Precast-prestressed Girder Bridges
Define the load rating parameters for Legal level ratings
Item | Description |
Live Load Vehicles | Select the live loads to be included in the load rating calculations for Routine Commercial Vehicles, Specialized Hauling Vehicles, and Emergency Vehicles. If no live loads are selected a load rating will not be performed. |
Dynamic Load Allowances | Input the truck and lane dynamic load allowance factors. |
Exclude Lane Load and use 1.0 Truck Factor | The lane load and 0.75 truck factor for the AASHTO Legal Loads are excluded when this box is checked. See MBE 6A.4.4.2.a for guidance. |
Enter the load factors for the Strength I and Service III limit states. Enter the keyword "Compute" if the live load factors are to be computed based on the requirements of the rating criteria.
Item | Description |
Rate for Service III Stresses | Check the box if Service III stresses are to be included in the load rating. |
Allowable Tension | Enter the allowable tension stress coefficient |
Rate for Shear | Check the box if shear is to be included in the load rating. |