:


Drawings for SR 502
  MP 7 - SR 503/Main St



The following drawing includes the State Route that you have selected, but is referenced under
a different state highway:

Additional Drawings Associated with SR 502
  SR 5/Exit 11 - SR 502