Operations at http://wsdot.wa.gov/Traffic/api/WeatherInformation/WeatherInformationREST.svc
This page describes the service operations at this endpoint.
Uri | Method | Description |
GetCurrentWeatherForStationsAsJson | GET | Using a comma separated list of station ids, return the weather information for WSDOT maintained weather stations in XML format |
GetCurrentWeatherForStationsAsXML | GET | Using a comma separated list of station ids, return the weather information for WSDOT maintained weather stations in JSON format |
GetCurrentWeatherInformationAsJson | GET | Return current weather information for all WSDOT maintained weather stations in JSON format |
GetCurrentWeatherInformationAsXml | GET | Return current weather information for all WSDOT maintained weather stations in XML format |
GetCurrentWeatherInformationByStationIDAsJson | GET | Return weather information for a specific WSDOT maintained weather station in JSON format |
GetCurrentWeatherInformationByStationIDAsXml | GET | Return weather information for a specific WSDOT maintained weather station in XML format |
SearchWeatherInformationAsJson | GET | Return weather information over given time for specified WSDOT maintained weather station in JSON format |
SearchWeatherInformationAsXml | GET | Return weather information over given time for specified WSDOT maintained weather station in XML format |