The requirement of the LRFD Section “Control of Cracking by Distribution of Reinforcement” for skin reinforcement shall be modified as follows: If the depth of non-prestressed or partially prestressed members, h, exceeds 3.0 ft., longitudinal skin reinforcement shall be uniformly distributed along both side faces of component for a distance dt/2 from the tension face. It shall be permitted to include such reinforcement in strength computations if a strain compatibility analysis is made to determine stress in the individual bars or strands. Equation shall be revised as follows:
![]() Where: dt = distance from extreme
compression fiber to centroid of extreme tension
steel (in.) The total area of longitudinal skin reinforcement (per face) need not exceed one-fourth of the required flexural tensile reinforcement As+Aps. The maximum spacing of skin reinforcement shall not exceed either dt/6 or 12 in. Background
cc: Mohammad Sheikhizadeh, Bridge Construction - 47354