Project Details

Project Details
Agency Aberdeen
Project # 5035003
Project Title Downtown Aberdeen Revitalization Traffic Improvements
WSDOT Region Olympic
Legislative District 024
Congressional District 06
Project Description Replace 2 signalized intersections by installing a five legged roundabout at the intersection of Fuller Way/F Street and Market Street.
Project Type Improvement
Project Funding
Fund ProgramAmount
STP Regional$1,907,556.00
Federal Total$1,907,556.00
Total Project Cost (see NOTE below)$2,205,267.00
Project Milestones
Preliminary Engineering Authorized 07-11-2017
Environmental Approved 06-22-2021
Right of Way Certified 07-19-2021
Construction Authorized 08-05-2021
LEGEND:  Design  Right of Way  Construction  Complete  Delayed
NOTE: Total project cost only reflects the current costs for the project milestones authorized above. For example, if construction is not authorized, the total project cost shown does not include costs to construct.