Around Seattle/Tacoma
Transit is the regional
transportation system used
to get around from
Seattle to Tacoma. Sound
Transit includes ST Express
buses, Tacoma Link light
rail, and Sounder Commuter
trains. Link light rail
offers a free shuttle from
the Tacoma Dome parking
lot through Downtown Tacoma
and includes a stop one
block from the Sheraton
Hotel Conference location.
different modes of public
transportation in Seattle
include riding by bus,
the monorail, waterfront
trolley, or the West Seattle
Water Taxi. For details,
please visit this popular
Seattle Web site:
Visiting Seattle - Seattle
101, A Guide for Travelers
and Tourists
Tacoma many people drive,
but public transportation
is readily available here
as well. At the Sea Tac Airport
and within the city of
Tacoma you will find public
transit and taxis. The
bus system for the Tacoma
area, Pierce
Transit, has
a number of bus lines that
run every half hour or
every hour.
Transit for NTPAW delegates
and guests!
can get around downtown
Tacoma, Seattle, and to
the airport by riding Washington's
first-rate public transportation
Tacoma Link Light
Rail is FREE and runs
every 10 minutes, Monday
through Saturday, and every
10 to 20 minutes on Sunday.
You can pick up light
rail one block from the Sheraton
Hotel and ride it around
town or to the Tacoma
Dome Station where you can
connect to express bus
service to Seattle.
Our local transit
systems, Pierce
Transit, and King
County Metro, have all
donated bus tickets for
Stop by the conference
registration desk to
pick up your FREE bus
tickets, map, and schedules.
View alternative modes of
transportation and approximate
costs between Sea-Tac
Airport and the Sheraton
Hotel .
more detailed information
on how to get around
Tacoma, see the sites below:
Transit Trip Planner
Inside Tacoma: Getting
Around - TripAdvisor
a Visitor Guide
a Visitor Guide (sections
or full guide)
Tacoma and Pierce County
Video - Tacoma Regional
Convention & Visitor Bureau
See also Transportation
between Sea-Tac Airport
and the Sheraton Hotel