Jacking stress Yield strength of the strand
Moment caused by diaphragms and other external loads applied to the non-composite girder section Moment caused by all superimposed dead loads including traffic barriers and overlays
Location of the centroid of the non-composite girder measured from the bottom of the girder Location of the centroid of the composite girder measured from the bottom of the girder The Approximate Estimate of Time-Dependent Prestress Losses as described below may be employed for calculations of temporary prestress losses. PG Super and PG Splice programs will be using the Approximate Method for temporary Prestress Loss calculations.
WSDOT Standard Specifications section 6-02.3(25)M will be modified to reflect the new practice.
The approximate estimate of prestress losses described in LRFD Article and BDM Section 5.1.4 are suitable for specific cross sections, loadings and environmental conditions. The approximate method simplifies the prestress loss calculations but with the extensive use of computer software by the bridge designers this simplification is irrelevant. The approximate method could still be used for temporary losses due to lifting, shipping and erection of precast prestressed girders. Derivation of approximate method for temporary losses is described below.
The time dependent loss at the time of hauling is:
The first term relates to the effects of shrinkage, the second to the effects of creep, and the third to relaxation. The loss due to shrinkage at time of hauling is:
For standard precast girders the transformed section age-adjusted effective modulus of Most prestressing is transferred within the first day of concrete placement and the Generally, the concrete stress at the bottom fibers at service is kept close to zero. Thus, the individual stresses The approximate shrinkage and creep losses are roughly one forth of the final loss. The total relaxation loss is 2.5ksi so it is reasonable to approximate relaxation at time of hauling as 0.6ksi. Using an average value for the relative humidity correction factor and changing notation to avoid confusion with the refined method, the time dependent loss at time of hauling can be approximated by
cc: Mohammad Sheikhizadeh, Bridge Construction - 47354
A. Unchanged B. Unchanged C. Time-Dependent Losses
Jacking stress Yield strength of the strand (
Moment caused by diaphragms and other external loads applied to the non-composite girder section Moment caused by all superimposed dead loads including traffic barriers and overlays
Location of the centroid of the non-composite girder measured from the bottom of the girder Location of the centroid of the composite girder measured from the bottom of the girder D. Temporary Losses
Lifting of girders from casting beds