PGSplice  3.0
Precast-prestressed Spliced Girder Bridges

Define the general attributes of a precast segment.


Select the construction events for this segment.

Item Description
Construction Select the event when the segment is constructed
Erection Select the event when the segment is erected

Section Variation

Define variations in the segment depth.

Item Description
Variation Type Select a segment profile variation type from the drop down list. If the only option in the list is "None" this girder types does not support profile variations.
Length Enter the length of the variation
Height Enter the overall height of the segment at the end of the variation
Bottom Flange Depth If checked, the bottom flange depth is also variable. Enter the depth of the bottom flange at the ends of the variations.

Precast segments can also have end blocks.

Item Description
Length Length of the constant width portion of the end block
Transition Length Length of the transition from the end block section to the typical section
Width The width of the end block at the end of the girder

See Defining a Girder in the User Guide for more details about defining variations in the segment depth.

Precast Segment Concrete Properties

Define the properties of the segment concrete.

Item Description
f'ci/f'c Enter the concrete strength
Eci/Ec When checked, enter the modulus of elasticity, otherwise it is computed
[More Properties...] Press to define additional details.