• Project

SR 9 – Marsh Road to 2nd Street Vicinity – Widening & Bridge Painting

Project overview

This project will widen State Route 9 between Marsh Road and 2nd Street near the city of Snohomish, build southbound bridges directly to the west of the existing bridges—which will become northbound lanes—over the Snohomish River, and rebuild the on-ramp from 2nd Street to southbound SR 9. It also includes repainting the existing bridge.

2019 - 2026
Project status
$142 Million

What to expect

Construction is projected to start in early 2025. This project may require the following closures at various points during construction:

  • Nightly full or one-directional closures of ramps and mainline SR 9
  • Short (up to 2-weeks) and/or long term (up to 6-months) closures of Lowell Rd
  • Partial closures of Marsh Rd and Airport Way

WSDOT will widen SR 9 to two lanes in each direction between Marsh Road and 2nd Street in Snohomish, build new bridges to carry southbound traffic, modify 2nd Street on- and off-ramps to connect with the wider highway, and paint the existing bridge.