Why is the panel meeting?
In December 2014, the Sound Transit Board updated its regional transit Long-Range Plan, which serves as the basis for where mass transit should expand after the current set of projects, funded through Sound Transit 2, are complete in 2023. In 2015, the Board began the process for shaping a Sound Transit 3 (ST3) ballot measure identifying further transit expansions for voter consideration as soon as November 2016.

State law requires the creation of an independent review panel to ensure that key assumptions used in the development of high-capacity transportation plans are reasonable. The expert panel provides independent technical review of the primary assumptions and methodologies used by Sound Transit as the ST3 plan is developed.

How were the panel members selected?
According to state law the panel shall consist of five to 10 members who are experts in such fields as transit operations, planning, emerging transportation technologies, engineering, finance, law, the environment, geography, economics and political science. The law also states that panel members will be appointed jointly by the co-chairs of the Joint Transportation Committee, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation, and the Governor.

How often does the panel meet?
The panel meets approximately once per quarter. The meeting schedule is determined by the timing of work and analysis completed by Sound Transit, and the timing of Sound Transit Board decisions related to ST3.

Will the panel be making recommendations about which high-capacity transit projects should be included in the next phase of capital projects?
No. The panel's role is to review and comment on the underlying assumptions and methodologies that are being used by Sound Transit to develop the ST3 proposal. The panel will not be making recommendations regarding which projects to include in the plan.

To whom will the panel's recommendations or findings go? What will those decision-makers do with the panel's advice?
The panel's findings will be sent to the Co-Chairs of the Joint Transportation Committee, the Governor, the Secretary of Transportation, the Puget Sound Regional Council, as well as the Sound Transit Board and its Chief Executive Officer. The panel is an advisory committee. Its recommendations will be considered by those entities as they make decisions about the region's high-capacity transportation system.

When will Sound Transit make final decisions about projects to be included in ST3?
The Sound Transit Board is developing a potential list of priority projects. This list will consist of projects from the Long-Range Plan and will be shared with the public for review and feedback in summer 2015. After making any needed refinements based on public input, the planning process will move forward with evaluation of the selected projects. Evaluation will help further prioritize projects and inform development of a draft ballot measure for further public input in early 2016.

See Sound Transit's website for updates.

How can I be notified of upcoming Panel meetings?
Sign up for updates by emailing the Panel Administrator: ST3ExpertPanelReview@gmail.com
You will be notified of upcoming meetings and receive agendas for those meetings via email.

Are the panel meetings open to the public?
Yes, panel meetings are open to the public.

Who can I contact to find out more information about the Panel?
Contact the panel administrator, John Howell, at ST3ExpertPanelReview@gmail.com