Precast-prestressed Girder Bridges
The deck type selected on the General tab and the deck casting event are listed at the top of this tab.
Use the drop down list to select event when the deck casting activity occurs.
NOTE: For time-step analysis only
Define the cross section of the deck
Item | Description |
Gross Depth | Enter the gross depth of the cast-in-place slab |
Cast Depth | Enter the cast depth of a deck build with stay-in-place precast deck panels |
Overhang Edge Depth | Enter the depth of the deck at the edge of the overhang |
Overhang Taper | Use the drop down list to select the shape of the deck overhang |
Panel Depth | Depth of the stay-in-place precast deck panels |
Panel Support Width | Support width of the stay-in-place precast deck panels |
Define the edge of deck in plan view.
Item | Description |
Deck Edge Offset grid | Enter offsets to the left and right edge of the deck. (See below for more details) |
[Add] | Add a deck edge offset point. |
[Remove] | Remove the selected deck edge offset point. |
Item | Description |
Station | Station where the deck edge point is defined |
Measured From | Select the location from which the offsets are measured |
Left Offset | Normal offset from the specified location to the left edge of the deck. |
Right Offset | Normal offset from the specified location to the right edge of the deck. |
Transition | Select a transition type from the drop down list. |
The deck edge offset point transition defines how the edge of deck to the next.
Transition | Description |
Parallel | The edge of deck parallels the alignment and bridge line. The offset at the next point is exactly the same as the previous point |
Linear | The edge of deck is a straight line between deck edge offset points. |
Spline | The edge of deck is a cubic spline curve between deck edge offset points. |
Define the geometry of the slab haunch
Item | Description |
Haunch Shape | Select the shape of the slab haunch. This setting is for graphical presentation purposes only |
Fillet* | Enter the depth of the slab fillet. A single Fillet value is defined for the whole bridge. |
Slab Offset ("A" Dimension) | Enter the slab offset dimension for the bridge. Note that a single Slab Offset can be defined for the whole bridge, per bearing line, or per girder. |
Assumed Excess Camber + | Enter the excess camber that is used to define the parabolic haunch depth used for computing composite section properties and/or haunch dead load. Note that this option is only available if the parabolic option is selected for computing composite section properties or haunch loading in the current Project Criteria library entry. |
* The Fillet is the least allowable haunch depth along a girder, and is used by PGSuper to compute the required “A” dimension during a specification check and design. Refer to Slab Offset ("A" Dimension, "X" Dimension) section of the Technical Manual for more information.
+ Refer to the Slab Haunch loading section of Structural Analysis Models for more information. Refer to Section Properties in the Technical Guide for detailed information about haunch depth is used when computing composite section properties.
Define the deck material
Item | Description |
f'c | Concrete strength |
Ec | When checked, enter the modulus of elasticity. Otherwise, the modulus of elasticity is computed from the AASHTO equation |
[More Properties...] | Press to enter more detailed information about the concrete or copy a predefined concrete from the library |
Define the bridge deck wearing surface
Item | Description |
Wearing Surface Type | Use the drop down list to select the wearing surface type |
Installation | Use the drop down list to select the installation event (PGSplice only) |
Sacrificial Depth | Enter the sacrificial depth of the deck |
Overlay Weight | When selected, the overlay dead load is defined by a pressure load. Enter the pressure load |
Overlay Depth | When selected, the overlay dead load is defined by the depth of the overlay and a unit weight. |
Use the drop down list to enter the condition of the deck. If a condition of "Other" is selected, enter the condition factor.