US 2/SR 204/20th Street SE Interchange Justification Report
Online Open House and Survey
The Washington State Department of Transportation is studying the US 2/SR 204/20th Street SE Interchange and looking to the public for help identifying existing issues and potential future improvements at the interchange. Please read through the information below before taking the short online survey.
Why is this important to you?
You drive through the interchange regularly, you know the challenges that exist. Please take our short survey to help the study team identify issues the public struggles with on a daily basis.
Why is WSDOT studying the US 2, SR 204, 20th Street SE interchange?
The population of Snohomish County has more than doubled since 1980, with another 200,000 residents expected by 2035. This growth will add pressure to the county’s high-traffic routes, including the commute congestion at the US 2, SR 204 and 20th Street SE interchange.

How is WSDOT studying the US 2, SR 204, 20th Street SE interchange?

In December 2016, WSDOT formed a study support team with representatives from Snohomish County, Community Transit, and the cities of Lake Stevens, Everett, Monroe and Marysville. This team is currently working to identify existing issues and potential future improvements at the interchange. Additionally, WSDOT is fielding a public survey (link provided below) to gather information from the people that drive the corridor regularly. The study support team will provide feedback and direction on the future potential improvements throughout the study. The survey will identify the public’s perception of the challenges on the roadway. The information gathered from the survey will inform the IJR support team on their final report.
What is the final result?
This is a planning study that uses feedback from the public to identify future projects to improve the US 2, SR 204 and 20th Street SE interchange.

How you can participate?
You know the interchange well and drive it often, so we want your input on the key issues and how the interchange can be improved. Please carefully read the information above and then take our online survey at the link below.
Technical difficulties?
Email us or call us at (425) 445-4759
How can I get more information?
Contact Amanda Reykdal, Communications,