▼NTravelerAPI | |
▼NAdmin | |
CBridgeOpeningDAL | |
▼NController | |
CBridgeOpeningController | Information about bridge closures due boat passage |
CScanwebController | Weather information containing additional readings Access via: https://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/api/api/Scanweb?AccessCode={YourAPIAccessCode} |
▼NModels | |
CBridgeOpeningModel | Information about a bridge opening |
CScanwebSiteModel | Definition for a Scanweb station |
CAlert | A Highway Alert. |
CArea | List of map areas available for traffic alert queries |
CBorderCrossingData | Information about Canadian border crossing wait times |
CBorderCrossings | Coverage Area: I-5, SR-543, SR-539, and SR-9 crossings. Provides current wait times for the various border crossings into Canada. |
CBridgeDataGIS | A record containing the location and clearance information of a bridge structure |
CCamera | Information about traffic camera |
CClearance | Bridge clearance information, see disclaimer |
CCVRestrictionData | Represents a Commercial Vehicle Restriction |
CCVRestrictionDataWithId | Represents a Commercial Vehicle Restriction, includes an unique identifier |
CCVRestrictions | Coverage Area: Statewide. Provides list of restrictions for commercial vehicles. |
CFlowData | A data structure that represents a Flow Station. |
CHighwayAlerts | Coverage Area: Statewide. Provides access to all of the active incidents currently logged in our ROADS system. |
CHighwayCameras | Coverage Area: Statewide. Provides access to the camera images that appear on our Traffic pages. Currently only supports snap shots (not full video). The available cameras does not change very often. |
CMountainPassConditions | Coverage Area: 15 passes (see http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/passes/). Provides real-time data on pass conditions. The data is provided by the Mountain Pass Entry system. |
CPassCondition | A data structure that represents the conditions of the mountain pass. |
CRoadwayLocation | Describes a specific location on a WA State Highway. |
CScanwebSubSurfaceMeasurements | Measurements recorded by sub-surface sensors |
CScanwebSurfaceMeasurements | Meaurements recorded by surface sensors |
CTollingController | Get information for the HOV toll lanes. |
CTollRate | Toll information for HOV toll lanes |
CTollTripInfo | A data contract that represents Trip Information details. |
CTollTrips | A data contract that represents Toll Trips. |
CTollTripVersion | A data contract that represents published Toll Trip Version number |
CTrafficFlow | Coverage Area: Vancouver, Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane. Data is provided by regional Traffic Management Centers. Provides real-time data on our Traffic Flow sensor for the entire state. Possible conditions include ‘Unknown’, ‘WideOpen’, ‘Moderate’, ‘Heavy’, ‘StopAndGo’, ‘NoData’. In most cases, this data will be updated every 90 seconds. |
CTravelRestriction | A travel restriction for mountain passes. |
CTravelTimeRoute | Data structure that represents a travel time route. |
CTravelTimes | Coverage Area: Seattle, Tacoma, Snoqualmie Pass. Provides travel times for many popular travel routes around Washington State. |
CTripRate | A data contract that represents Trip rate information. |
CWeatherInfo | Current information from a weather station |
CWeatherInformation | Returns current weather information from weather stations that are run by the Washington State Department of Transportation |
CWeatherReading | Information from a weather station |
CWeatherStationData | Contains information about weather stations |
CWeatherStations | Return current list of weather stations maintained by WSDOT |