The stamping and signing of bridge plans is the final step in the Bridge Design QC/QA procedure. It signifies a review of the plans and details by those in responsible charge for the bridge plans. At least one Licensed Structural Engineer shall stamp and sign each contract plan sheet. For all contract plan sheets prepared by the WSDOT Bridge Design Office, the following professional seal and signature policies shall be considered:
2. For contract plans prepared by an unlicensed bridge engineer under the direction and supervision of a licensed structural engineer, the Unit Manager and the Bridge Design Engineer co-seal and sign the plans, except the bridge layout sheet. The bridge layout sheet is sealed and signed by the State Bridge and Structures Engineer or, in the absence of the State Bridge and Structures Engineer, the Bridge Design Engineer. 3. For Non Standard Retaining Walls and Noise Barrier Walls, Sign Structures, Seismic Retrofits, Expansion Joint and Bearing Modifications, Traffic Barrier and Rail Retrofits, and other special projects, the licensed designer and the Unit Manager co-seal and sign the plans except for the layout sheet. The layout sheets for these projects are sealed and signed by the State Bridge and Structures Engineer or, in the absence of the State Bridge and Structures Engineer, the Bridge Design Engineer. A list of Bridge Design Office Unit Managers and Specialists is available for viewing at:
The intent is to have at least one structural seal and signature on all contract plan sheets. The new signature policy meets the requirements of WAC 196-23, Stamping and Seals. With this change, our licensed bridge engineers are empowered to seal and sign their own work, which facilitates a sense of ownership and responsibility.
cc: Mohammad Sheikhizadeh, Bridge Construction - 47354