Precast-prestressed Girder Bridges
Define project criteria for shear capacity analysis.
Select the method for computing shear capacity.
Enter the coefficient for computing the modulus of rupture for determining the cracking moment.
Enter the normal and lightweight concrete resistance factors. Note the LRFD 8th Edition (2017) added separate resistance factors for dedonded and fully bonded sections.
Enter the normal and lightweight concrete resistance factors.
Enter parameters for LRFD equations and These parameters define the maximum stirrup spacing as a fraction of the shear depth, dv, and a maximum value.
Select a method for computing longitudinal reinforcement for shear capacity. The longitudinal mild reinforcement in the girder will be included in the analysis if the box is checked.
Select a method for computing horizontal interface shear.
Define the maximum spacing of interface shear connectors for LRFD (pre-2017: