TOGA  3.0
Texas Optional Girder Analysis
Girder View Tab

View the elevation and cross section for the current girder data on this tab. The original girder or fabricator optional design configurations may be viewed. Use "Select Girder" to toggle between the two.

The location of the cross section cut can be changed either by dragging the section cut object with the mouse, clicking on the "Section Cut Offset" button, or by right-clicking on the view and selecting the location from the context menu.

Note: This tab can not be accessed until all data on the Bridge Input tab has been filled out correctly.

Girder View Settings

Change which items are displayed on the elevation and section views via the Girder View Settings Dialog. This dialog is accessible from the View main menu, or from right-clicking in the view and selecting the option from the context menu.

Elevation View Settings

Customize the girder elevation view by enabling or disabling the various view attributes.

Item Description
Show Strands When checked, the prestressing strands are shown
Show Longitudinal Reinforcement When checked, the longitudinal reinforcement is shown
Show Transverse Reinforcement (Stirrups) When checked, the transverse reinforcement (stirrups) are shown
Show C.G. of Prestress Force When checked, the center of gravity of the prestressing force is show with a red and white dashed line.
Show Dimensions When checked, the longitudinal girder dimensions are shown
Schematic When checked, the girder is drawn as a schematic skewed to fit the screen, otherwise it is drawn with the height and width in the correct proportions.

Section View

Customize the girder section view by enabling or disabling the various view attributes. This view is always drawn with accurate proportions.

Item Description
Show Strands When checked, the prestressing strands are shown
Show Longitudinal Reinforcement When checked, the longitudinal reinforcement is shown
Show C.G. of Prestress Force When checked, the center of gravity of the prestressing force is show with a red and white target symbol.
Show Dimensions When checked, the girder section dimensions are shown