PGSuper  4.1
Precast-prestressed Girder Bridges
Custom Report Definition

Define a custom report by selecting and ordering chapters.

Item Description
Report Name Enter a name for your custom report
Use Chapters from Parent Select a parent report to base this report on.
Include this Report in Favorites Check this box to designate this report as one of your favorites
Available Chapters List of available chapters
Selected Chapters Chapters selected for this custom report
[>>>>>>] Add the selection in the Available Chapters list to the Selected Chapters list
[<<<<<<] Remove the selected chapters from the Selected Chapters list
[>>ALL>>] Move all chapters from the Available Chapters list to the Selected Chapters list
[<<ALL<<] Remove all chapters from the Selected Chapters list
[Move Up] Move the selected chapters up in the chapter order
[Move Down] Move the selected chapters down in the chapter list.