Precast-prestressed Girder Bridges
Automatically fill selected entries in the live load distribution factors grids with computed values. Data in the input grid data will be replaced by computed or input values for the selected girder(s) or Pier(s).
This is a one-time operation. Values will NOT be automatically updated if the bridge is later modified.
NOTE: If computation fails for any girder (probably due to range of applicability reasons), an error message will be posted and grid data remains unchanged.
Select the method to compute the live load distribution factors.
The options for computation methods and Range of Applicability are the same as those on the Live Load Distribution Factors window. However, the data will only be filled once and then you can change any data in the grid to suit your needs.
Selecting this option causes all live load distribution factors to be computed with the lever rule.
This option allows a single value to be assigned to all selected girders and piers in the grid.
Select the span and girders that the live load distribution factors are to be computed for.
Select the pier and girders that the live load distribution factors are to be computed for.
Press [Fill Input Grid Using Selected Options] cause the live load distribution factors to be computed, the grids to be populated, and close this window.