FROM: J. Kapur - 47340 SUBJECT: Spiral Lap Splice Deleted The spiral lap splice detail shown on page 9.2-6 of the Bridge Design Manual shall no longer be used. It is also being deleted from the MicroGDS library and future LRFD edition of the BDM. Only welded lap splice detail shall be shown in the plans. If a contactor prefers to use the lap splice option, the request will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Although the lap splice detail is structurally acceptable, and permissible by the code, it causes construction challenges. While casting concrete, the tremie gets caught in the protruding 10 in. hooks, making accessibility to all areas and its withdrawal cumbersome. If there are any questions regarding this, please contact Jugesh Kapur at 705-7209 JK:dsb cc: J. A. Weigel, Bridge and Structures - 47340